
Victor's Plans

"Such fools you'll never catch me."


"Well boss what's the plan now Acheron got captured and Forneus killed."

"Well it's time for Plan B, I guess it's your turn to shine."

"Ah, finally that's what im talking about."

"Don't disappoint me Ran."

"Don't worry about it boss we'll surely get the chance to put the council into panic."

"By the way Usha, how was the intelligence back there with there fight against that kid you mentioned."

"Well.. that kid is dangerous."

"Huh, you sound serious about it how strong is this guy exactly?"

"Not to offend you boss but, he may even be greater in rank than you."

"His presence just emit powerful aura that of a Rank A+ or maybe he could be the Vampire Lord candidate."

"Rank A+ huh.

"Well Ran, you know what to do bring that kid's head to me."

"My pleasure boss.

With that Ran left to plan on how to kill his newly found opponent the one and only Ikki, of course Ran hasn't noticed the fight in person but the way his comrade Usha said it can only tell him Ikki is a formidable opponent worth fighting against.

While that is happening Ikki is on the hunt for Victor alongside Nene, Ikki is currently heading to the human world again this is so he can plan his next move properly for Ikki he likes a more colder and a happy place and there is no other place than the human world.

Mostly the vampire world is currently filled with tons of blood spilled all over the streets, this is due to the vampire lord's rumored disappearance that has the entire vampire world in a panic.

Military is on the standy though they also cannot function properly this is due to there loyalty to the Vampire Lord that mostly nowadays they ignore orders from there superiors.

In the human world Ikki is a high school student and nobody is aware of his identity as a vampire and he does not plan on revealing this identity any time soon though he knows trouble is brewing and that someone is probably going for me right now.

As an overpowered vampire he can sense any presences from thousands of miles away or even the entire world he could sense certain people, and he noticed one on top of a rooftop though he kept this silent from Nene.

Ikki did not reveal this information for one reason, that is so that he could interrogate the man in his own accord without getting the military involved in the matter Ikki thought if he got the military involved it would only hinder his investigation of pinpointing Victor's location.

With that he's been leaving openings on himself for the vampire to strike at him, though the vampire seems to not be on his tail yet he isn't sure if the man is trying to kill him or just saw the whole situation it could also just be him gathering information about Ikki.

And with that Ikki thought nothing only but to improve his combat prowess if he can improve his swordsmanship he wouldn't need to rely much on his very overpowered abilities as a Vampire.

End of chapter.