Sorting things out

Garrick's attention is taken by the sound of the knock on the door and he slowly turns around, he listens quietly and with the help of his other senses, he knows who was at the door. He didn't expect her here tonight, and why was she still awake? It had been almost an hour since their little fight downstairs, and it was past midnight already.

Garrick walked to the door and opened it, she had already turned around to leave when he did so. She stopped and turned back slowly; a look of regret and remorse on her face.

"Clarisse, do you want to come in?" he asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. He didn't want to give her the impression that he was still mad at her, because he really wasn't. In fact, he felt bad for lashing out on her like that, he might have not been at fault tonight but she still had reasons to be mad at him.