Chapter Thirty-Six: A Banquet and a Tour


Watching Alice converse with ease, the people here adored her. A couple of the servants brought carriers for the twins, the girls falling asleep in the plush black pillows. 

The straps held them in place, my old man glancing over at them every now and then to check up on them. Renkin gazed upon her with a new respect, the trip they took together doing the job. Happy that they were getting along better, Edward waved over at me. Tucking into my meal, Alice didn't seem to get a chance to eat with all the new people greeting her. Pushing her plate to the side, her real smile seemed to win everyone over even more so. Switching plates with Cobalt, her hand on his shoulder assured him that he could have her food as well. Digging in, he slid her the roll. Mouthing thank you, he grinned widely back at her. That woman was a natural mother if I had ever met one. One person brought up a gift basket of the territory's finest things, her slender fingers wrapping around the bottom. Smiling graciously in her direction, the person couldn't relax quite yet. 

"These are from our farm and we would be honored if you would take this home with you." The middle-aged woman stammered nervously, her hands shaking. "We want to thank you for repairing our home after that damn storm." Playing with her graying bun, her silver eyes couldn't stop looking into Alice's. Taking her hands, her comforting smile made the woman feel much better. Moments like this made it clear that she deserved her crown. 

"Thank you. I can't wait to enjoy it. May I visit your farm tomorrow? I would love to see how everything has grown. Call me a curious cat." She returned graciously, Draken setting it behind her. "Would you do me the honor?" Nodding her head, tears of happiness stained her cheeks. Excusing herself, the woman took her seat. Chewing on her roll, the servants brought out the dessert. Setting slices of chocolate cake in front of everyone, conversation filled the room. Devouring her cake, she crossed her silverware. Yawning discreetly underneath her hand, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth. Concern darkened my eyes, her shaking hand wiping it away. Someone must have pushed themselves too hard today in rescuing my uncle. Edward rose to his feet, checking up on her. Leaning down close to her ear, she nodded as he slid her vial of milky liquid. Tucking it into her boot, she coughed into her napkin. The evening finished up with everyone leaving as Pumpkin sank into her chair, a fever burning on her cheeks. The maids began to clean up, her footing growing clumsier by the second. Cobalt caught her before she hit the floor, Renkin scooping her up for me. Getting the girls out, he led the way to our bedroom. Laying her down on the bed, his slender hand searched her boot for the vial. Pulling out the vial, he turned to Edward. Fury burned in his eyes, his trust not quite existing yet. 

"Where did you get this miracle cure?" He interrogated impatiently, dropping the contents down her throat. "She wouldn't be in such a state if you didn't need rescuing, she wouldn't have pushed herself too far again. You have to know that she would do anything for the people she cares for." Brushing off his chastisement, he took a deep breath. My brother could be contentious at times, his loyalty to her was admirable. 

"I thanked her profusely and gave her my allegiance without a second thought. I have no business ruling with her as queen. Stop yelling at me and help me take care of her." He retorted briskly, taking off her boots. "I didn't know that she was coming until you guys showed up. I would have preferred it if she came when she was doing better. I am willing to risk my life for her. Don't you ever think that I would betray her." Shooting death glares at each other, their fists clenched. Cobalt kicked off his shoes as he climbed into bed next to her. Draping her arm over him as she rolled onto her side, their snores filled the room. Snapping my head in their direction, the stern expression stopped their minor argument. 

"Could you take that shit outside? I would like them to get some much needed rest before tomorrow." I barked with a simmering rage in my eyes, my frustration with her coming out. "That being said. Thank you for being with her, Renkin. I never know what she is up to at the worst of times. Out with you two."  Grumbling under their breath as they left, Ivory came in with an iced ginger tea. Setting it down on the nightstand, she laid down on the other side of her. Crashing before I could ask her to leave, relief came over me the moment I crashed onto the daybed with the girls. Watching them overnight, her health had steadily improved. A bright blue moon painted the city blue, his version of early morning birds came to life. Stirring awake, Pumpkin rushed out of bed to vomit. Rushing in after her, inky sludge poured from her mouth. Wiping the corner of her mouth, Ivory shoved an iced ginger tea in her face. Accepting it graciously, the color returned to her face with every sip. Thank fucking God. Her behavior was starting to annoy me again, my lips pressing into a thin line. 

"That cure has a habit of purifying everything. Give it a couple of hours and you will be good as new." She promised with her bright smile, rubbing her back. "I put a bit of mint in there to help with your breath. Let's get you dressed, 'kay. We do have a fun day of sightseeing and a farm exhibition ahead of us. You get to wear pants today. Isn't that fun?" Rolling her eyes, Pumpkin seemed to be fighting some kind of a migraine. Following her, Ivory was showing her several pant options and blouses. Setting my silky scarlet dress shirt and simple black dress pants on the bed, the twin's scarlet dresses lay underneath. Turning her attention back to my wife, they compared Gothic style blouses to a pair of onyx wide leg trousers. Selecting the black and white one, Pumpkin's face lit up at an ornate long Victorian style jacket. Excusing herself to get dressed, Ivory paced back and forth. Coming out with a spin, everything fit her like a glove. Fixing the ornate coat, the ruffle of the blouse stuck out perfectly. Buttoning up the bone white skull buttons, her real smile wouldn't leave her face. Taking her hair out of her bun, perfect waves floated down. No words could describe her beauty at that moment. 

"I am all set for today. Go get dressed, Ivory. Do take a couple of minutes for yourself. You really outdid yourself this time." She complimented her with a soft chuckle, their friendship pleasing me. Bouncing out of the room with a brighter smile, Ivory bowed before she left. Dancing over to me, her slender hands cupped my face. Kissing my lips passionately, time stopped. Releasing me from her spell, a tender blush rested on my cheeks. Stealing the girls from me, her steady hands got them changed in seconds. Humming to herself, she fixed their hair. Kissing the top of their heads, Colby jerked awake. Leaping into my arms, a soft smile dawned on my face at his loving embrace. 

"Are you ready to see my world?" He queried excitedly, adventure twinkling in his eyes. "Mom, I bet that farmer lady will be happy to show you everything." Shooting him a thumbs up, he bounced over to them. Excusing myself to get dressed, the outfit fit it  as well as it usually did. Stepping back in, Cobalt waved at me in a fresh copy of his outfit from yesterday. Running his hand through his hair, he danced around Pumpkin. Setting the slings over her shoulders, her steady hands slid them into place. Offering her hand to Cobalt, his hand grabbed hers with excitement. Dragging her downstairs, Renkin's bone white blouse matched his wife's flowing number, his hands resting in the pockets of his cotton dress pants. Twisting his hair into a bun, he waved us over. Cobalt led the way, his bright smile never leaving his face. Stopping every twenty feet, Pumpkin listened to him completely. Hours passed like this, their relationship only getting stronger. 

"I can't wait to learn more about how she grows her crops." My wife exclaimed with a clap of her hands. "Let's go." Reading the words Meadowhook Farm, The worn sign needed a bit of a touch up, the middle-aged woman greeting her in overalls. Chatting pleasantly with each other, she motioned towards us. Smiling warmly towards us, she motioned for us to come on in. Walking next to her, Pumpkin and Cobalt listened with eager ears. Learning about every colorful crop, advice was even offered to the farmer. A quiet friendship formed between them, the end of the tour left everyone feeling a bit better. Pausing in front of the setting moon, my breath hitched at the red moonlight bathing her features. Tucking her hair behind her ear, her loving gaze fell on me. My heart fluttered wildly, Cobalt stealing her attention again. 

"Did you have fun?" He queried with his real smile, Pumpkin flashing hers. Spinning him around, their laughter twinkled in the air. Crouching down to his level, the loving embrace spoke of their bond. 

"Of course. You have impeccable taste, Colby. Shall we go make some dinner?" She suggested lightly, offering her hand to him, he took it gladly. "Come along!" Walking back towards the castle with fresh vegetables and a cut of Hell's version of a pig. Walking straight into the kitchen with him, she took off her jacket. Rolling up her sleeves, her steady hands pulled her hair into a bun. Renkin took his spot next to her, the two of them toiling away while we watched. Watching her cook melted my heart, her favorite place to hide away in our early days was the kitchen. Exhaustion weighed on my eyelids, sweet slumber stealing me away. 

A fourteen year old Alice waved at me, her dark hair was pulled into a bun. Asking for me to come in, her parents were nowhere to be seen. They must be on some sort of bender, her face seeming less bruised than usual. Stirring noodles in the pot, the smell of a homemade spaghetti sauce permeated the air. That smell always reminds me of good memories, although this was tainted by a dark venom. 

"Are you hungry?" She inquired with a tired smile, draining the noodles. "I asked you to come over for dinner because my parents are on some type of bender. They have been gone for a couple of months so money has been tight. I have to work and send it to the address where they are staying but I have been keeping enough to pay the bills and feed myself." Dropping a scoop of noodles on a paper plate, my stomach growled at the red sauce pouring over the noodles. Dishing herself a tiny portion, her shaky hands set the plates down on the table. Taking our places, the silence during the meal seemed awkward. The food was delicious, Alice seeming to struggle with her own portion. Finishing it up, she rose to her feet. Taking my empty plate, the plates clattered into the bottom of the sink. A fever burned on her cheeks, her body swaying slightly. Catching her in my arms, a coughing fit burst from her lips. Scooping her up, I carried her up to her bed. Tucking her in, her hand reached for mine. Cupping it with all the warmth I could muster up, her next words broke me. 

"I love you, Sy." She admitted sheepishly, her fever making her speak the truth. "Do you think that you could get me some cough medicine from the cabinet? Hopefully, they didn't drink it all." Rushing into the bathroom, a half bottle waited for her use. Mouthing a silent spell, the bottle refilled. Running back into the other room, I poured some medicine for her. Drinking the bitter stuff, she laid back on her pillow. Why did she have to be so cute when she was this sick?

"Do you mind taking care of me?" She begged adorably, her palms pressing together. Setting the bottle down, scarlet colored my face at her yanking me onto the bed behind her. Draping my arm over her, she turned to face me. Resting her head against mine, snores echoed in the air. Wishing this moment would never end, my eyes couldn't stop watching her sleep. The next morning came with her swinging her feet over the edge, her shaking hands tugging on a black and white striped sweater and leather skirt. Taking another dose of the medicine, she barely noticed me running downstairs after her. Rushing around to clean up the kitchen, she cursed under her breath as the bus honked for her. Asking me to come, we leapt onto the bus. Sitting in the back with the hood of her sweater over her head. A tall blonde haired girl marched up to her, her pink skirt fluttering in the breeze. Picking Alice up by the collar of her sweater, the numb expression on her face only pissed off her bully. 

"Look, the little witch made it to school today. Did mommy and daddy beat you yester-" She began to taunt her mercilessly, Alice's steady stream of tears stopping her. Setting her back down, the bully's expression softened. Alice shrugged her shoulders, her eyes rolling. My heart shattered for her, her level of patience shortened with each second passing by. 

"Just beat me up already. I had a cold, you fucking bimbo." She snapped hotly, the bully backing up. "I don't care anymore. My parents have been off partying for the past couple of months while I am working three jobs illegally. You shove your insults up your ass." Sitting down next to her, she pulled out a piece of homemade bread and offered it to Alice. Grimacing at it, her eyes examined with a deep distrust. 

"I am sorry." She apologized sincerely, fishing around her bag. "My dad is in charge of child services and he can help you out. Is anyone staying with you now?" Snapping her head in her direction, a snarl twitched on a sobbing Alice's lips. Passing her a card, Alice ripped it up. 

"Believe it or not, I am perfectly fine." She retorted defensively, taking a bite of the bread. "Thanks for breakfast. Is there anything I can do for you?" Disarming her bully in seconds was a common thing, all of them becoming acquaintances that she could talk to with ease. Helping them all without a second thought, her friends would find ways to help her out by giving her food whenever they could from that point. A tapping on my shoulder snapped me out of my memory. 

Sitting up straight, Colby's face was inches from mine. Renkin and my wife were carrying the plates to the table. Picking him up, I placed him on my shoulders. Grinning down at me, my footfalls echoed into the dining room. Placing him in the seat in between us, he placed the napkin on his lap. Digging in, the food as heavenly as her food growing up. Moaning to myself, everyone else did the same. The meat melted in my mouth, Pumpkin's eyes falling on me. 

"How is it? We worked hard on it. I am glad you got the sleep you needed." She sighed with a deep exhaustion, my eyes falling on the dark bags shadowing her eyes. Shooting her a thumbs up, pride glowed in Renkin and her eyes. Cooking was their happy place and I understood. Cobalt stood to his feet as Draken came in with his own plate. Taking a seat next to Renkin, he waved at everyone. More seats made my wife happier, a warm smile greeting her favorite friend. 

"Hello. I couldn't resist the smell." He admitted sheepishly, smoothing out his casual white blouse. "Did you cook this, Renkin? It smells like th-" Putting his hand up in the air, he pointed to me. Renkin shifted uncomfortably, his temper seconds from flaring. 

"We cooked it together." He growled through gritted teeth, a faint scarlet painting my wife's cheeks. "Thank her as well. She showed me many new techniques and we will be preparing dinner together from now on when we can. I had fun. She isn't as chaotic in the kitchen. I find that refreshing." Flipping him off, a quiet chuckle poured from her lips. Rolling his eyes, everyone went back to eating. Fishing around her boot, she pulled out her phone. Spinning it awkwardly in her palm, her next request rested on the tip of her tongue. 

"I kind of want a picture of us all. Do you think you could give me that?" She choked out oddly, everyone getting into a pose. Smiling at the same time, a flash blinded us. Sitting back down on her toes, she showed me the picture. Smiling to myself, everyone looked perfect in the photo. Everyone asked to see, all of them complimenting her. Passing the phone to me, I couldn't stop but feel enamored with the relaxed Pumpkin in the picture. Sitting Cobalt on her lap, he wrapped his arms around her neck. Grinning ear to ear, I snapped a picture of them. Admiring her natural beauty, the two looked like mother and son. Letting him get back to eating, silent tears stained her cheeks. 

"I never thought I would ever have such wonderful friends and an amazing husband. My family is the greatest in the world." She gushed jovially, her trembling hands wiping away her tears. "I am so freaking happy." Kissing our girls on the top of their heads, her warm embrace stole Cobalt's heart away. Stunned by her words, everyone rushed to tell her how much they loved her too. Basking in the warmth, the clock struck ten. Placing Cobalt on her hips, his groggy yawn spoke of a long day. Excusing herself, Renkin spoke up first. 

"I didn't put wine in the food, so what was all of that?" He queried cautiously, Ivory taking his hand. "She is okay, right?" Shaking my head, Pumpkin had shared her true feelings. While she hid most of her emotions, the urge to share them did come up quite a bit. On the other hand, I understood his concern. The stunts pulled after this type of confession did always pull her into quite a bit of trouble. That being said, I excused myself to keep her in check. Draken stopped me in the hall, his hand holding my shoulder. A haggard expression rested on his face, his bright smile doing little to illuminate his features. 

"Inform her that I think she is the most wonderful friend I have. Tell her that she makes one hell of a queen and cook." He begged calmly, his demeanor far from when I had first met him. "Goodnight, your majesty." Bowing in my direction, he turned back to the table to clean up the dishes. Entering the room, my jaw dropped at the corset hugging her perfect hourglass figure. My cock grew stiff at the black lace covering her cheeks, her thighs rubbing together. 

"You can stop staring, you naughty boy." She teased seductively, spinning around. Leaning on the bed, she kicked off her boots. Leaping into my arms, the girls had been fed and put to bed upon my observation the moment I caught her in my arms. Cobalt had been put to bed in his room, any other spots fading away with the tender kisses on my necks. Sinking into the moment, tonight was going to be fun.