Sitting up, Cobalt bounced into the room. Leaping into my arms, his bright smile wouldn't leave his face. This boy had stolen my heart, his presence making everyday with him more magical than the next. Telling me about his dream, I couldn't help but to ask him a question. This weekend was Draken's weekend with Cobalt, his uncle having offered Sy and I an open invitation. He had mumbled something about a thank you party, my eyes rolling. Another party was the last thing I needed, Sy even looked annoyed at that offer. Glancing in the hall, Cobalt's bag was already packed, our worn bags waiting for us. Cobalt played with the necklace he made me, his hands stopping my earrings from dancing in the early morning breeze. Happy that he was able to be a kid, his adventurous outlook on life made this weekend worth it.
"I can't wait to show you my homeland." He yelled excitedly, Sy stirring awake. "I can show you my old home, and everything. I love you, Mom." Smiling softly to myself, it was nice to hear him say that. Gwny cried out, Sy rushing over to scoop them up. Rocking her until she settled down, my eyes couldn't leave his bare muscular chest. Winking in my direction, Cobalt didn't understand what he had implied by that. Renkin entered with his own back on his shoulder, a clipboard resting underneath his armpit. The simple black velvet suit he wore made him more approachable, his throat clearing.
"I expected you to be up and dressed, Alice." He groaned under his breath, massaging his forehead. "Sy, put a damn shirt on. We get it, you have been working out. None of us need to see that besides our lovely queen." Sticking out his tongue, Renkin flipped him off. Laughing at their normal brother relationship, low growls rumbled in their throats. Turning his attention back to me, he cleared his throat.
"You will be meeting with quite a few officials for the first day or so. Please behave and wear something nice. I am still getting complaints about your outfit at the ball." He warned me with a stern look, his expression softening. "At least wear a nice jacket. Now hurry up and get dressed. Our father will be coming to watch the little ones during the meetings. He couldn't help but shout out something like it was going to be grandchildren 's time." Laughing softly to myself, Renkin was so adorable when he worried about me. Exiting the room, I sent Cobalt out for a minute. His navy dress shirt and black pants fluttered with each step, his smile never leaving his face. Hoping to give him a good future, it seemed to be working so far. Swinging my feet over the edge of our bed, my eyes scanned the rows of dresses and coats. Selecting the Gothic scarlet style dress, the fine silk floated over me. Playing with the midnight black lace, the material felt finer than anything on Earth. Tugging on a corset, Renkin deserved me looking like a lady. A random bout of depression shook me to my core, my shaking hand tying the front tight enough to support my breasts. Lowering the dress over my head, the bell sleeves hid my scratched up hands. Sliding on my boots, a silk suit with faint spiderwebs hugged Sy's figure. When the heck did he get dressed, his magic probably helped him out in that department. Playing with our girls, the onyx silk dresses they wore only made them cuter. Renkin poked his head in, a nod of approval coming my way. Walking up to me, he dusted off my shoulders and fixed the lace. A long sigh poured from his lips at the hem floating around my knees, my nervous smile not making the situation any better. Feeling the need to explain myself, the words flowed freely before I could stop them.
"I might need to fight. You never know." I squeaked out, his arms folding across his chest. "You never know when trouble is going to come my way." Rolling his eyes, he snapped his fingers. At least I got his seal of approval, a nervous chuckle escaping my lips. A portal swirled to life, Draken's kingdom waited for us patiently. Cupping my shoulders, his firm tone shook me to my core.
"Do refrain from that. They respect you but you did induce a good bit of fear. Ladies wear dresses that go down to their ankles." He chastised me with a pensive expression. "Let's go. Cobalt, are you ready?" Sy set the girls into my arms, his strong hands grabbing our bags. Ivory had packed mine, her devilish smile not settling the dread in my stomach. Smoothing out her flowing number, her bump brushed against the embroidered black silk. Renkin took her back as Cobalt leapt onto Sy's shoulders. Holding his bag close to his chest, the two exchanged the very definition of a father and son look of love and respect. Stepping through, pristine streets met the bottom of my boots. A gust of wind blew my hair forward the moment the portal closed, Draken waved me over. Cobalt leapt off of Sy's shoulder, his clumsy landing matching his personality. Bowing to Draken, his uncle ruffled the top of his head. Such a scene pleased me, the pure respect between them stifled a bit of my depression.
"You seem rather blissful, Colby. Are your new parents treating you right?" He greeted him with a crooked grin, the maids taking all of our bags. "I have a few officials from the outskirts for you to meet today. They want to make a trade deal with your capital if you would have it. I do have to thank you. Our demand for our wine had tripled. We are prospering better than ever due to your plan, your majesty." Bowing in my direction, the townsfolk were all wearing similar outfits to the one I wore at the ball. Bewilderment dawned on my face, the very thought of someone copying me threw me off. Sneaking a glance in Renkin's direction, a low grow rumbled in his throat.
"I see you influenced the people, Alice." Renkin fretted anxiously, Sy shrugging his shoulders. "Regardless, our majesty is on a tight schedule so please let us proceed with everything." Something was eating at him, his father popping up making it all the more apparent. Stealing the girls and Cobalt away, the five of us remained. Ivory excused herself to prepare my outfit for the banquet in the honor of our visit, Renkin asking Draken once more to keep us all on schedule. What was eating him? Draken took us to the study where a table with tea waited for us, his hand resting on my shoulder. Crouching down to my level, Sy and Renkin blasted his death glares. Relax, he wasn't going to hurt me. They didn't need to be so overprotective.
"I have no clue how you wrangled that entire family but tell them to relax a bit." He whispered playfully in my ear. "I appreciate you talking to these guys. The previous king would never listen to them. I have some paperwork to do. See you at the banquet." Meeting after meeting played out the same, both sides reaching a doable agreement. Staring out the window, the purple rays of dusk painted the homes. Shaking the last person's hand, our economy was improving with everyone else's. These deals were sure to enrich us all, his head bowing as he exited the room. Tomorrow will be a day of fun, all of us needing a break.
"Excellent work today." He complimented genuinely, his smile meeting mine. "You may not look like the typical lady but you sure do know how to run Hell. I am going to freshen up for the banquet. See you in a couple of hours." Opening the door, Cobalt brushed past him. Leaping into Sy's arms, my footfall hastened to catch up with Renkin. Walking next to him, he needed to get something off of his chest.
"Are you okay?" I inquired softly, his numb gaze falling on me. "You don't compliment me even when I do a good job." Stealing me away into the garden, he crashed onto the bench. Silent tears stained his cheeks, a quiet rain hitting the petals of the sea of colorful flowers. Sitting down next to him, the rain felt so nice. Days like this had always calmed me down, my eyes falling back on him.
"I am scared that I will screw up being a father. I see Sy and I think he was made for that role. I look at my father and see the same thing. How can I measure up to them?" He panicked with fresh tears, my shoulder nudging him. "You are as natural a mother as one can be. You take care of everyone without a second thought. I can't do this." Crossing my hands, the storm clouds reminded me of back home. Wishing that I could spend a bit of time up there for a day, it had a special place in my heart.
"I don't see it that way. You will be an amazing father, and I know it. Ivory will be a perfect mother, although that doesn't exist." I assured him with my real smile, a long sigh pouring from his lips. "Besides, if you can babysit me then you will be perfectly fine. I doubt a child could get in as much trouble as me." Hearty laughter burst from his lips, the rain soaking us. Leaning back, he let the rain hit his face.
"That's true. Trouble seems to find you. I don't even know how you are alive." He joked lightly, looking over at me. "You have a unique way of doing things but you always get the job done. I should r-" Cocking his brow at my hand being raised, his eyes narrowed in my direction. Letting out a polite smile, I rested my head on my hands.
"Keep yelling at me. I like it when you keep me on track. I have a habit of mentally wandering off." I returned tiredly, folding my arms across my chest. "I am jealous of you. You always seemed pulled together and I can't keep my mind stitched together. Perhaps that is why we make a good team, you keep me in check." Shaking his head, both of us loved sitting in the rain.
"I have seen you on the roof in the middle of every rainstorm. I am always a couple of rooftops away. Rain relaxes me as much as it annoys Ivory that I come back in with wet clothes." He spoke blithely, serenity resting on his face for a quick second. A fit of laughter burst from our lips, Sy feeling the same way as well. The two of us were like cats, enjoying the roof at night.
"Join me next time, dummy." I teased heartily, his head shaking. "Then we can talk like this all the time. Maybe we wouldn't clash so much. I promise to try to be a lady but I am going to wear what I want to. They will just have to get used to it. Although if I am being honest, I went on the roof of my house every time I got beaten severely. The rain would wash away all the blood. After that it became a habit. The roof was my small sliver of comfort." Donning a sad smile, Renkin couldn't help to cry a little bit.
"I see. You really have been put through Hell before you got here." He sighed with a distant tone, his head bowing down. "I heard you say you wanted to go home. Shall I take you there for a minute. We can't stay long but I think you could use a change of scenery. Take my hand and we will be there in a minute." Curling my fingers around his, he snapped his fingers. The rainy day faded to the burnt remains of my home, a sad smile donning on my face. So many good things happened among the bad things, my heart aching for more than a visit every now and then.
"Do you want to see my favorite places?" I offered sincerely, his head nodding. "Come along." Walking into the woods, we hiked in silence until we came upon the rock Sy and I used to hang out on. Hell, I almost kissed him once. There was one thing I needed to do while I was up here, confusion dawning on his face. Someone needed to be freed and now I had the power to do that. Letting my shadows devour the space, I offered my hand out to him. Caution burned in his eyes, my hope was that he would come with me.
"Do you trust me?" I asked simply, his hand taking mine. Kicking the bottom, musty air blew our hair all around. Whistling sharply, a giant bat caught us before we fell into the molten lava. Flying into his castle, Edward ran up to us. Leaning on the bat's violet head, a cautious smile dawned on his face. It was good to see that he was doing alright but I was about to make his day.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He inquired playfully, his eyes noting Renkin sitting behind me with a nervous grin. "Nice, you brought another one of my nephews. Like I said, how can I help you?" Grinning ear to ear, I offered him my hand. Take your ride back to freedom and join our family. Hoping he would take my hand, a curious glint twinkled in his eyes.
"Are you ready to be free from this god awful prison and back into society? I happen to be queen now and I have the highest lord position for you. I can't let you be king again but maybe you could help me out." I offered sincerely, his head bowing in shame. "I think Sy would love to see you again and did I tell you that the girls were born. Cobalt is the sweetest boy ever. Point is I think you should enter society once more. Will you become my third in command? I need all the experienced help I can muster up. It will be fun, I promise." Taking my hand, one yank had him on the bat. Vowing to show him a wonderful life, his lonely life would be a thing of the past. Soaring up to the closing hole, the bat burst through. Soaring into the night sky, the shadow barrier faded away. Standing up in the back, he let out a loud hell yeah. The wind made his hand flutter in his breeze, his red velvet suit danced around. Tears of joy flowed freely from his eyes, Renkin grabbed him before he flew off. Rolling his eyes, my genuine smile never left my face. Stern but caring, it was nice to see him being himself.
"Uncle Eddy, you need to sit before you float away." He snapped irritably, yanking him down into the sitting position. "Vow your service to the queen or I will push you off." Letting out a hearty laugh, he ruffled his head. Narrowing his eyes in his direction, wicked laughter thundered from Renkin's lips.
"All right. I vow to serve Queen Alice and protect her with my life. Renkin, you are adorable." He teased with another hearty laugh as a shadowy vine snaked around his neck, my poor brother-in-law looking seconds from pushing him off. "Is he always so serious?" Renkin glared in my direction, his finger snapping. Flying back into Draken's territory, the rain had stopped. Sy and Ivory were pacing back and forth, Edward leapt into the air. Landing in front of Sy, he bowed in loyalty to him. Perhaps his presence would ease the stress written all over their faces, my mind hoped with an overwhelming anxiety.
"I am here to serve as her third hand." He bragged jovially, happy to be free. Sy yanked him into a warm hug, his father's jaw dropping at the sight of his best friend. Letting him go, the two of them embraced each other in a brotherly manner, fresh tears flooding from their eyes. I had made a couple of people's days and that was okay with me. Letting each other go, Sy shook his head as Ivory leapt into Renkin's arms. Hopping off the bat, I pat the head. Waiting for it to fly off, it refused to leave. I suppose that I had a new friend, another soft smile resting on my lips.
"You can be my pet if you want. I shall call you Batty and you can fly around whenever you want." I chirped cheerfully, patting the soft fur. Unfolding her inky leathery wings, a rough tongue licked me. Her golden eyes gazed lovingly into mine, giving me a love bite on my hand. Our bond was forever linked, her leathery ears tickling my cheeks. Massaging her ears, she rolled onto the back. Scratching her belly, little squeaks twinkled in the air. This bat was just like a dog, the cute face stealing my heart away. Kissing it on the nose, it rolled back over. Edward walked up to me and bowed. His hair bounced as he stood up straight, his crooked grin never leaving his face. Freedom looked great on him.
"I would like to thank you for freeing me, your majesty." He thanked me graciously, the breath leaving everyone's body at the lost king vowing his service to me. "I vow to make your rule as easy as possible. If you don't mind, I am going to have a drink with my buddy." Walking off with with Sy's father, the girls cooed in Sy's arms. Draken rushed out with Cobalt, his tiny running towards Batty. Letting him pet her, the two were best of friends in seconds.
"Can we go for a ride?" He begged adorably, Sy giving me permission. Helping him on, Batty squealed with excitement the moment I hopped on. Taking off into the sky, Cobalt stood up in front of me. Holding him by the waist, we were firmly planted on Batty's back. Shouting out in joy, his hair fluttered in the wind. His wide grin never left his face, my own genuine smile lighting up my face. This kid had saved me in more ways than he would ever know. At least everything was dry now, I thought blissfully to myself. Flying over the vineyards, his laughter twinkled in the air. When I got home, I would have to commission a saddle and reins for Batty. Landing in an open circle, the colorful trees relaxed my growing dread. Helping him off, he leapt into my arms. Spinning him around, he pecked my cheek as he settled in my arms. Wishing that this moment would never end, he will always be my son.
"I love you, Mom!" He shouted to the world, Batty letting out a squeal in agreement. "Even Batty loves you. Do you know how rare a violet bat is? They only pick one master and never pick another master." Smiling softly to myself, it was just my luck a rare creature had chosen me for a master. Remembering the banquet, I placed Cobalt on her back. Climbing on, we had to get ready. Taking off into the sky, Batty made sure to fly through a couple of clouds. Shaking the water off of me, she floated by my bedroom window. Sliding off her wing, the two of us were met with an annoyed Ivory. Watching Batty hang herself upside down on lamp post outside of my window, her wings folded over her. Peeking out from the shadow of her wings, she motioned for me to get ready. My new friend was such a sweetheart. Ivory said nothing as she peeled off my dress, and adjusted my corset. Dropping a lacy black number over my head, her shaking fingers fixing the sheer bell sleeves. Smoothing out the deep v-neck, her wet eyes met mine. Sitting me down, she slid a silky navy suit over to Cobalt. Leaving to get changed, the brush crunched through my snarled hair. Gritting my teeth, this wasn't fair.
"Thank you for taking Renky out. He has been feeling a little off with the baby and all." She wept softly, cursing under her breath. "Fuck these hormones. I don't know how you handled them. Do you mind if we have a girl's night out when we get back? I feel like we haven't had much time to hang out lately." Turning around to face her, a tender blush rose to her cheeks the moment I pressed her palms together.
"I would love that. Maybe we can do a spa thing and you dress me up in pink if it makes you feel a bit better." I suggested lightly, her dainty fingers facing me forward. Twisting my hair into such an intricate hair style, a soft chuckle escaped her lips. Sweet as can be, her friendship was one to be desired.
"I think that would be lovely. You must be pretty tense yourself." She joked sweetly, spinning me around to do my makeup. " Must you be so reckless before an important event? This banquet is going to establish you in this area. If it makes you feel better, I think you are amazing. How about tomorrow our Cobalt shows us all his favorite places. I think he would love that. You are all set, Alice." Helping me to my feet, my jaw dropped at my simple satin nineteen twenties' style dress with the spiderweb lace sleeves. The hem floated at my knees, her bun was immaculate like always. The simple cat eye matched my personality, my crown rested in her palm. Placing it on my head, she fixed a few strands of hair. Pride swelled in her eyes, my next words breaking her.
"You did a lovely job on this dress." I complimented her with my real smile, a nervous laugh escaped her lips. "I know that you have been making my clothes and I have to thank you for all the effort you put into it." Weeping with joy, I clutched her close to my chest. Soaking my shoulder with her mixed emotions, I lifted up her chin with my finger. The corner of her lips quivered, the words struggling to come out.
"Thank you for recognizing my talent." She blubbered uncontrollably, her warm embrace made my heart skip a beat. "You really do make an amazing queen. Thank you so much!" Cobalt bounced in with his suit, showing it off with a couple of spins. Sy and Renkin entered after him, Sy wearing a matching suit with his crown on his head. The girls look magnificent in lacy black dresses. Walking downstairs next to him, Cobalt held my hand. Entering the banquet hall, the white marble walls spoke of royalty and warmth at the same time.
"Welcome her majesty and her family!" Draken announced with vigor, dusting off his scarlet velvet suit as everyone bowed to us. "Please take a seat so we can feast in your honor."
Taking my seat next to him, the rest of us took a place at the head of the table. Leading his territory's prayer it was time to eat. Please let this go smoothly.