Chapter 40: Lose It All

It never feels good when you lose track of time and place. And once again, I experienced it. I was far away from living an actual life. I was just drowning in a pool of doubt, love, and anxiety.

Did Eli talk to Aiden? Did he know about me and tell Aiden everything I was doing?

It didn’t sound like it. It didn’t feel like it.

A few hours later, I was on my bed, my legs pulled up to my stomach, looking at the mirror in front of my bed and thinking.

And thinking.

If Eli knew about everything, he surely would tell Aiden. So what happened last night might have meant that he didn’t know. Were Max and I that good at hiding things? I doubted it.

I noticed Di and Enzo walking through my door, it was wide open. They saw me, and they acted natural but they were worried. I was also worried about other things. For a while, I couldn’t walk them through everything.

I made a promise to Aiden. I gained his trust.

For what? To let him down? To be the one who shot him in the heart?