Eden. His a God of few emotions. Since his creation. His been sent to the worst worlds there is. Empires, kingdom, cities, governments. If "The Creator" ordered him to. He would initiate them without second thought.

Since the beginning of his existence. Eden has killed millions upon billions of his enemy's. Never has he lost a battle not matter how strong his opponent and those who call themselves Conquerors.

He has defeated armies upon armies, alone. No God would utter his man without fear of their own deaths.

Each different time and era. Eden changed his style of weapon that fits it time. Knights, Samurai, mercenary etc.

He has a collection of powerful weapons from enemy's he deemed worthy. Why he chooses to wish for his past stricken from history as the strongest God. No one knew.

"What do you want?" Famine asked, stepping in front Kuru. Blocking Eden's path.

"Famine, are you protecting a human?"

"What is it to you?"

"My brother's, taking in a mortal and personally teaching skills.

Even God's would give up their right arms for opportunities like this."

"Hahaha" Famine began to laugh. Which confused Eden. But did not let it show.

"It seem even the Great Eden is not aware."

"aware of what?"

"That is something you have to talk to Death about. Now tell me, what do you want?"

"I came here for the boy."

"You no longer have the authority in this doma…."

Suddenly Eden disappeared and before Kuru even realised. The without even making sound or creating wind. Eden is standing behind Kuru with his hand on his shoulder. Famine turns around, waving his hand and out of the ground came a giant black while mutant with sharp teeth. It eats half of the floating land with ease.

"You missed." A voice came from behind. Famine look and see War and Pestilence in the air.

"Fear not Brother. The boy will be fine." War said with his arms crossed.

"Knowing The Boy he will find away." Pestilence said.

"and if he doesn't?"

"then his as good as dead."

(Unknown Conquered realm)

Kuru had just blinked and he ended up somewhere else. He is standing in the middle of an abandoned city. Plants and trees have grown. It's as if the earth too back what was once it's land. Dead quiet and no since of life.

" Where am I ?"

" you are in one of lands I've conquered a long time ago." Eden said appearing near by Kuru.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Why else.." then he unsheathed his samurai sword. The feeling killing intent as he drew his sword grew monstrously.

"… But to kill you."

Kuru drop down to one knee and his body shook with fear. Animals, including predictors that were nearby ran away.

'is he really going to kill me? I'm still under Death's Law right?'

With each step he took closer to Kuru. His killing intent grew tremendously.

"If you think that Death's Law will save you. Think again."


"Once I have conquered land. My law stands above all. Only if I give permission or am defeated. Can Death's law save you."

'What? So Death's law can't work here.'

"Training you to become a weapon and source of entertainment. Is that truly what you want?"

"You…don't know… Anything…. About me." Kuru struggled to say. As the closer Eden came. The harder it became to breath.

"I don't need to know you. I can see through you. You do not have the sent of blood on you. You have never killed but you will never enjoy the pleasure of killing."

"So… Your just going to… kill me before… I kill someone?" Kuru grabs onto his chest. His body began to have a panic attack.

"The other Horsemen and I, only have one Mission and that's to kill. We are Gods and killers. Like I, who has Killed billions and created oceans of blood."

Kuru goes down to one knee. His body shakes in fear. Every fibre of his being is tell him to run. But the fear is so strong that he can't feel his leg. Kuru looks to his left to see the blade near his face.

"As a mortal. Can you really carry the responsibility of power to kill billions. Even if you could end up killing your loved ones."

When Kuru heard the words "loved ones". He began to feel angary.

"Loved ones? My parents are dead and they're never coming back."

Blood poured out of the corner of Kuru's mouth. He began to left one leg up.

'This mortal used pain to ignore my killing intent. His smart.'

"constant loneliness and being abandoned by those so called loved ones." Kuru began to slowly sand up but struggles to raise his back.

"I did nothing wrong. Yet My loved one's were taken away from me. Now you, stand in front of me. Trying take away the means of me getting my loved one back." Kuru then takes his pen out and stabs the of his leg. He let out a slight scream of pain but held it in.

" argh!... So what if I become a killer. So what if I destroy the world. Nothing is going to stop me. Not you or a Horsemen is going to tell me different!"

The Kuru raised his head with a look of determination on his face and says.

"So go a head and kill me. If not, get out of my way!"

Eden took his sword and raised it above his head. His eyes were cold and his face showed no emotion. His killing intent intensified. He brought down sword with great speed and force.

Eden stopped his sword a few millimetres from Kuru's forehead. Eden feels surprised.

'My killing intent should be too much for a mere mortal. Even knowing he can die right now. Yet, he did not flinch in front of my sword.'

The strong killing Intent disappeared and Kuru drops to his knees from relief.

Eden sheaths back his sword and says.

"I guess there is some worth in you. So I'll train you for a bit…."

'Say what?'

"I'll allow Death's law but with my training you can stay dead even with Death's law."

Eden takes one of the rings on his necklace. It's a black ring with purple rune marks written on it. He tosses it in Kuru's hands.

"Here, put the ring on and inject your manna into it."

Kuru did and out came a Japanese samurai sword. It's sheath is black with purple Japanese characters written on it, including the hilt of the sword. Kuru could feel the energy within it and felt it's evil.

"That sword is called Muramasa. It became a cursed sword after it killed over a 10 000 people. Trapping the souls of it's victims within it. People who have wield it have also died and their souls became trapped in it as well. Once unsheathed it requires a soul of either the victim or it's welder."

'No wonder he said his training might kill me. Even with Death's Law. If I fail, my soul will be trapped.'

"But you won't need it to unsheathe it now."

Eden snaps his fingers and a system panel shows.







"With out dying?"

Suddenly Eden gave off a wave of killing intent. Kuru drops again to his knees

'This is crazy. His killing intent is 10x stronger than before. So has he been taking it easy on me this whole time.'

Kuru's heart raced with out control. His left arm goes numb. His vision becomes blurry.

Kuru is having a heart attack. He falls with his face first on the ground and his eyes closed.

[1st Death]

Kuru woke up in a panic. Gasping heavily for air. Grabbing his chest.

'What the hell. How can you kill someone with killing intent alone? I can't even handle 5%.'

"Your finally awake" Eden said while sitting on a car at the side of the road.

Kuru calms down by taking slow breaths.

"You did pretty good for 5%. Most mortals would have died much quicker." He said while getting off the car.

"Just how strong is your killing intent?"

"Strong enough for everyone in this galaxy to run away if fear."

"You got to be kidding me"

"Killing intent is something your earn. In the art of killing you have to feel the life of your opponent disappear. Thus starts your killing intent."

"Can I learn it?"

"it's not something you can learn. But only by killing can you truly achieve it."

so killing billions of beings made his killing intent this strong. 'Kuru thought to him self as he got back up.

"Now let's try it again."

Eden instantly let out 5% of his killing intent. Kuru goes straight to the ground on all fours.

ʼdamn it. It's still too muchʼ

"Sharp your senses"


"You have to focus while concentrating at the same time, On all of your senses. Because killing intent focuses more on fear. It dulls the sense. Your brain won't think straight because of constant fear. Leaving your body and mind in shambles…..leaving me an opening to kill you."

ʼdanm it, His right. I can't even move right nowʼ

"Shit.. "

[2nd Death]

Kuru woke up again from in a panic. But it was not as bad as before.

"I see you've gotten a little use to it." Eden said as he ate an apple.

ʼDamn it. It's still not enoughʼ

Eden released his killing intent again. Although it pushed Kuru down. He kept trying to stand.

ʼ I need to focus and overcome this fear of death. '

[5th Death]

Kuru began to slowly get up and he just stabilised his breathing.

[18th Death]

Kuru began to stand up straight. Calming his heart and body. Overcoming fear.

"Congratulations" Eden said.







ʼ Double now ʼ

Eden released his intent and Kuru just closed his eyes.

[19th Death]

Kuru woke up confused. He looked around and noticed it's night. Eden sat by a fire and near by in the middle of the road. So Kuru got up and walked over to him. With out even looking at Kuru, Eden speaks.

"Your not ready for 10%. Maybe it's me who up too much of my expectations on you. After all your just a mortal."

Kuru sat on the ground near by the fire.

"It doesn't matter if I'm a mortal or whatever. I'll pass your test like every other. I won't let you get in my way."

"Spoken like a true mortal. Rest now, because tomorrow I want to see improvement "

Kuru lied back and looked at the stars and quickly felt sleepy.

"You know. I never wanted to be alone in this world and but now I know my sister is alive…..I'm happy." Kuru said as he dozed off.

"Stupid mortal…"

10 years later…







[457th Death]


Kuru is on all fours gasping for air.

ʼ His only letting me do it until 20%ʼ

"It took you 10 years and you died over 400 times. Now let's begin the next test."

"wait!" Kuru shouted. Raising his hand to indicate Eden to stop.

"What?" he asked as Kuru got back up.

"Why only 20%. I know it's been 10 years now but I know I can take more."

"time is not on your side and you still have Death's Test still coming."


"but nothing. It doesn't matter how long you'll take. You're still mortal. The fact that you are able to come this far. Is an achievement even some God's would have failed to do. Besides the next test won't be any easier."

Kuru looked a little disappointed. Wanting to achieve what no man has ever achieved.

" next I'll tell you about spiritual pressure."

" Spiritual Power?" Kuru asked as Eden picked up a stick. Eden then drew spiral."

"Spiritual Power should flows like a spiral from within the body. It's the power you hold within you and is unique only to you. It's mix with your manna and if you use it right. Your Spirit can grow like a vortex of power. Depending on how strong you are that is."

Eden then raised the stick in front of Kuru.

" once you learn to grasp what spiritual power feels like and focus on your spiritual power" he then swings the stick to his right. Like a sword cutting throw wind.

Kuru's left cheek began to bleed. He checks his face and feels a small cut. But the stick was nowhere near his face.

"How did yo…" before Kuru could finish his sentence. Suddenly several buildings next to them slide down on one side and crashed on top of each other. A straight 40° angel, clean cut through them.

Kuru's eyes are in shock. To see him cut down builds at ease with a stick. He could only imagine the true power of Eden.

"How.. How did you do that?"

"When you Manna and Spiritual Power perfectly. You can manipulate it and imbue it within an object." Eden said as he look at the stick and it shattered into splinters.

"So Spiritual Power is a lethal weapon."

"Yes and talking about weapon. I guess you need a reward for passing my 1st test with 10 years."

"Reward? it Ramen?"


Kuru looked at Eden and realised that Eden doesn't know what Ramen is.

"Wait… How come you ware a Japanese Kimono and walk around with a samurai sword and not know what ramen is?"

"During one of the many places I've travelled. On a planet earth during Japan's Edo period. I tried on a kimono and it felt very comfortable so I kept it.

As for the sword. Even tho there is nothing special about it. I took it from a young worrier who has earned my honour. "

" Wait the Edo Period?"

'wait….. was his responsible for the unification of Japan?'

" Enough of this." Eden said and took another ring. He passes it to Kuru and tries it on. Out comes a sword like dagger. It's look is demonic. Black scales one the hilt and guard. The curved blade is wide but length of a machete. The blades sharp end is silver but the blade itself is black. In the middle of the blade are runes markings carved into it. On the hilt is gem that looks like a Dragon's black eye.

"It's called, Half Crescent Moon Twin Dragon Blade."

"are you going to tell me anything about this one?"

"No, put it away. Your not going to need it now."


Eden snaps his fingers and a system panel shows.





ITEM: Muramasa Cursed Sword/ Half Crescent Moon Twin Dragon Blade


"Wait..Spiritual Power can kill you!"

Eden released 5% of his true spiritual power. A wave of pressure spread out from him. Every piece of window that was still left. Shattered at an instant. Every animal within the area fell to the grown. Like gravity has increased strength. Builds began to collapse into the ground. Birds in the air fell into the ground with great impact.

Kuru fell straight to his knees with force.

'What the Hell is this. It. Feels like the weight in my body got super heavy. I can't move at all. This is way different from killing intent.'

"Strong Spiritual Pressures can be released. When it does. Other beings around you can feel. The weight of that power. Right now, you must feel heavy. Like gravity has increased."

'his right. But this power… Oh man…..what a monster.' Kuru thought as he fell to all fours.'

"You seem to bow a lot to me. Where is that look in your eyes you had a few years ago?"

"What…are you talking… About… Just give me a second….I'll stand up soon." Kuru barely said as the veins in his face began to show."

"I see you've learn arrogance. Good, I'll break that for you."

Kuru began to think quickly because he could feel himself passing out.

'okay he said spiritual power moves like a vortex. So if I'm able to move it around my body. I should be able to With stand this.'

Kuru closed his eyes and sort out the manna in his body. He recalls the feeling with his stomach and spreads it though out his body. But he is still barely able to move it out.

"Damn it, what's wrong?"

"Did you really think manipulating manna would be enough. Manne and spiritual power are 2 different things." Eden said while walking around Kuru.

'Two different things?'

"manna is the energy that fuels spiritual power and through Spiritual power it can solidify. To greater power."

'So spiritual power is something different. But what is it?'

"Oh… Crap"

"Nice try…"

[1st Death]

Kuru begins again. He solidify his manna within all parts in his body. Enhancing his strength, eyes and shielding his mind. But the pressure is still too strong.

[6th Death]

Kuru still could not find this spiritual power. His base, which is located in the heart. He uses is to flow like a spiral but the pressure is still too strong.

[24th Death]

On all fours Kuru is able to shape his manna like a spiral. Turning it into a vortex. Enhancing Kuru's manna capacity.

[134th Death]

Kuru is now able to stand slightly but still struggles under the weight.

"Hey… I'm standing when are going to cut me some slack?"

"your not using spiritual pressure but your manna is strong enough to handle it. But how long can it last?"

"If you can beryl stand front of a stronger opponent. Then what any good are you?" Eden said with that cold look on his face.


[289th Death]

Kuru has spread his manna through his Meridian. Making it easier to stand. But it still wasn't enough for Eden.

[498th Death]

Kuru is now standing but cannot move. He takes one step slowly and the another. But on his 3rd step he stumbles and falls.

[684th Death]

Kuru is standing with a face full of anger

'damn it. I just don't get. What exactly am I suppose to feel. I've never felt spiritual power before. Do I even have it? Can I even do it?'

Kuru Clichés his fists and takes a few steps and then collapses on one knee.

" if this is truly all you've got. Then the other Horsemen were wrong about you."


"do you think you're the first?"

Eden walks over to Kuru and goes down to one knee.

"yes, most of them fail after first talking to potential Disciples but once they go under training…guess what happens"

" What? "

" They all gave up. Warriors, scholars, philanthropist and even world top class gamers. None have pervaded and None have passed…."