"All... of them?" Kuru stuttered as he asked. Grinding his teeth, trying to look Eden in the eyes. The coldness his eyes brought back memories of how Enu looking down on Kuru. This only enrage him.

"Give up..." Eden asked in a cold manner.

"ha... I give up?... Then what. You expect me to die in toilet filled with piss. After all the suffering and teaching I had gone through all these years. For what? your satisfaction?"

"My satisfaction? No, it's to save you. from the burden being a killer. You can save hundreds of people but they will always fear you. Because you'll always be a monster in there eyes. It's better this way."

"Who the hell..... are you to tell me..... what's better?... "

Kuru coughed blood. Splattering all over the ground in front of him.

"You've lived.... for millions of years. Never had to care...about anyone.. Not... Even the places you... conquer."

Kuru then collapses on the ground. The weight of Spiritual Pressure becomes too much.

"So... why do you act like you know... What the feeling of loss is....Telling me I'll become a monster…. like you have the power to see…. the future. Once you lose someone you'd die for…. in a heart beat and... Feel how it feels.. Then come back to me and we can drink about it...." Kuru said then closed his eyes. Singh of his body struggling stopped. Like his body had given in. Not a breath can be heard.

Eden got up and turned his back. Thinking that Kuru either passed out or died. After just a 2 foot steps.

"So what if I become a killer...." Kuru said. Surprising Eden.

As Eden turned around and see's Kuru standing up but slouching with his arms Hanging. He can see Kuru's face as he is looking at the ground with his hair covering his face. Blood poured from his mouth and barely looked conches.

"So what if slaughter millions..."

A vortex of crimson manna circled Kuru. His manna swirled around him in a ferocious manner. The colour black suddenly began mixing within his Crimson manna.

'is his Spiritual power mixing in his manna?'

"IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES TO GET BACK MY SISTER. THEN I'LL JUST HAVE TO GO BEYOND MY LIMITS!" Kuru's voice sounded monstrous. The manna around him grew like a tornado. Reaching the clouds above.

"He actually broke through..." Eden whispered.

Kuru could barely be seen through the manna. Just an slight image of demon like eyes. That flowing with red manna.

Eventually it died down and Kuru began to gain control. A dome expanded from him and then came back into him. Creating a outer layer over him.

Kuru seemed fine. He looked at his hand and felt no problem with pressure.

'so this is spiritual power... ha.' Kuru thought to himself.

"you did it.." Eden said coldly. On his face you can tell that his not impressed at all. He then snaps his fingers.







"Hey, didn't the system say 5%?"

"Yes but when I felt your Spiritual Power. I raised the difficulty."

"You know, you could have killed me."

"Then we would just have to start over again."

Kuru smiled and giggle a little. Then suddenly fell on his back. Passing out from the exhaustion.

"To be able to pass an impossible task and being able to summon Spiritual Power in a short amount of time. You must really love your sister." Eden said as he walked over to Kuru, to look at him.

"I could only understand Humans through my time in combat. I've seen them kill there own families for worldly objects. Kings Leaving behind their own people. You are an interesting human."

3 days later Kuru finally woke up and his entire body socking wet.

" Why am I wet?" he asked himself.

" Because you've been a sleep for 3 days and it rained last night" Eden said while sitting by a table at A broken down café. Patently Waiting for Kuru to wake up.

"you know. You could have just moved me." Kuru said as he got up and took off his school jacket.

"Sounds like your problem." Eden said Coldly.

"So what's next?" Kuru asked as he placed his school jacket of over a car in the sun. Eden got up and walked over to him.

"Do you know anything about blood pacts?."

"I've read about it. In one of the books War gave me to read. Pestilence even thought me how to do it, but I've always failed. Many warriors of other worlds use such methods to create a contract with beats, demons, ghosts and even weapons. It's to gain power over from them in exchange for manna." Kuru explained as he took the katana our of the ring.

" on my planet, I read in the history books about the War on Ghost. Relics, even ancient or cursed weapons. They began to manifest manna. Later on to discovered that those who awaken can use them. But not every awaken could use them."

"It's because of the weapon it's self. When a craftsman creates a weapon. He puts his heart and soul into it. Giving it a life of it's own. Once the weapon is used long enough. It grows it's own conciseness. A soul."

Kuru looked at his ring and could feel an ominous presence.

" concessions? A soul? "

"yes, some weapons even gain their own personality. But if you use a blood pact. You won't only lend it's power but with that sword in your hand. It comes at a price."

"What price? "

Eden stood in front of Kuru. Over shadowing him with his tall height.

" You could die or worse have your soul destroyed." he said with such a cold look in his eyes. Giving Kuru chills but he keeps calm.

"like I said. It doesn't matter." Kuru tries to unsheathe the sword but it didn't open. Kuru tries several time and Eden just watches Kuru make a fool of himself.

"Why won't this thing open?" Kuru said while pulling so hard. The veins on his face looked as if it was about to Burst.

"because it's been sealed"

"sealed? by who?"

" It's Previous master sealed it's power for the sake of those who want it. It's at least Supreme tire magic seal."

"No way, I've read that Supreme tire is tire level 10 up wards...." Kuru said as he looked at the sword with fascination in his eyes.

"So how am i going to open it?"

"Through a blood pack." Eden said as he walked while looking at the sword."

"I learned all there is to magic through the use of manna. But now that I know how to use Spiritual Power..."

Eden handed Kuru a knife. He then cut both his hands. Kuru held the sword with one hand in the scabbard and one hand on the handle. He then held the guard of the sword close to his forehead.

Kuru began whispering incantations to the sword. Suddenly the ground below him leaked blood through cracks in the road. The blood collected around him, creating a magic circle. Ruin makes within the magic circle appeared. The magic crest it's self was that of chains linked into an infinity symbol.

'Every time I failed to create a blood pack. It's because I didn't meet the right criteria for the weapon. But..... What if I use my manna and Spiritual power together.'

Once Kuru did so. Crimson red and black manna circled him. Kuru closes his eyes and controls his breathing. As he is still casting the blood pack spell. Kuru focuses his flow of manna and embed it within the weapon.

The sky began to turn black. Dark clouds gathered where they stood. Lighting started to run through clouds.

The Sword started absorbing Kuru's blood. The more manna Kuru put in. The fasted he chanted.

Then it all Suddenly stops. He checks to see if he can take out the sword and it does. A dark purple curse aura of the sword emitted from it like smoke.

"So that's it?..." Kuru asked but suddenly fell to his knees. He felt unimaginable pain. As he watched the vain in hand turn black.

Kuru did not shout or scream but clenched his teeth.

The sword made a sound. The sound of hundreds and thousands of people screaming in agony. Kuru looks closer at the sword's blade and sees in the reflection of countless souls trapped in it.

Eden walks till the middle of the road and says.

"That sword has many curses within it. 1st cures is to trap the souls of those it kills. 2nd is, once you unsheathe it. You'll have to kill and take the souls of the ones you kill to sheath it again. 3rd, it will take over your mind body and soul. Leaving you on a murderous rampage."

"What?....why didn't you.....tell me earlier?"

"That is not the question you should be asking." Eden said. Then snapped his fingers and out came a system panel.






"What?... You're telling me to fight you."

"Yes, once you draw blood from me. You will pass. But if you can not over come that cursed blade. You will die with no way to come back."

Kuru can barely move, let alone stand. His hand is gripping the sword so hard that he can't seem to let go. Out of all the souls that screamed. A calm demonic voice speaks to him.


" Are...Are You the.. Sword?"


Kuru looked at Eden and said.

"... you said I asked the wrong question earlier right?"


"so how do I stop it from taking over me?"

"There is one absolute law In the multiverse. Strength over trumps all."

'Shit... Is that it?'

"DARE TO IGNORE ME!" Muramasa said as it sends lighting through out Kuru's body.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" Kuru screamed

Once done, Kuru falls to his hands.


Kuru closed his eyes and once he opens them finds himself floating in a sea screaming, dead souls. Kuru reaches out but it's of no help. The souls drag him down. Kuru now, drowning in a sea of souls. They cling onto his body like his their last hope to life.

Muramasa has successfully taken over Kuru's Body. The black veins has spread as far as his face. His eyes turned pitch black with a Cursed aura surrounding him.

Muramasa laughed softly in an evil manner.

"Oh Conqueror..." he said as he stood up while still looking down. Once he lifted his head, Eden could see in it's that Muramasa had completely taken over Kuru's body.

"Oh.. How I missed you.."

"Sadly it's just you who feels that way."

Small bits of lightning, surged through Muramasa. It instantly sprints off, breaking the ground from where it stood. It's speed is so fast it destroys all nearby windows and flipping cars from the road into buildings.

In just a second, Muramasa was already in mid air right next to Eden. Looking at Eden with nothing but killing intent it's eyes and aiming for the back of his neck. The speed in which he swings the sword leaves behind a stiletto of ink from a brush. Aiming for the neck for a clean decapitation.

(Massive explosion)

A wave of power destroyed an half a block of buildings and they crumble to the ground. Dust clouds, smoke and fire has spread through out that direction.

Muramasa smiles as he stood still with his sword is being held back by Eden, With one finger.

"POWERFUL AS EVER I SEE." Muramasa said as he disappeared before Eden could attack back.

He appears standing on top of a roof's edge. Muramasa, looking down on Eden.

Before Muramasa could say anything. Eden disappeared from his spot. Muramasa is surprised by this but swings behind himself. As Eden came from behind. Their sword clashed but Muramasa is over powered by his strength. Sending him flying into the area that Muramasa had destroyed. His body hits the ground but grinded for another 90 feet. Spreading dust clouds and debride on the way.

Muramasa's body skips off a large rock but lands on a building that had fallen onto it's side. His body left a crater in the wall. As Muramasa opened his eyes. He sees Eden coming for an attack with one hand on his sword. Aiming to pieces Muramasa with it.

Muramasa quickly uses his sword to redirect the attack just past his ribs. Into the wall behind him but Eden use his free hand and pushes Muramasa face further into the wall.

With Eden's great speed and force. He pushes Muramasa through the wall with an explosive force.

The explosion lead into a underground parking lot. Through the smoke screen of dust. Muramasa came out backwards but sides on his feet on the ground for quite a distance. While he Sliding, Eden came through the smoke at amazing speed.

As Muramasa just stopped. He go's for a vertical sword slash with great speed and in that instance. Eden came close enough to defend the attack. In a instance, Eden made his own attack but Muramasa defends it as well. Eden, fighting with one hand with a look of ease on his face and Muramasa fighting with an evil smile on his.

They clash swords repeatedly and high speeds. All you could see is the stilettos left behind from their swords movements and sparks of clashing metal from their attacks.

"You know, I think this body was meant for me. Never have I felt this much manna and strength before...." Muramasa said, then blocked Eden's attacks and the force sent him back but Muramasa took it with ease. He only flew a few feet away.

".... To think that a mere child could poses such power. It's only a matter of time before I fully taken control over his body." Muramasa said and then laughed by himself. Eden seemed disappointed with what Muramasa had said. He turned his head and closed his eyes while sheathing his sword.

" Why are putting away your sword? "

" because you have not fully taken over the boy's body."

" you want to wait till I do. Then have me fight at full power."



".... I'm not waiting for you... I'm waiting for the boy."

Muramasa's eyes filled with rage. His manna instantly flowed over his body fierce fully.

"How dare you Conqueror!" Muramasa shouted as he sprints at high speeds. In a matter of a split second. Muramasa is a step away from Eden and aiming to drive his sword into his head.

Suddenly Muramasa stops inches away from Edan's forehead and Eden did not even flinch.

Muramasa took a step back while garbing his head. It was as if he has a massive migraine eating away at his mind.

"aaaahhhhh...this can't be"

Within the sword. Down deep within the sea of souls, Lied Kuru. His angry and raging with manna and spiritual power. He clenches his fist and Roars with a burst of crimson red energy. The souls seem scared and tired their best to swim away from him

Muramasa stumbles as he takes another step back. He leans against crack pillar but slides down to one knee.

"Do really think that I'd let you have my body willingly!!" Kuru shouted with rage.

"aaarrrrrrrhhhhh!!!" Muramasa shouted in pain.

"After everything I went through to get here!!"

Muramasa began to see painful flashes memories of Kuru being bullied and taunted. It was as if Muramasa was experiencing it first hand.

"Aaaaaaaarrrrrrhhhhhh!!! STOP YOU FUCKING MORTAL!!!!!"

"Do you have any idea of how many years I had to train!!!"

Muramasa then experience the pain of Kuru swinging a heavy sword with weights on his arms and legs for years on end. Kuru being bitten willingly by different kinds of snakes. Kuru having to starve to death.

"How many times I had to die!!"

Muramasa then experienced the countless times Kuru had died. Burn to death, decapitated, stabbed, copped up, poisoned, shot with multiple arrows, explosion after explosion.

"WHAT?... WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!" Muramasa shouted.

"it's his pain..." Eden answered.


"Yes, that feeling your getting, those memories. They are all that he has been through...."

"SO WHAT!..."

"You're just an object. An instrument created to kill and feel nothing but now you have to face over 2 000 years worth of pain."

"arrrhughh!!!" Muramasa screamed as he experienced going through a funeral of his family, alone. A teenager crying on his knees by his family's grave.

"HUMAN, STOP THIS!!!" Muramasa said as he tried to crawl away.

"You're mine!!! Kuru shouted and suddenly the blood pact appeared under Muramasa.

" WHAT?... NO!!! "

" I want to you to feel it all!!... "

Muramasa saw and felt how Nari started to avoided Kuru.

" I want to feel my pain!!... "

Muramasa the saw and felt how Kuru had to run after his parents but couldn't get any closer.

"I want you to feel what it's like to be human!!!!"

Muramasa then saw and felt what it's like to beheld by a loving family. Their smiles and laughs, Hopes and dreams. All those feelings and memories coiled with each other.

"AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" After a loud scream from Muramasa. His head bowed down. It's as if he died.

Eden stood there in silence. Suddenly the body breathed in air. Like it was brought back to life. Eden tilled his head to see who it was. The body stood up, using the pillar as leverage.

"Sorry I'm late." it said and as it looked up Eden could tell. That it is Kuru.

Kuru looks that the sword and holds it in front of him.

"I'm your Master now. Now that the blood pact is completed. We'll be working together for the till the end." Kuru said as then held the sword with two hands. Standing in a sword stance. Facing Eden, ready for battle.

"You're still planning on fighting?" Eden asked

"Come on, I've been trained by War himself for over a thousand years. I have to hold up the expectations of my Master."

"haha... Your right" Eden said as he took out his sword slowly.

"I wonder how many times you will die this time."

"We'll just have to see. Won't we"...