The Four Horseman, in their titan size. Sat on their thrones. Watching a live feed of Kuru and Eden.

"To think that Eden himself would teach Kuru skills. As if our teachings are less better than his." War said with the sound of animosity in his voice.

"Haha, you're just jealous that his talent to kill all and yours is mostly strategy." Pestilence said

"Please, the boy clearly has impressed him on his own. You all know that he could have easily killed Kuru with out hesitation." War replied

"So what! He is still not worthy to teach our Disciple after he revoked himself from not only being one of the Horsemen but from history it's self." Famine said with despise in his voice.

" Enough, you all have thought Kuru as much as you could. Now it's time to see weather or not he is ready to over come the Conqueror." Death said

" I find the boy unique. Not only has he over come the trials of our tests but even after all these years. He still keeps his memories of his past life and even holds onto his humanity." Pestilence said.

" You're right. It is strange.."

"For us it may be strange but then again. We were not born human. We have never spent time with humans nor have we ever interacted with them. So it's to say that as God's we may never know what's it like." Death said

"Neither does Eden. As long as we have known him. He has never showed interest or any empathy for anything in the Multiverse." War said

"What are you trying to say?" Famine asked

"So why did he come here for the boy?" War said out of curiosity.

"Because he can sense something within that boy. It's the thing you all have felt as he progressed through the test. That power that hides within him. It has gained our acknowledgement…." Death said then put his bone hands together and lend forward from his seat.

"Now let's witness. The clash of our Disciple and The Conqueror."






"Lord Conqueror, I'm not planning on dying just yet. I've been trained by 3 of the Four Horsemen. I have a reputation to hold up." Kuru said while holding Muramasa firmly.

Eden just gave Kuru a cold stair but the corner of his mouth, a grin showed.

"Since your so confident. Let's up the stakes of our match" Eden said and then snapped his fingers.

Back at the Hall of the End. Death placed his hand on his chest.

"That bastered." He said, attracting the other Horsemen's attention.

"What's wrong Brother?" War asked

"Eden has taken away my Law of Death"

"What!... " Famine shouted in rage

"That bastered! What is he planning?"






Kuru looks up with distress in his eyes.

Looks like my big mouth could get me killed but I can't turn back now' Kuru thought as he grips his sword's handle tightly and the feeling of excitement rushed through him like electricity.

'His is The Conqueror of Conquerors. There's no way I'm not Going all out a fight.' Kuru thought as red Electricity emanate from his body. His hair raises but by a bit.

"Hey Kid!" a voice spoke in Kuru's mind. A strange voice his doesn't recognize.

He imbues manna within Muramasa. Kuru's shocked. He doesn't break position but looks around with his eyes.

"Muramasa? Is that you?" Kuru spoke soft and calm out loud.

"Yes Kid, Since we have formed a very one sided contract both of us can communicate using telepathy.

" No way. Not ganne lie. That's pretty cool."

" Do you think this is cool. I've been contract with a child! Release me this once!"

"So only I can hear you."

"Yes…you idiot. Now release me!"

"Hey Muramasa, do you think I'm really an idiot. I've studied blood packs and I already know that you have to follow my orders."

"You little shit. What makes you think I'd still help you?"

"Well if you break the pack. You'll shatter, Meaning you die. Even if I die. Do you. Think Eden will ever give you another opportunity to fight again?"

"You shit!.."

"Just get used to the fact that you're stuck with me. Right now, you have another opportunity fight a to fight him. So what are you going to do?" Kuru said and after Muramasa gave it some thought he decided.

"Fine! But there is no way a kid like you will win against a Undefeated God. You don't know but you're already dead."

"let me worry about Eden. You just have to support me. So what can you do?"

"I can summon the souls of the ones I've killed."

"what really?"

"But it's useless. You're The new wielder. You haven't killed anyone with me and you're not strong enough to summon the souls I contain."

"Just great, anything else?"

"I can cut through anything and if strong enough I can cut space itself. [Dimensional Cut] skill can cut through anything."

"So that's it?" said with a sour look on his face

"Hey! Why do you sound disappointed?"

"I was just thinking that if you really are a legendary Ranked Weapon. You'd have better features."

"You dare!!!! I'll let you know. I have [Murder Frenzy] skill that triples your power. You will be the most powerful killer there is. I have Another skill called [Nullify]. I can break any cures or all binding spells. My ultimate skill called [DEVIL WITHIN] that can only be activate when you call my name."

" That's awesome. So what's your name?"

"Fuck off and die."

"Geez, I can see we're going to be good friends."

"You little shit. You don't deserve to say my name.

"Are you done now or did you reconsider?" Eden said as his mana of dark indigo colour began to manifest.

"Well, let's do this." Kuru said as he manifested his Crimson manna.

Kuru sprints at super high speed. Faster then what Muramasa could do. In a split second, was already in front of Eden.

(Massive Explosion)

There clash with explosive force from below the parking lot's entire upper floor. Blew up in the air. Large pieces of building structures rose nearly 200 feet in the air.

Kuru and Eden jumped up from what was left of the parking lot. They're speed is so fast that pieces of Building structure seem to be stuck in slow motion.

Streaks of Red and indigo clashed. Bouncing back and forth from each clash. They use the floating concrete as footing to launch themselves towards one another. Breaking the concrete with their feet.

In the middle of the air. Between Eden and Kuru is a long piece of a building's wall. It had large windows that ran down from one end to the other and is still intact. Kuru and Eden land on either end of a large piece of floating building. Not wasting a second as they sprint towards each other. Breaking the glass each foot steps. The glass broke like they're running on water. As they got close to each other. Kuru imbued his manna within Muramasa. Rapidly and fast.

"Why does this human have such power!" Muramasa said with shock in his voice. As Kuru's mana fuels Muramasa's power.

Kuru goes for a powerful strike and Eden still looks calm.


Eden clashed his sword together with Kuru's. Kuru attack seemed over whelming. A large explosion of Crimson red shined but out of the explosion. Kuru flew out. As if he was hit with his own attack.

"What the hell was that skill. To use my own attack power against me.." Kuru said as he flew towards the neighbouring tall buildings.

Kuru's body breaks through a window and slides on the ground. He then rolls and uses Muramasa to sticks the ground to stop but slides a few more feet.

Kuru looks up to see Eden already coming through the window at a high speed. Kuru quickly gets up and dodges his string of high speed attacks. But Kuru is being pushed back.

"If blocking is all your good for then it will be over soon." Eden said in his calm and cold manner.


Right before Eden's eyes, Kuru disappears. Eden looks to the left and right. Then he Suddenly lifts his sword to the right and instantly Kuru appears with an attack ready but Eden blocks it with out even looking.

"Are you kidding me! You blocked that?" Kuru says as Eden looks at him through the split ends of his hair.

"You're forgetting who you're facing Child."

Kuru clinches his teeth and disappears again. He reappears again at a different angle but Eden blocks it. Kuru continues this process of attacks. Striking with 10 attacks with each second but Eden stands on one spot. Blocking every attack effortlessly.

Eden countered another attack but sent Kuru back at bit on his knees. Kuru looks up with a look of frustration on his face. Kuru then place his hand on the ground and a magic circle appears underneath Eden's feet.

"While trying to attack me. You cut ruin markings on the ground. Clever." Eden said


The magic circle shined brightly and instantly raging flames come up from underneath Eden's feet.

Kuru stood up but kept his guard up. As the flames died out but Eden stood still. Unharmed and not even a scratch on his clothes.

Kuru and Eden once again ran towards each other and Clashed. The force blows the entire floor out. Then the floor below out and the next floor and the next floor. Each floor blew up till the ground floor.

Kuru comes out flying and hit and car by his door. The impact is so strong that Kuru and the car fly into the small building.


The Explosion come from where Kuru lied. Eden came walking slowly out of the building. He watched as the fire burned and the Kuru came out sprinting with flames behind his back and his sword ready at hand. Within a second. Kuru came aimed for Eden's neck. Eden blocks and the force of the attack shakes the ground. Unstable buildings crumble and fall. Glass shatter throughout the entire street.

Kuru looks at Eden with rage in his Crimson eyes but a grin in his face.

'His enjoying this' Eden thought to himself.

As Kuru just lands both feet on the ground. They both start slashing at each other at super high speed. Each slash's force destroyed neighbouring buildings. Dodge, slashing and blocking each attack from one another.

Kuru comes for came for another strike. Eden wanted to block but Kuru disappears. Eden then looks up to see Kuru in the air.

Kuru points the palm of his hand at him. A ruin mark appears in a shape of a triangle and smaller marks on each side. Then 10 more magic circles around it with ruin markings.

'Tire 10 level magic. Those brothers of mine thought you well.'


From the Magic Circle. A giant black skull with horns, red eye sockets and sharp shark like teeth appeared. It's as large as a building and at a high speed it came after Eden with it's mouth open.

Eden simple held his sword above his head with both hands and imbues his sword with his mana.


Eden brings down his sword and gigantic force of Indigo slashes the demon. The attack is so powerful that it destroys every building for 5 city blocks in a straight line. The ground where the slash took place was destroyed and the nearby buildings became rubble. But Kuru is no where to be found.

"Did I kill him?" Eden said as he couldn't feel Kuru's presents.


A large black slash of Mana came towards Eden on his right. But Eden blocks it. His sword begins to crack but Eden mangers to stop it. Although the force of the attack cuts down the buildings behind him.

'He was able to Dodge my attacks and hide his presence at the same time. This must be the teaching of War.' Eden thought as he sees Kuru down the road

"it's not enough" Kuru said as he raised his manna power around him.

"I have to go beyond my limit!"

Kuru instantly sprints off and in a mere second. His below Eden, Crouched down in a sword stance.


A green magic crest appears below them with a yin yang crest in the middle. He then Attacks Eden with a string of super high speed sword attacks. Leaving behind stilettos of red and black manna

Eden blocks but he notices his sword is breaking. His sword shatters but he swiftly dodges Kuru's super fast attacks with ease.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" Kuru shouts as he goes faster and faster.

"Enough" Eden says. The instantly punches Kuru in the stomach. Kuru's feet leaves the ground and blood comes out of his mouth. The force of the attack sends Kuru flying at a high speed down the road. Kuru's body goes through two buildings and hits the third buildings wall. He lies in a crater, pined against the wall.

Kuru lifts his head and sees Eden standing in front of him.

"Give up child. You'll never pass this test." Eden said bluntly.

"I get it now…" Kuru says

"What are you talking about?"

"You may act as if you have no emotion but I can tell. That since you have for filled your duty to the creator. You must feel like you have no purpose…"

"Stop talking nonsense. You're just a mortal trained for entertainment."

"Yeah…You're right. I'm just a clown putting on a show. But more than anything. I'm a clown that's loved and been loved. I've lost everything and it hurts more then being killed thousands of times. But now that I look into your eyes. All I can see is loneliness…"

Eden felt agitated by Kuru's words.

"Enough of this. Give up. You're never going to win"

"You can tell me to give up a million times BUT I WILL SAVE MY SISTER AND YOU WILL GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" Kuru shouts with rage as his mana rage fully flairs out. The wall he was pinned becomes a bigger crater.


Kuru mana in his left arm forms a lion with devil like horns. Eden is surprised by this sudden burst of power. He attempts to block it with one hand. Once contact was made. A giant dome of Crimson mana formed over the buildings and then erupted with a giant explosion. Within that explosion, you could see the same lion roaring with rage.

After the dust clouds disappear. All that's lefts is an is a land of rubble with red mana like fire on different spots. In the middle of the impact zone. Kuru stands with his fist held out and Eden standing there. Holding Kuru's fist as if he felt nothing.

"it's still not good enough.." Eden said as he then kicks Kuru across the field and Kuru can do nothing but hold onto Muramasa. As Kuru flew, Eden appeared above him and hit him into the ground. Causing a huge explosion. The force behind the blow created a crater. In the middle lied Kuru with Eden standing over him with his foot on top on Kuru's chest.

Kuru has blood coming from his forehead, nose and mouth. Eden looks down on him with a cold stair and says.

"You're nothing more than a mortal. So give up."

Kuru opens one of his eyes as the other is swollen. He gives Eden a grin smile as if he out smarted him.


"As the mortal flew, he created a doppelgänger and used some skill to switch before I got to him." Eden said and then Kuru's Doppelgänger suddenly grabs onto Eden's foot on his chest. It's body started to shine a bright red colour and got brighter.


A huge explosion went off. Destroying the ground even further and realising a large amount of explosive energy. This skill is used as when your give back the double the amount of force and damage your opponent gives you.

Even through all that. Eden stood still in one place and is still unharmed.

"Where are you mortal?" he said to himself as he looked around. He then sensed Kuru's spiritual signecher with in the buildings that's out of the blast radios.


A skill that allows the user to see through anything. No matter how far they are or how good their hiding skill is. No man or God can hide.

"Found you"

Kuru is standing on top of the edge of a 40 story tall building. With Muramasa in one hand and Twin Dragon Cresset moon blade in the other. Kuru is looking at Eden's direction. Waiting for him

Eden instantly sprints off. Breaking the sound bearer as he moves. He breaks the buildings easily. Each build in his way, breaks and falls to the ground. Eden makes it to the bottom of the build. He stops and looks up while Kuru looks down at him. With no fear in his eyes.

Eden then jumps on the wall and starts running up the wall with great speed. Breaking every window and wall he passed. Kuru intentionally falls over but his able to stand on the wall with out falling.

'By focusing my mana at my feet. I can now walk on walls.'

Kuru then sprits down the building towards Eden with the same amount of speed. While Eden ran he takes out a silver with Gold, knights sword out of thin air.

They collide In the middle with a clash of swords. The force is so strong it destroys most of the building. Their speed and swordsman ship clashed with rage and power radiating throughout the city.

Kuru goes for Eden's head from behind but Eden is too fast and quickly grabs Kuru by the collar, turns around and throws him towards the ground. As Kuru is being tossed, he smiles. Eden sees this and thought it was strange. He looks behind him to see Twin Dragon Cresset moon behind him.

[Twin Dragon Cresset Moon]

Skill: Can teleport it's master to and from it's position at any distance. Depending of the mana of the master.

'He already made a blood pact with that blade.' Eden thought to himself.

Just as Eden looked back at Kuru. He had already teleported to the Dagger.


Kuru attacks with a thin wave of mana mix with red and black.

'That same attack is different now. His applied spiritual power in it. Making it 10x stronger. His learning and getting stronger as the fight goes on.'

Eden the released a wave of his own to counter the attack but Kuru's attack breaks through.

"What?" Eden said, surprised by this.

Eden then disappears, dodging the attack.

Kuru's attack hits the ground with great force. Cutting the middle of the road and Turing it into a canyon.

Eden just appears in the road near by and Kuru suddenly appears above him. Kuru, going for a downward slash. Eden notices and quickly dodges the attack. Kuru misses as he lands.

Kuru stands up and smiles.

"why are you smiling. You do know that you have yet to even land an attack on me." Eden said as he is slightly irritated by that smile.

"I've figured it out.."

"Figured out what?"

"I thought that just because your one of the most powerful God's. That you didn't need to dodge any of my attacks no matter how powerful it is. But…"

"But what?"

"your teachings of Spiritual power thought me that you can use your it in many forms."

"So you used that doppelgänger as a decoy to give you time to figure it out?"

"Yes and no. That [DOMINATIONAL SLASH] that I fused spiritual power with was just the first test.."

"And what did results have you come up with besides making it stronger?"

" You dodge it."

"So what of it?"

"That concludes my investigation. You're using spiritual power to make a thin layer to protect your body from any harm."

"So you figured it out. Congratulations are in order but you…"

"I'm not done explaining yet.."


"That 2nd test wasn't just about you dodging it but Muramasa's special skill [Nullify]. If I mix spiritual power in that skill. It can nullify not only break curses and spell but now spiritual power as well."

Eden is slightly shocked that Kuru figured it and using a skill in other ways.

'This boy. They've trained him well.'

"So what? It doesn't change the fact that I can kill you before you use it."

"Your right but because you're a God. You've underestimate me because I'm just a mere mortal."

After hearing Kuru's word's. Eden looks up to see another Kuru 20 feet in the air with Twin Dragon blade at hand.

"another doppelgänger?"


A skill that allows it's user to bring chains made from Hade's Armour. It can either restrain or attack there opponents. Kuru uses it to retrain Eden to the ground by chaining his hands and legs. .

Kuru in the air, throws Twin dragon blade directly at Eden with his spiritual power surround it. The other Kuru sprinted forward with Muramasa in hand. Going for the kill.


Suddenly a dome of mana came out from within Eden. Breaking the chains into tiny pieces. The dome of mana grew bigger and bigger. The Twin Dragon Cresset moon Blade was pushed out of Kuru's doppelganger hand. The doppelganger was incinerated. Kuru was pushed back and flew into the air. The ground and nearby buildings were pushed back as well. The clouds in the sky too was pushed into a circle. Not a sounds was made and it all happened in a matter of a second.

Eden stood in the middle of the impact zone. Nothing was left but a barren land with broken down buildings. Eden walks slowly for about 40 feet. Then stops. He bends down to one knee and plunges his hand into the ground. He then pulls out a hand. He pulls more and out comes Kuru. His bleeding from the mouth and has several wounds all over his body. Kuru begins to wake up but can barely lift his head. Still holding onto Muramasa

"I see you used Spiritual power to protect your body. You truly are a worthy disciple of the Four Horsemen…" Eden says to Kuru although Kuru couldn't say anything back.

"Sakuya… Sa.. Ku.. Ya.." Kuru mutters

"You're still holding on to the past. All those emotions does nothing but hinder one's mission. That's why your weak…"

Suddenly Kuru heart began to beat loudly within his body.

"That's why you can't save anyone nor have your revenge."

The K9's of Kuru's Teeth began to grow sharper like a wolf.

"That's why your can never save your sister." Eden said as he points the tip of his sword against Kuru's chest.

"Now I will end your suffering.."

As Eden was about to plunge his sword into Kuru's heart. Kuru disappears from his hand.

"What?" Eden said in a surprised manner. He turns around to find Kuru a distance away. Kuru is crunch over with his hair covering his eyes and blood pouring from his mouth to the ground. In the ground Eden could see Twin Dragon Cresset moon Blade.

"Impossible. I'm sure he had no mana left. His life force was near it's end. No, something is wrong."

Kuru's hair began to change from black to Crimson red. He domineer and aura completely changed. Each breath he exhaled. Steam would come out as if it was cold winter.

"That's not Kuru anymore" Eden said as he watched Kuru pick up the Twin Dragon Cresset moon Blade from the ground. Then shouts a fearsome rawer so loud it shook the ground. As he did he activated one of Muramasa's skills.

[Murder Frenzy]

Kuru's power tripled. His spiritual pressure, Spiritual force and spiritual power sored to great heights. It's so strong that even Eden had to take a step back.

"What monsterus power.." Eden said stunned while looking at Kuru. Behind Kuru a figure witched looked like fire shadow demon. Stood behind him and exuded more power.

"His getting more stronger. I'll have no choice but to kill him here and now." Eden said and made a sword stance.

As Kuru took one step. Cracks on the ground began to form and fire began to come out. Red shadow like devil horns formed on Kuru's head.

"What monster is this? I've never felt power felt pressure like this before." Eden said

Then suddenly, within a blink of an eye. Kuru appeared on Eden's right side. Ready to cut his head off. With just a swing of his sword. Kuru

destroyed the entire field in that direction with pure power.

Eden appeared in the air using his speed.

"What power and rage within his attack."

Kuru looked up in the air. He Crouches down and evil Crimson feathered wings made of mana appeared. He then jumps and The force of his jump destroyed the ground. Breaking the sound beerier. Within a split second he came close to Eden for another attack.

Eden blocks and holds his ground. They start attacking each other with super high speed attacks. While in mid air, clouds began to move away.

As they fought. Kuru was laughing in a evil way. As if he was a monster. Eden on the other hand showed no emotion but they seem evenly matched.

Eventually, with their last attack connecting. Eden and Kuru's force bounced off each other back. Eden floats in the air while Kuru's wings help him fly.

"Who are you?" Eden asks but Kuru doesn't look at him. Instead his mana kept increasing with rage. He rowers out loud again and Waves of Spiritual power spreads.

(Hall of the end)

"So this is the boys inner Monster. The dark side of his heart." Famine said feeling intrigued by the power Kuru shows.

"Yes his rage. Could it be the rage his kept hidden within him amounted to this much?" War pondered.

"It can't be. Through out their fight. No matter how well we train Kuru or how powerful he is. He had already reached his limit and he already went beyond that limit." Pestilence stated.

"As much as it pains me to agree with you but that boy may truly have a monster hidden within him." Famine said

"A monster. Exactly what kind of Monster could have such power? I trained the boy to kill armies on his own and to withstand pain to it's at most best. Never once has this monster appeared." War said

"Maybe, the monster chose to hide? Pestilence said

" The monster was always their." Death said. Leaving the other to look at him.

" With each one of your test. Kuru used that power to overcome his fate and surpass our expectations. It slowly changed him with each hard ship and after almost 3 000 years. Kuru's body and mind had been trained to be able to withstand it's power. But without training his soul he can not control it." Death said

" Then do you, Death know what is this monster?" War Asked

" No I've never felt such power and rage before."

"What? How can you, The Death? not know the identity of thst being?" Pestilence said in a fit.

"Yes, I am a Law. Just like you all. I know every name of every being and Gods. I know when they will die and how they will die. Even those who reach immortal level. Even they will eventually die. But this monster, it's power and rage that can be felt till even here. I do not know what it is."

" If you say that then there can only be one way…." Pestilence said but is interrupted by Famine when he banged his fist on his throws armrest.

" Impossible! Don't even think about it Brother. You all know that there are only 13 Laws in the entire Multiverse. Our brothers and sisters!"

" Silence!" Death shouted.

"No matter weather Kuru has the power law or not. What matters is that we did not choose him. He was chosen for us." Death stated and the room fell silent.

"What if Kuru can't survive. What if he becomes a monster of unknown power?" War asks.

"Then Eden, who has the Law of Conqueror within him. Will kill Kuru with out hesitation." Death said.

Eden began to slowly float down and Kuru slowly did the same. As soon as the tips of their shoes touch the ground. They both at the same time use their incredible speed to run towards each other.

Their speed Is so fast that they cannot be seen. Each clash or swing of their swords destroyed random spots and areas within the Battle field. Each relentlessly trying to kill each other.

Kuru swings for another attack and pushes Eden back. Eden slides with his feet on the ground. Breaking the ground along the way. But Kuru doesn't give him time to breath and appears above Eden with a Crazy monstrous look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry boy.."


It was as if time had stopped. Everything was is black and white. Eden seem to be to be the only on in color. He looks at Kuru with no emotion. He places his sword by his side as if it's sheathed. He crouches into a stance like position.

"I'm sorry but that monster within you. Can not excite."

He pulls his swords out. From down to upward slash, Cutting Kuru. The color of the area returned and everything continued.

The look on Kuru's face changed as he realises that his cut.

Suddenly a giant sword slash wave destroys everything, with Kuru along with it. The path of the destruction is 3km long. Leaving nothing but a giant canyon.

"That Bastard! To use a Heavily Art Skill on a mere mortal. Now all our efforts into training him has failed!" War shouted out of anger.

"To think the fate of our Disciple would end in such a way." Famine said with a sense of disappointment in his voice.

"It's not over yet…" Death said.

"What? But I can't sense that boys monster like power." Pestilence stated.

"That because you're look for that monsters power. But the boy. His still stands."

Eden didn't look away from the wreckage. As the dust clouds blew away with the wind. Kuru stand in the front of the canyon. Broken, beaten and battered. Kuru still stands with his head looking at the ground. While still holding Muramasa. A large gash from his Right shoulder to his ribs.

"The Boy Used Spiritual Power to like I did to protect his vital organs. To think a moral could with stand a Heavenly Art Skill when his just so close to death. He truly is a Worthy discipline of the horseman. But, that power hidden within his is too evil. He has to die here and now." Eden said and then points his sword towards Kuru.

" I'm sorry… " Kuru mutters

" What are apologizing for? "

" I'm that I will prove you wrong ." Kuru said as he raised his free hand in the air.

" and prove to you that having something and someone to love is enough to over come even a Conqueror!" Kuru said as ball of Black a red mana form in the palm of his hand. Wind and lightning began to circle around it and formed rapidly into a spinning Shuriken.

"What? His combining his mana with spiritual power and that evil power within him. It's power is growing at an extremely high rate." Eden said to himself. He watched in awe as it grew bigger and bigger.

"Watch carefully Brothers. This boy has yet again surpassed himself." Death said

Kuru throws the attack. It spins as it moves like a ninja star. Cutting the ground without touching it. Eden keeps his guard up but the attack flies upward into the sky.

"What? He didn't aim from me?" Eden said then suddenly he felt Kuru hold him from behind.

"Wait, when did you get behind me?" Eden asked as he looks behind and see Half Crescent Moon Twin Dragon Blade lying in the ground behind him.

'Shit he must have thrown the blade behind me before I used Heavenly Art.' Eden thought.


Chains broke out from the ground around them and raped around them both.

"Mortal what are you doing? You can't win with just holding me back!" He shouted but shocked to see Kuru smile.

"I learned something valuable from Lord War. Distraction are crucial in the Battlefield and so is self sacrifice." Kuru said.

As he said those words. Eden looked up to see that attack that Kuru created is coming down from the sky.


The skill used by Muramasa. To stop Eden from using any skill.

" You fool, I Will live survive this attack but you will die!"

"You're right. But you will lose." Kuru said as he summoned all the mana he had left to hold onto Eden.

Eden looked up as saw it was already too late.

(Massive Explosion)

The power in the attack destroyed everything within a 10 km radios. A giant sphere of red mixing with black. Clouds opened from the sky. Although it's daylight, the sky showed stars and space.

After 20 minutes the mana cleared and a Gigantic crater was all that's left of the city. Within the impact zone. Eden stood still with a cut on his left cheek. Kuru who is badly hurt. Lies on the ground.

Suddenly Kuru gasped for air. Showing signs of life.

Then a system panel showed.



"I… I.. Did.. It… Sa.. kuya.. I'm going… To… Save you.." Kuru said then passed out.

"Hahah! That's my discipline! You've learned well and embodied the essence of battle. Even if you're on the losing end. Even if it meant dying. Kill your enemy's with every fibre of your being!!" War shouted with pride and joy.

"That my boy. Why to stick it to that self riches ass. Hahah!" Pestilence laughed.

Eden picked up and carried Kuru's body.

"You have surprised me mortal. No, Kuru"

In mere Second Eden appeared in front of the Four Horsemen. Who have truned into human sized on his return. Eden put Kuru on the ground and a pail women wearing church like maiden clothes with a blind fold on. She picked up Kuru levitating him off the ground and carried him away.

"So The great Conqueror of Conquerors lost to a mere mortal. How does it feel?" Pestilence asked in a arrogant manner.

"You all should know, considering that he has also passed all your tests as well." Eden replay. Ticking off Pestilence.

"What do you think of the boy?" War asked

"His reckless. He wastes large amounts of mana within him and doesn't seem to care of his own well being."

"He is a mortal with emotions, but I couldn't break that part of him during his training. His will is stronger than most of the failures that came before him." War said

"Do you mean the failures that you all knew would fail." After Eden had said that. The Horsemen Fell silent.

"Please I've known you all since the beginning. I know you all took arrogant and self adsorbed mortal that were greedy for power. Just so you all can watch them fail. For your own entertainment."

"What you say may be true. So what of it? I know you don't care about mortal nor did you care about the thrown that the creator gave you." Pestilence said.

"Pestilence, do not think I that I'll disobey our Creator. What I'm trying to ask is why have you all chose Kuru? His innocent, yet you all trained him to become a killer. So why him?" as Eden asked Death stepped forward.

"Because we were ordered to." Death answered

"The great Four Horsemen were given orders. Who in the multiverse has that kind of influence and what price did they pay?"

"No price.." Death answered and walked until he stood shoulder to shoulder with Eden.

"No Price?... It can't be."

"Yes, it is as you think" Death said and the others had a arrogant look on their face.

"It was an order from the Creator himself. "Death answered and Eden fell in shock. The feeling of disbelief ran through him as of a car had come and run him over.

" Impossible! I haven't heard from the creator after all these years! But your telling me that his gave you all orders to train a specific Mortal!"

"We felt just as shock as you are. At the time we thought that no one would be able to withstand the amounts of Death's they had to go through. But Tomo Kuru is indeed different. For him to past the test 3 of the Horsemen's test and retain not only his self awareness and memories. He exceeded our expectations. All in the name of saving his little sister. " Death said.

" So our Creator chooses Kuru. Because he knew he'd pass the test but what does this all mean?" Eden asked

" My brother. Not only is it no longer any of your business but neither do we. He asked us to train and test the boy like we would to every other. We just had to make him do it out of his own free will."

"The sister he talks about saving. You all used her to motivate him."

"Correct brother. His sister is truly alive and being held captive by the same people that killed his parents. So his set on getting her back and making those in his way suffer."

"That power inside him. It's too powerful for his world. If he loses control again..he…might.." Eden spoke but Death interrupted him.

"He might what? Prove you wrong again. When you have power. You must to use it to obtain your goal. So don't worry about him losing control. I'll deal with that in his test with me." Death said as his eye shined through the darkness.

Eden turned around and began to walk away.

" So where is the mighty Conqueror off to this time?" Death asked

" During my time with Kuru. He said some things that.. Inspired me." Eden said the instantly disappeared.

'For a human to fight a God is already a peak level to kill lower Gods. But for a mortal to swaig the Conquerors feelings. Just who is this Kuru Tomo? If you survive after 10 000 years. Just what kind of Man will you become. Hero or God killer?'



Hey guys, it's your Devil aurther. I know, I know. I haven't been able to update as much as I wanted to. I just started a new Job and I. Hope I can succeed. But I would still love your support so i can up date much faster.

So Support your Devil. Like, subscribe and donate for faster release because i can tell you now. The next Chapter will make you cry or will it?

See you next time

NEXT CHAPTER: Death's trial