Ch 14- Elves

Glacé opened his eyes and lazily stretched his arms out, he gently turned his head around and spotted the two foxes cuddled around him and found Mole wrapped up in his hair. The entourage of four stayed in place for another day, Glacé continued to stream eight hours every day as stated in his contract. While he was idle he reopened the beginner spell book and started to look at the conditions for the spells he couldn't learn before.

'Need to reach at least level fifteen before learning the next spell…..' Glacé opened his skills tab and looked over his skills he turned the page to look over the innate skills he had gained upon reaching level ten which he barely skimmed over previously.

'Innate skills'

"Unicorn's Kiss" - Give a light touch with your lips and the lucky individual will have a magic barrier surround and protect them from all attacks for 5 minutes upon the barrier errecting. Can only be used once per day.

'Who would want to give anyone a kiss? Is this game trying to get me to sell myself?'. Glacé scowled looking at the skill and continued to read further down the list.

"Healer of light"- Everyone knows Unicorns as most proficient in light magic, as it's an instinct that comes from their bones (Which is the main reason why unicorns are considered pure and holy). As light and healing magic are connected Unicorns make amazing healers. As long as the object is not dead the player can bring the selected object back to full health. Cannot be used on self, depending on the target's health recovered; coordinating MP is taken from the caster.

'As long as it's not dead, he he'. Glacé chuckled as he saw the description, this is actually the skill he used to heal the younger fox the other day. 'It's almost like playing God' Glacé was very pleased with the usefulness of this skill and turned his eyes to the last innate skill.

"Unicorns concern"( Skill upgradeable)- A special type of tracking spell that the caster can use on friendly allies and NPCs. If your marked ally encounters danger you will receive a notification through your magic and have the ability to directly teleport yourself to them if you so choose. Can not have more than 50 marked individuals at a time.

'Having skills like these really gets the point across that unicorns are meant to protect others. That's not a bad thing though'. Glacé felt his last two innate skills were very useful and he tried to use the unicorn's concern skill on Mole.

*Ding* 'successfully bound to the character Mole'

'Hmm does that mean unicorns concern has a chance of failure?' Glacé mentally decided to ask Yuki about it when they meet again.

The next day before setting out Glacé opened his settings and turned on his broadcast. "Morning everyone this is catcher here, and today we're headed off toward the elven settlement nearby. So without further ado let's go!".

Mole flew up and sat on the top of Glacés head and stared daggers at the fox kits who each took over one of Glacés shoulders and they set off. Since Glacé now had fantastic stamina he ran for a few hours, discovering different kinds of wildlife and meeting different spirits along the way.

After traveling for half a day he finally received a notification.

*Ding* discovered the "Worlds Tree forest" Map is updated to reflect

'Oh we've reached the edge of the territory, we should reach the settlement soon then'.

Glacé had already turned off the stream for the day and stared at the two fox kits and paused for a moment. 'Hm, I plan to raise them and keep them with me for a long time…. It should be okay if they know?'.

"Bai, Tera". He called the two kits who both looked up at him "can you keep my most precious secret for me?". Glacé himself probably didn't realize how gentle his eyes were when he asked the two kits this.

"Of course!". The two answered simultaneously, their Beady eyes glowing in excitement and anticipation.

"He he, alright then. I suppose I'll put my trust in you two then". Glacé shifted to his natural form before their expectant eyes. "So pretty!". Tara exclaimed as she stared at the pure white-winged unicorn. Bai however froze and his eyes widened as big as saucers "a unicorn?".

'Hmm seems sees been taught about our race'.

"Do you not like me now that you know?". Bai shook his head to show that wasn't the case.

"It's not that, it's just…. Aren't demons suppose to be your natural enemy? There's no way you don't know what we are. So why would you still help us and risk yourself?".

Glacé reached out a hoof and lightly tapped Bai's forehead. "You think I'd be scared of small balls of fluff like you two? I believe one day you'll protect me as I have you. There's no reason for me not to help you both".

Glacé watched as the small fox disappeared and an eight-year-old or so boy with white hair and red eyes appeared before him on one knee.

Bai held up his hand and spoke solemnly "I Bai Hong of the nine-tailed fox demon clan swear my allegiance to you. I will stay loyal to you for as long as I live or may I be burnt to death by my own fox-fire as punishment".

*Ding* 'You have a new companion'

*Ding* 'You have achieved the hidden achievement "Receive The oath of a demon"

*Ding* 'The Quest "The Unfortunate Hong family" has been updated- open "Quest" tab for details'

*Ding* 'You have leveled up!'

Glacé heard the system notification ring out continuously and stared at the boy kneeling before him. "Thank you, Bai, I accept your sincerity". Bai gave a bright smile showing two tiny tiger teeth, he then transformed back to a fox and hopped on Glacés back and rested his head on Glacés and licked the small horn on his forehead. 'Ahh that feels weird' Glacé gave a slight shiver at the warm sensation on his horn.

"Let's continue on our way". Glacé started to trot and was suddenly attacked by vines.

*Ding* 'Due to the smell of Silver Sitka deer on your party you have unlocked a temporary effect "Elves animosity"

Glacés mind turned upon hearing the notification 'Shit! this damn game, what kind of bloodhound noses do these Elves have??'. Glacé panicked and started to speak quickly. "Ah! Ah! Why are you attacking us??".

"A winged unicorn? The two elves came out from behind the trees and stared at the odd group incredulously. "We can smell a heavy scent of Sitka deer emanating off all of you".

The elves looked very confused as they stared straight at Glacé. 'Unicorns won't typically attack wild animals, and they rarely eat meat'. The elves turned their eyes to the two foxes on his back and their eyes widened.

"Why is a unicorn housing two demons?? Do you not realize what those foxes are? Did they use illusion magic to trick you? No, wait illusion magic wouldn't work on unicorns". The elves looked back at Glacé with puzzled expressions. "Please allow me to explain the situation". Glacé entered survival mode and spoke more eloquently than he ever had in all his life.

"You see these two demons were attacked and chased out of their clan, when I found them they were held captive by their clans pursuers who were leisurely eating a freshly killed silver Sitka deer. The group were talking and laughing they threw some meat at the two and said: "Enjoy this rare last meal". Then the group debated on how to kill the young fox kits, they beat the two around until they were almost dead. Then left to return to their clan, upon seeing them leave I promptly walked up to the young foxes took them within my arms, and ran. Upon reaching a safe location I used my healing magic and took them under my wings. We haven't had a chance to wash since then as I've been journeying trying to get to your settlement for safety reasons. The smell you smell on us must come from the meager amount of meat they ate while in fear. Although they did indeed eat the meat, they are ignorant children who had no part in killing and were in a forced situation. I apologize to you on their behalf, I know it's presumptuous of me to barge in like this. But can you please take pity on us and help us?".

"Oh, so the situation is like that…." The older of the two elves scratched his head and thought for a moment. He then sent a beam of water towards Glacé, who stood still and took the attack. However the water didn't hurt as he imagined, it wrapped and twisted around them gently and dissipated shortly after.

"There now you're all clean and don't smell".

*Ding* 'Temporary effect "Elves animosity" has worn off'

Glacé heaved a sigh of relief 'we made it'.

"Normally we would never allow a demon to even set foot in our holy woods. But for you we will make an exception, please follow me".

"Thank you so much" Glacè lightly trotted behind the two elves with everyone on his back as the Elves guided them to their home.