Ch 15- New Quest

As the group neared the elf village Glacé noticed more water and earth spirits bobbing up and down in the air. 'There's so many more around here' he raised his muzzle and his eyes locked on an odd figure. It had the same glow as the little orbs however it looked somewhat similar to Mole. "What's that?" The younger elf looked to where Glacé was staring "ahh that's a mid-tier water spirit, it must have come to check you out like the others".

Glacé nodded and turned his attention back to following the Elves while the mid-tier water spirit silently followed behind their party.

As they approached the village more Elves started to appear and followed as well, all chattering excitedly. Upon reaching the hidden village Glacé sucked in a deep breath 'so beautiful'. Standing before them was a large wall of vines and flowers that reached up to the tree canopy. The thick wall of vines slowly spread open and the now large group of Elves following Glacé walked in and headed right for the heart of the village; the World tree.

*Ding* 'You have discovered"High Elf Village" Map has been updated'

Glacé gave a small smile and decided to shift back to human form. He heard many exclamations from the crowd behind him and whipped his head around. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw many Elves' faces and long pointed ears redden at a speed visible to the naked eye 'why are they so bashful all of a sudden?'. Glacé stared at the enrapture elves doubtfully.

"Ahem". Glacé turned back and saw all the elves around him kneeling down to one knee and he looked around in confusion. 'Am I such a holy being that even the elves worship me?' Glacé felt smug for point two seconds until he noticed a special-looking elf staring at him and walking his way. This elf's looks were out of this world, his beauty was similar to Glacé but yet not Glace was more of a frail beauty while this man was definitely not. He had an elegant face and well-defined muscles that one could clerly see from his deep v-cut white robe. He had long silver hair that was half up and embellished with a golden tiara, His eyes were glowing green and gold, and kept shifting colors much like his own. Glacé knew these elves must be kneeling to this man, but he refused to lower himself to others so he just stared as the man approached.

"Welcome to our High elf village, Unicorn, we are honored to receive you as a guest". Glacé stared dumbfoundedly as the elf king gave him a deep, graceful bow 'this script isn't going how I expected'.

The elf king straightened up and walked gently before Glacé "I am Elewynn and I am the high king of the elven race, this is the hidden tribe that guards the World tree. I heard from the World Tree that you would be coming and it has much to discuss with you".

'Some hidden village, it was already vaguely displayed on the lousy map Yuki gave me'. Glacé didn't say his internal thoughts and was about to open his mouth to respond.

"Ah, the reason we are on that map is probably that Yuki put it on there intentionally to unwittingly guide you to us".

'So basically It was a trap to get me to come here?'.

"Hmm I wouldn't say it was a trap, Yuki knew we probably needed help and wanted to send you to us".

"Ah, that makes sense". Glacé then froze after speaking and looked at Elewynn hesitantly. "Have I been speaking this whole time?".

Elewynn showed him a playful smirk "No you haven't, I was reading your thoughts and responding to them".

"Ahh that's what I thought".

"...….." Glacés eyes widened and he exclaimed rashly "reading my thoughts?! Can you please not?".

"Haha sorry, I just wanted to take a peek. I'll refrain from doing it if you really don't like it".

Glacé heaved a sigh of relief "thank you".

'Having someone listen to your thoughts is horrible, what if they hear me ranting or I say something offensive or silly? How embarrassing is that?'

Elewynn chuckled, however upon seeing Glacés questioning gaze the elf king straightened up and his face turned solemn. "The World tree wants to meet you, please follow me".

'I'm so popular even a tree wants to see me?'.

Elewynn who had no intention to stop reading Glacés thought didn't know whether he wanted to laugh at his silly personality or get angry for his insult to the World tree, so he simply pulled a blank face and kept quiet.

The two walked one behind the other and the king stopped and turned back, "your demons may not come near the World tree. I ask that you leave them in the care of my guards and have them wait here for you".

Glacé looked down at the two fox kits in his arms and hesitated for a moment. "Mole you stay here and keep an eye on them okay? Bai, Tera be good with the Elves. I'll come to pick you up shortly okay?". The three nodded and Glacé carefully handed them over and continued to follow Elewynn. The closer to the world tree they walked the warmer Glacé felt 'it's like being wrapped in a fluffy blanket in front of a heating device. It's so comfortable'.

Elewynn who heard his thoughts smiled kindly.

"Come here, child" Glacé heard a soft soothing voice and looked at Elewynn. "It's the World tree speaking to you, go up and gently touch her trunk".

Glacé hesitantly looked at the towering golden tree and softly raised a hand to lightly touch its trunk.

*Ding* you have received the passive effect "World tree's Blessing"

Glacé stared at the tree and listened to the soft voice intently "it's been so long since a unicorn has come to see me. It's nice to meet you, child, I am the mother of all plants in this world. Some races refer to me as Gaia or the earth goddess, and some have even called me Mother Nature. But the name I recognize is the World Tree, I cannot move from this spot on my own but I can have others leave pieces of my branches in a place and the land near it will naturally flourish and grow fervently. Although I cannot move I have eyes and ears all over the world. Thus I know that many of my children are in pain and in need of help".

'This definitely sounds like the interlude to a difficult quest' Glacé couldn't help feeling a bit excited and he stared at the World tree with glowing eyes.

"There are several elven tribes in the world and they all work hard to protect a piece of my body. The Elves are my greatest protectors and family, but recently they are subjected to enslavement by greedy humans. Recently a notorious bounty hunter group has shifted focus to solely capturing the elven and dwarven races. Many villages have been attacked and the people captured and sold. I know you are just a young child and it's presumptuous of me to ask, but I can't ask the elves to go as they risk capture. Are you willing to go and disrupt these bounty hunters and rescue those who have been captured? I have already gifted you my blessing. I don't expect you to complete this quickly, but rather I ask you to keep it in mind and rescue those you can when you come across them. I'll be watching over your progress and you will never be short of support as you go along, will you please help my children?"

*Ding* New Quest unlocked; Do you want to accept the Quest "The Grand Rescue!"

'Quest description'- "A bounty hunter group called "The Red Falcons" has been targeting the elves and dwarves. Many families have been broken and sold as slaves. The world tree has asked you to step in and save these displaced people. Do you wish the step in and stop the darkness of kidnapping, murder, rape, persecution, and trafficking of these people? Then please accept the quest and work diligently".

'I think this is the most serious quest description I've seen in the game' Glacé read the quest with a sullen expression.

'It's too horrible, such scum shouldn't exist in any world' Glacé's blood boiled and he snapped his head up and hit his chest "I accept your request, I will rescue these people. No matter what!".

The World tree's leaves and branches shook lightly and golden dust slowly fell from the tree surrounding Glacé and went into his body.

*Ding* 'The World tree has gifted you with its vitality'

*Ding* 'You have advanced by five levels, due to receiving "World Trees vitality".

'I gained five levels?!' Glacé stood still in a daze and slowly felt his body heating up and aching.

"This is my last gift to give you before you leave to help you on your journey. It's gonna hurt as I've forced your body to mature, but this will be of great benefit to you in the end". Glacé could somewhat make out the World Tree's weak voice and shortly after passed out in a cold sweat.

When he opened his eyes Glacé saw a ceiling covered in green vines, he lightly held his head as he sat up. 'Where am I?' He glanced around the room and saw Mole and his two fox Kits staring at him worriedly. The moment they locked eyes the fox kits jumped onto Glacé and nuzzled against him crazily.

"Haha alright, alright! I'm fine!". After a moment the three scared children got off Glacé and followed him closely as he stood up.

'Hmmm? Is it my imagination or did I get taller?'. Glacé spotted a water mirror in the room and slowly walked toward it.

"What?! I'm an adult?! Shit! That's great!". Glacé started chattering in excitement as he saw himself in adult form. He suddenly thought something and shifted to his mythical form. What he saw in the mirror was a beautiful adult winged unicorn he neighed and shook his head in excitement. Glacé recalled something and opened his character information tab first.

Player- Glacé

Age(Physical)- 18

Age(Mental)- 18

Race- Winged Unicorn

'So I'm eighteen now? That makes me an adult in the game I think?' Glacé looked ecstatic and continued over to his "Skill" tab and went to the small tab underneath labeled "active effects".

"World Trees Blessing" (passive)- The World tree is watching you, any plants consumed or used for crafting will have an additional 10% effect on whatever their main effect/purpose is.

'Wow that's super handy! Looks like I'll have to add alchemy to my "things to learn" list!'.

Glacé stayed still in excitement for a few moments before motioning to his companions and the three quickly got on his back. Glacé trotted out of the room and spotted an elf waiting in the hallway. The Elf's eyes shined as she looked at him. " Hello esteemed guest, I was sent here to wait for you to awaken, please follow me, I will guide you to His Majesty".