Ch 16- Departure

Glacé decided to turn the live broadcast back on and show everyone a look into this beautiful elven village so he shifted forms and skillfully opened his settings. " Welcome back again everyone! This is catcher here playing Gaia Techs Lichen, which is set to release in just over a week! I have already arrived in the Elven village and am going to take you all along with me to see it!".

- 'Ahhh finally back online! Feels like it's been ages!'

- ' Why are you suddenly big again?? Don't get me wrong you look great, just feels too fast'

- 'Welcome back Catch! Can't you leave the broadcast on 24/7?? Eight hours isn't enough!'

Glacé read through the comments for a bit like normal and replied here and there. "I grew up due to a special effect, my character's age is eighteen just like my real age".

- 'Fuck you're only eighteen?'

- 'Woo catch is just a baby'

- 'Don't worry Catch, momma will look out for you ;)'

Glacé blushed as he read the comments mocking his age and teasing him. "I'm already an adult alright!? Fuck! Don't call me a baby or kid, I don't need you all looking out for me. I am an independent adult". Glacé had his lips pursed as he finished speaking and looked incredibly flustered and upset.

- 'Aww it's okay hun, nothing wrong with bein young'

- 'Ah! look! He's even throwing a small tantrum, the red face and the pout are too cute!'

- 'Once again Catcher here to sell us the finest Meng'

Glacé covered his eyes and exited the barrage and ignored them like he typically does 'obviously silence works better than words with these crazy netizens'.

Glacé inhaled a deep breath as he pinched his brows and sullenly proceeded to follow behind the guiding elf.

"His Majesty was very worried when you passed out and ran away with you in his arms to find our healer". The little girl chucked "he couldn't even hear the voice of the World tree speaking to him because he was so flustered". As she said those words the little elf's expression turned sullen "we all already know the World tree gifted you with its vitality to help you grow up sooner in order to protect and help our kind".

The little elf looked back at Glacé and stared him in the eyes "it's not my place to say this, but I doubt anyone else will mention it. But please don't let the World Tree down, it has given the most precious gift and sacrifice it can make to you. Now it will be forced to sleep for maybe half a year to recover the vitality it gave you. Please Holy one, don't take it for granted".

Glacé stared at the small elf stunned, he had no idea the vitality he received would in turn hurt the World Tree. 'Guess it makes sense since vitality ultimately means life force. Why would it do this?' Glacé's heart felt heavy 'then I just have to make sure I rescue and protect as many people as I can and not let the World tree feel as sad'. Glacé mentally made a resolve for himself and planned to be stricter towards his goals as he went on in the future.

*Ding* You have unlocked the passive status effect "Unicorns resolve"

Glacé hurriedly looked to see what he just unlocked. Under the 'status effect' sub-tag he saw the new effect listed right at the top.

"Unicorns resolve"- You made a pledge to fulfill the task given to you by the World tree. Whenever making decisions your mind will be clearer and goal-oriented towards this task until reaching completement. This effect gives the player clearer thinking and helps them make decisions that are only beneficial to their goal (makes ya work smarter not harder, you should feel grateful the system is helping your frazzled mind out).

'No matter how many times I see such snarky tidbits in the descriptions it manages to piss me off every time. I can't help but wonder if it's the handiwork of the developers. Or the Main brain, either way whenever I first get permission to log off, I'm leaving a complaint!'.

Glacé felt the veins on his forehead twitch and as he held Bai in his arms he started rubbing his fur vigorously in a manner to help calm down his flaming insides. Poor Bai perceived Glacé's irritated emotions and politely decided to stay still to support his master. The outcome of his choice was being he was rubbed into a poofy static-charged ball, whose eyes couldn't be seen anymore.

While Glacé blindly rubbed Bai and followed the small elf they soon arrive at a grand open hall. The hall was breathtaking, the middle was lined with blooming cherry blossom trees, and the whole room had a subtlety sweet smell. Glacé fell into a trance as his eyes were drawn to a figure that was perfectly highlighted by the pink blossoms. Elewynn sat elegantly on a throne made from some twisty type of live tree. His silver hair was scattered and his eyes watched Glacé intently with unknown meaning hidden in them. The atmosphere in the room was stagnant for a moment, Elewynn raised his hand to the guide elf "you may leave". The elf gave a deep bow and quickly retreated from the room.

"I knew that you'd like good when you grew up… but I must say I didn't think you'd be quite so dazzling. The World Tree forced you to age in order to help you protect yourself, but I somehow feel that it's created the opposite effect. If you go out like that, you'd draw too many hungry eyes". The elf king exhaled a soft sigh "do you know any disguise or concealment magic?".

Glacé hung his head down and spoke exasperatedly "I asked Yuki before but he says Unicorns cannot cast disguise magic; he said it had something to do with magic constrictions. So I assume concealment magic would be the same".

"That means you could only use magical items, luckily I have one you can take. It's a necklace when wearing it others will see you as an average-looking person with a forgettable face. However, anyone who is very good with magic, especially the illusion kind can easily break through the mirage if they look for too long. So you must still be very careful when you leave here. You look incredibly beautiful but also very frail and weak, a perfect target fro people to fantasize about. It's best to always keep covered when you are out, I also recommend maybe getting invisibility cloaks or amulets for your fox demons. They also are very eye-catching. Do you have an idea of when you'd like to set out?".

Glacé pondered for a moment, I'll leave first thing tomorrow. I want to get right on to the task the Worlds tree gave me, especially since she's done such a big favor for me. I want to get started right away and help ease her sad heart in return".

Elewynn showed a complicated expression 'on one hand I'm glad he cares and is so serious about this mission, on the other I'm rather sad he's leaving so soon'.

"This is my communication number, contact me if you have questions or run into any trouble". Glacés eyes widened and he showed Elewynn a soft smile and added him to his NPCs contacts list.

That night the Elves held a lively banquet for Glacé to talk to and send him off.

'Wow the whole village must be here right now!' Glacé looked as the square was filled with somewhere over 2000 elves, eating, singing, and dancing. He quietly watched and took in their customs, he suddenly noticed his surroundings quiet down. He turned his head and saw Elewynn standing behind him extending out a hand. "May I have a dance with our esteemed guest?". Glacé dazedly stared into the man's golden green eyes and nodded lightly.

The banquet flared up again with vigor and the elves bantered loudly and showed Glacé what "a good time" was. He woke up the next morning holding his head and suffering a hangover, Glacé slowly recalled the scene of Elf after Elf coming up and toasting to him with a cup of their homemade Honey dew wine.

'Ughhh I'm dying, I'm never drinking again' although he's been a legal adult for over half a year Glacé had actually never touched alcohol whether in a game or reality until last night.

He lay in the bed and didn't really want to move but the passive effect "Unicorns resolve" kicked in and he crawled out of bed. While he may have moved at the pace of a turtle he eventually got everything packed and ready to head off.

The whole village came out (at least the ones who weren't incapacitated) and sent them off and Elewynn stood at the forefront "go to the human kingdom Battrelie first, it's the nearest and it should be a good hub for information and trading. Keep a low profile and come visit us when you can". Lewelynn bent down and placed a fleeting kiss on Glacés forehead, who in response turned beet red and 'hmphed' twice before shifting shape and galloping away in embarrassment. Lewelynn let out a low laugh as he watched him quickly make his escape in the woods.