Handsome Stranger - II

Chloe couldn't get her eyes of the couples,the lady in a yellow pattern shirt tucked in a dark brown skirt , her brunette wavy hair cascading down her shoulder ,she had a beautiful green eyes,and thin lip. Chloe for a moment envied her beauty , the man in a navy blue shirt with a black tie and a black pant to match his outfit knelt down on one knee holding a gold ring in his hands .

Chloe understand what was going to happen next , she imagined herself as the one been proposed to . She read the man's lips as he opened his mouth " Will you marry me " still in her imagination Chloe covered her mouth with her hands and mouthed a whisper " yes " and nodded her head in affirmation like she was the one being proposed to.

" Cute aren't they " Came the waitress voice that brought her out of her imaginery world , her face flushed pink when she saw the waitress, she didn't even notice her coming to her table .' Chloe your acting skills really sucks' she reprimanded herself.

" Y-yes they are " she answered, hesitating a bit , a false smile on her lips , she remembered how her dreams of having her beloved knee on one knee in a fancy restaurant or garden to propose to her flushed down the toilet when she was taken as a substitute bride .

" Our restaurant is famous for because of the frequent proposal that takes place here, our rating supercedes that of some popular restaurant" The waitress chimed in , and placed Chloe's order on her table .

" That will be all, thank you " Chloe said her fake smile still plastering on her lips, she didn't want to listen further to the waitress chatter, the waitress nodded and walked away.

" She's a chatterbox for a waitress" Chloe voiced out her displeasure and sipped her champagne in annoyance.

Chloe continued to sip her champagne begrudgingly , she saw a waiter talking to a man in blue tuxedo waiter glance at her direction and nodded. The man she couldn't make out his face walked up to her table and sat on a seat opposite her, the seat Daisy was meant to sit when she comes.

" Excuse me , I am waiting for someone if you don't mind " She said and pointed to the seat he was occuping , not minding that she sounded a bit aggressive.

The stranger flashed her a toothless smile " Not to worry , am very much aware '"

" If you are aware why are you still seated " she asked this time her voice was raised a little bit out of average.

" I want to talk to you "

" Talk to me ?"

" Yes "

" Why ?,I mean I don't even know you or anything ! " Klaus was taken back a little by her outspokenness, still with his ever charming smile plastering on his lips.

" Ah, my manners, She heard him say, smiling his way into her heart " my name is Klaus Sandoval." He held out his hand for Chloe to shake ,but the latter was so mesmerized by his captivating smile that she didn't notice the hand he stuck out for a shake.

Damn ! How can a man possess such an alluring smile, ' shake it off Chloe! Shake it off '. She coughed a little to cover her embarrassed self.

" So Mr Klaus Sand.. " The name stuck on her lips , she was so captivated by his enchanting smiles that she didn't heard him say his last name

" Sandoval" He said, helping her out of her misery

" You said you wanted to talk to me ? , As much as I would love to hear what you have to say I don't have all day, like I said before my friend is coming over "

" Not to worry she won't be coming, not till I'm done with you " he said and signaled the waitress to their table and whispered something in her ears.

' Not till I'm done with you , why do I feel there's more to those words' the waitress came over to their table and dropped a bottle of brandy and a glass . He poured himself a glass , and took a sip relishing the taste of the wine .

" I have a job for you Miss Adams , Oh ! Sorry My apologies Mrs Reigns "


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