Thursday the 11th

Sean and the rest of the ghost wants to help dirk out but the juggernaut does not he wants him dead the angry princess knows that this is not Dirk's fault and she feels for him because he went through hell just like Sean and she knows that Dirk somewhere inside of him is good and that he is a good person so the first born son asked Sean what is going on at the school and why did he get that he told him that he needed to find out more about Dirk and why he was like the way he is the torn Prince agreed the dire mother said to Sean that they could hold on to those very important papers he said that was a good idea so we handed over the the folder of Dirk's info and they put it in a safe area is the hammer was working on the angry princesses weapon he said that it her weapon is almost done and then he is going to do the torn Prince's bat after that he will get Sean's weapon going angry princess thanked the hammer for his time.

Sean went with the the torn prince and the angry princess went to his house and went in the basement and found his alchemist kit it was a thing he got for his  15th birthday and he got it and and he went and found his gas mask and his cyborgoth stuff he grabbed it and put it in his bag and thay dissappeared and returned to base as thay did thay went to there room and thay put everything thay had and put it in the trunk as he put his kit up on the trunk he went a mixed some chemicals together and made a body enchantment potion  as he injected himself he started to get God like speed and he had went out and thay went out to the base and seen that graduation Is coming up and and he fears that somone is going to get hurt and sean was going to the graduation to see what is going on the angry princess and torn Prince is going to be going with him for backup just in case of things get nasty so they went to the school and they waited till school was out to go in to find out when the graduation was so they could keep an eye on the other students just in case of Jimmy strikes with his buddies.

Sean the torn Prince and the angry princess got to the school as kids were getting out they didn't know what was going on yet but luckily they will be guarded by them as they walk to the bus they see faculty leave as what the only one who is there is the janitors and the principal so Sean waited for the right time the lights were flickering on and off as they thought it was a power surge going on that's when the time to sneak in and they didn't they saw that the cameras were pointed in the opposite direction so they snuck into the classroom near them as the cameras turned to decide they were on they went through the other door to get to Mrs critch's room and they made it as they appeared in there they stop for a breather.

They left Mrs critch's room and went behind the stairs as they did they saw Principal Brown walking down they snuck around a little mini stairs and up to the library on the second floor they then went into the library and stayed under radar they noticed that there was nobody there and it was locked they disappeared and appeared on the other side of the door as that they knew that they were ghosts they had no problem getting in to places that were locked they saw a paper on the floor the torn Prince picked it up and found out that this is a paper that had the date and the time of the graduation he gave it to Sean to see and it was right where he thought it was going to be right yet the gymnasium the angry princess had an idea about how to get in they asked how she said that they'll get there before The Graduate students get there they'll hide and stay hidden until something happens they thought that was a great idea is the torn Prince knew something was going to happen after Sean said something he knew something bad was going down they looked out the window to see the principal was coming up stairs they ran in to the darkness and hid as the principal came to check the door it was locked still.

The principal went downstairs and went to see if the office was locked and it was as she left the building the janitors also left with her so Sean the torn Prince and the angry princess disappeared and appeared on the outside of the library door they went into the office and into the principles office they ran downstairs down to where the office was and they disappeared and appeared in the principal's office they opened the file cabinet to find that there was more to this graduation that they thought Not only was there a graduation but there was a graduation festival and a graduation dinner that was to happen so now Sean the angry princess and the torn Prince was very confused as they didn't know which one to go to if they should all go or if it's just those three who should go to one and then the other to see which one of these events is going to have that bad and terrible thing happen at so they took the paper and disappeared and and appeared outside of school they went back to the base as they got into the car they drove down to the base they got to the base and went inside they told everyone that there is going to be three events that were going to happen at this graduation they didn't know which one the bad thing is going to happen at so there's going to be a team of three that was going to go in to make sure this bad thing was not happening.

The torn Prince had said that there were three events in the same day so Sean said that it was going to happen at different times the Jackal had asked how do they know which event is going to have this bad event happen the angry princess told them she doesn't know that's why they're so confused she said that there's going to be three groups one group is going to the graduation then the other group is going to go to the graduation Festival that's happening around 5:00 and then the third group is going to the dinner that's going to happen around 9:00 they didn't know how it was going to turn out but the Juggernaut had a bad feeling of this the first born son also had gotten a bad feeling of something like this is going to be a tricky mission they didn't know if it was going to be with the bullies doing something to Sean's friends or the parents of the bullies going to start a fight and riot they all sat down and relaxed for the time being and came up with a plan and chose their teams wisely.