Friday The 12th

Sean went and told the angry Princess and the torn prince to stay back for now he told them that it wi get very crowded  and that this is going to be easy for one person he told them he will find the target and contact the torn prince  as the Hammer had gotten done with the angry princess's weapon and the torn Prince's weapon they got their weapons back as for Sean's weapon now is going to be the hardest Sean left and went to the high school to keep an eye on Edgar sean gets into the car and drives down the road till he gets to Canton Center Road after he gets there he'll go to the high school and follow Edgar around in the shadows he will then once he knows no one is looking he will contact the torn Prince to come and take care of Edgar as he gets to the high school he goes straight into the high school and the lights start flickering on and off as the doors of the lockers open and close and the walls are bleeding the students are freaked out as Edgar is running he sees that something bad is happening and does not like it the jocks have all been separating in different directions Jimmy went to the library as Han and dom went to the gymnasium Omar and Fang ran to the lunchroom and hid as Dirk just stood out there yelling.

Sean finds a note and it says to all Canton High students get ready for the dance of your life prom is almost here as he finds the note he puts it in his bag and follows Edgar he sees Edgar in the bathroom as he goes in hiding behind the stall at your walks out and goes to the pit he follows Edgar to the pit as the bell rings Edgar ignores it and everyone goes to class Edgar goes into the school store and gets a snack as he sits at the pit eating his snack he hears a thump behind him he turns around to see no one there he's freaking out as he gets up he goes around the corner as Sean follows him too the classroom he turned into an empty room with no one there he calls upon the torn Prince as he's sitting there facing the window looking out the torn Prince appears at the side and Sean points in that room is where his Target is as a torn Prince nods his head he quietly goes through the doorway and sneaks up behind him bashing him in the back of the head blood gushing out of his head as he rips his the blade of his Bat right out of his skull blood pours out and he smashes Edgar in the face gouging a deep wound in the center of his nose as he bashes his head in blood pours out he goes back out and Sean tells the torn Prince that he did a great job as they go down the hall they see another paper it says in memory of those who have died.


1. Sean

2. Jason

3. Matt

So Sean took the memo of those who have died and they now have a list of those who died and who was killed two bullies one innocent as the torn Prince looked he was pleased to see that Jason and Matt was two of the people that were on that list and he can't wait to add Edgar to it as well once they find out that is so the bell ring and Sean and the torn Prince disappeared as Nicole Rosemary and Anna went into the room they found Edgar headless with no head they scream their lungs out as they did Anna threw up and rosemary ran out Nicole fell over and passed out didn't know what to do Chen and Sam came running in as Sam saw Nicole he picked her up and carried her out Chen got Anna to the nurse's office Ahmed heard a scream as he ran down to see what it was Ahmed saw that Nicole was passed out and Anna was sick they didn't see Rosemary they knew that Rosemary was with Anna and Nicole but did not see her as they turn the corner they saw Rosemary sitting at the pit Chen had asked her if she was okay she was freaking out Ahmed stayed with her and comfort her Rosemary started to break down and cry to see that Edgar had been killed she feels sad because he was still a human being that did not deserve to die even though he murdered somebody and beat up Sean he didn't deserve to die she thought.

So Sean and the torn Prince got back to the base to give the dire mother the two pieces of paper that they found as they handed it over the dire mother was happy to have that paper with the people who had been killed and known that in honor this is going to make things much easier now they have a list Sean told them that there is the problem that is coming up and has a bad feeling that things are going to get rough but told them they cannot kill any more bullies yet they need to get info and items to bring back as proof of evidence of what they found they need to work on trying to build up a point of trust with Sean's friends as they sat there Sean went to the room and lay down the angry princess joined him they were both tired and they wanted to get rest the torn Prince went and asked the bound woman to get him a room as well he was in room 3 he got the keys and went to his room and laid down as well.

As they were laying down they heard a noise on the TV saying that they found a dead body the dead body of Edgar the man who was just killed by the torn Prince as Sean looked up he laughed thinking himself that he shouldn't be laughing but for some reason he had got what he deserved for what he did in the other bullies he may be doing wrong now but he thought he will ask for forgiveness later down the road but for now he must do what he has to do the angry princess looked up on TV and found that they have found Edgar the man who hurt Sean and beat him up she saw that there was blood dripping from the girdle and that it was a bloody mess she was shocked to see that on TV but happy at the same time knowing that he got what was coming to him because of what he did to Sean by helping the other jocks murder him the other ghosts out there was applauding Sean the torn Prince and the angry princess for their accomplishments they were happy to have them on their team luckily he is happy to have been on their team knowing that they are supporting him 100% He laid down and got some rest.