An intense pain pulled Xue Yiran out of the darkness overwhelming her. Xue Yiran gasp out heavily as she opened her eyes.

The intense brightness hit her eyes making it feel stung, and she quickly shut back her aching eyes.

Finally, Xue Yiran opened her eyes slowly getting use to the sudden brightness. Turning her head, Xue Yiran found the surrounding in front of her unfamiliar.

'Where am I?'

Xue Yiran opened her mouth to speak but her sparsely dried throat hurts so much, and she could only made a hoarse sound bringing out some inaudible words.

Her struggle paid fort as she finally made some words, "Where am I?"

However, the room was silent and there wasn't the reply Xue Yiran was expecting.

But, something magical happened because a voice suddenly sounded in Xue Yiran head.

[Due to the emergency appearance of the void, Susu didn't manage to save the host body but was fortunately to save the host soul and opened a passage another world. Susu will start importing memories of this body to the host. Initializing memory transfer…15%...35%...]

Void? Soul?

Xue Yiran was still thinking about the situation when a sudden intense pain hit her.

Her brain was suddenly filled with countless memories of another person.

Joy, sadness and countless memory fragments.

[Memory transfer completed. Susu expend a lot of energy bypassing portal. So Susu will enter a state of hibernation. Susu hope host can absorb more energy for Susu to wake up]

And then the hibernation mode sounded. The mechanical voice with a tinge of intelligence could no longer be heard.

The room was in tranquility.

Xue Yiran skimmed through the original body memory, and the only thing that could come to her mind was three words.

'I'm dead'

Yeah, she was busy traveling the star when suddenly a black void appeared and sucked her in with the space ship.

The void was a wormhole that most starship drivers feared. But the probability of it occurring was 0.00000001 percent and that probability was what happened to Xue Yiran.

What a bad luck she has.

Well, she has always been a person with bad luck since the beginning. Xue Yiran was an ordinary girl living with her happy family until one day, everything changed.

Her sweet mother died of cancer. And it hasn't been a week when Xue Yiran was still mourning of her mother death, that her father bring home another woman with two children, a boy and girl respectively.

Her father cheated on her mother. Seeing those kids who were almost up to her age, it shows that he had cheated from the very beginning.

Xue Yiran couldn't think of those days, he would smiled at her mother and whisper softly in her ear.

Yet, who knew such a scumbag was a chronic cheat who've had two kids outside.

Xue Yiran mother fell ill when she gave birth to XueYiran, and couldn't conceive anymore.

Xue Yiran mother felt guilty to her husband because of her state.

But who knew the whole person she was feeling guilty for till her death bed, already had two children close to her daughter age outside.

Xue Yiran was 12 when she started to experience the reality of life.

Well, Xue Yiran was still contented since she could still find a job to feed herself.

However, things got much worse when the apocalypse arrived.

This was something Xue Yiran never imagined to occur. She was later sold by her father and stepmother in exchange for food.

Thank goodness she escaped the predicament and strive to fend for herself. Xue Yiran experienced so many things, hate, betrayal.

There was nothing like humanity in the apocalypse.

Such a young girl live such life filled with evil, till her personality turned cold and expressionless.

She never bath an eyelid when killing. To her, it was just like killing something insignificant.

The apocalypse finally came to an end.

Several technology where invented.

It was then announced that human life span had broken through the normal threshold.

Humans could now live to thousands of years. And likewise, the good news also came with a bad news.

The earth was unsuitable for living, since it had long been polluted due to the apocalypse arrival. So humans had to migrate to Mars.

But First, an experiment must be carried out.

Xue Yiran was part of the experiment.

She was injected and planted something in her body, and that was where the mystery of Susu an AI came from.

Once the planet was suitable for living, human migrate in, leading to a life of technology.

And since something like apocalypse could occur, it was not knew when something like space monsters could also occur.

Xue Yiran joined in the army to fight against space monsters. Her life was spend in the space till her death, and now there was a new life in front of her.

The original owner died due to poison. But the poison had already been cleared during the body take over.

The original owner was from a rich family.

However, both of her parent died during the beast riot, leaving behind the original owner and her two years old brother.

Xue Yiran found that this place was very similar to her former living place. There were beast, and the technology was much more advanced.

The original owner had to take over the company of her parents, but since she was still a highschool girl, she left it to her father close personal assistant.

The company could have boomed in the hand of her close father assistant.

However, the original owner was a spendthrift. There was a male god whom the original owner had a crush on.

The original owner would purchase high grade beast core worth of money, and send it as a gift to the male god.

Well, the original owner wasn't the only one chasing the male god. There were other girls who were also wealthier than the original owner, and would buy millions worth of goods to gift to the male god.

Not wanting to be left out, the original owner would also buy and buy, till the company went bankrupt.

What prompt the original owner to commit suicide, was because of yesterday event.

Yesterday, the original owner confesses her feeling publicly to the male god, but was rejected brutally in front of the whole school.

Sad, the original owner ran home crying, but when she saw the video of her confession went viral on the web, her heart broke down totally.

Making it worse, was the letter of expulsion she receive from the school, which prompt her to commit suicide.

Xue Yiran didn't care about whatever the original owner was feeling. Since she was so courageous to eat poison, that shows that she wasn't willing to live.

This was a body Susu found for her and now that she has taken over it, she would start over afresh.

The only thing Xue Yiran could do for the original owner, was to take care of her left behind younger brother, who was now four years old.

Cold and expressionless, Xue Yiran got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to wash her sticky body.

In the reflection in the bathroom mirror, Xue Yiran saw a face quite similar to her, but there were still some differences.

Her back then, was thin, and suffered from malnutrition, that even after the apocalypse ended, she was still frail and thin, but the image in front of her was more healthier.

Xue Yiran stepped out of the bathroom and walked into the cloak room. There were so many bright dress that it stung her eyes.

Xue Yiran saw the rainbow colour clothes in the cloak room, and her face which was always expressionless suddenly showed a rare stunned look.

After rummaging through the clothes, Xue Yiran finally found a black sportswear to wear. That was the only suitable dress she could find for herself to wear.

Xue Yiran put them on and stepped out of her room.

The Xue's parents bought a huge Vila to live in with their children. Who knew that not long they move in, their life would be lost.

There was a sound of laughter down the stairs. Xue Yiran looked down, and saw the original owner brother, Xue Haoran playing with the AI robot in the sitting room.

Xue Haoran was so absorb in playing that he didn't know when Xue Yiran approached him.

Xue Yiran watched as Xue Haoran played with the AI robot.

This kind of cheerful feeling, it's been long

since she experienced it.

Even when the apocalypse ended, one could still notice the cautiousness in the eyes of thepeople whenever they move about.

Therefore, Xue Yiran was very novice when facing this kind of feeling.

Xue Haoran finally notice Xue Yiran standing at the side. His face suddenly showed a shocked look. "I…I…." The four year old boy trembled as he tried to find a word to say.

Xue Yiran almost forgot that the original owner never liked her brother, and never see to eye with him. However, Xue Yiran wasn't the original owner.

She raised her hand and beaconed to the still trembling boy.

Xue Haoran walked forward slowly and stammered, "I… don't hit me." The boy shut his eyes when he stood in front of Xue Yiran.

Xue Yiran lip showed a rare smile, and she bend lower to the kid heights. "I'm not going to hit you."

Stunned, the boy opened his eyes and looked at Xue Yiran with an innocent look.

Children knows whether someone likes them or not. So, when Xue Haoran look at Xue Yiran and didn't detect any malicious intent, he was then assured that Xue Yiran wouldn't hit him. "Okay."

Xue Yiran wasn't good at talking with kids so she didn't know what to say next. Struggling to find something to say, Xue Yiran finally spoke,

"Have you eaten?"

"Ehh." Xue Haoran nodded. The food Xue Yiran was talking about was a solution liquid called nutrient solution, which comprise of the daily nutrients the body needs.

"Then continue playing. Sister will go out and will be back immediately."

"Okay." Xue Haoran watched Xue Yiran left and finally talked to the robot. "Xiao Bai, sister spoke to me. Does that means sister isn't angry with me and likes me. I don't want sister to get angry with me."

Xiao Bai the robot who had no idea what Xue Haoran was talking about: "…"