Outside, Xue Yiran walked around the house. Upon reaching the garden, Xue Yiran saw several strange plant and also found some familiar plants like cabbage.

Uh? What's a cabbage doing in a flower garden?

Xue Yiran didn't think much and find some seat in the garden, ready to know more information about this place.

There was a bracelet on her hand which also had the function of a modern day phone, but more advanced. Xue Yiran clicked on it.

A blue Interface suddenly showed up. Xue Yiran first clicked on her profile.

[Name: Xue Yiran]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 15]

[Combat strength: E]

[Mental strength: F]

[Contract beast: Null]

(Remark: This person is so weak)

Xue Yiran glanced at this information without fluctuation in her face.

This body was generally weak. Hence, Xue Yiran didn't gloss over the information and directly went to the net to know more about this world.

Just as she was about to start reading, a call came through. It was Mike, the original owner father personal assistant, who has been managing the company.

Xue Yiran instantly picked the call. "Hello, uncle Mike."

Mike face appeared on the virtual screen. It looks so tired and haggard.

There were some subtle on his chin, which shows that he hasn't shaven since so long.

"Yiran." Mike smiled. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great."

"What about Haoran?"

"He's inside playing with Xiao Bai." Mike asked some normal questions, and Xue Yiran answered them gently.

"Yiran, be truthful. Uncle heard that you were expelled from school, is that true?"

"Well, I guess so. My academic results is nothing to write home about, so the school decided to expelled me."

Actually, the reason the original owner was expelled was not so. The original owner was expelled because of the confession she made to her male god.

Actually, when the original owner was confessing publicly, there was also one of the male god chaser standby watching.

After the confession, the male god chaser was so furious, that she angrily used her connection to get the original owner expelled from the school.

Compiled with original owner bad results, the school has a big reason to expel her from school.

Looking at Xue Yiran calm expression, Mike finally sighed when he saw that he was worrying over for nothing.

The girl in question was calm, so how could he be thinking about some horrible things.

Mike then showed a smile. "I will get you admitted to another school. It might not be better than your former school, but it's still great."

"Okay." Xue Yiran thought and finally said, "Uncle Mike, about the company—".

"Don't worry about the company." Mike quickly cut in. "Leave the company matter to me. It just bankruptcy not the end of the world."

Xue Yiran who had experienced the end of the world, nodded along with him. "Actually, why don't we start another company afresh." Xue Yiran suggest. "Once we get some money from the new company, we can then input it to the company."

Xue Yiran knew that this body parents were into technology product company.

The robot Xiao Bai was a product of the company.

However, the capital input in such company were very huge.

The company were already having losses when the Xue's parents died and now coupled with the previous Xue Yiran lavish spending, the situation turn more worse.

"Okay." Mike was also tired. The situation in the company took toll on him.

Several of his business partner agreed not to help him.

The company was in a complete state of bankruptcy and there was nothing he could do.

It's better to start a new company, but Mike still feel guilty to the Xue's deceased parent.

He didn't keep his promise to them, and made the company bankrupt.

Although everything was caused by Xue Yiran. However to Mike, it was all his fault.

"Why don't you come to the house tomorrow and we can brainstorm on the idea of the new company together?" Xue Yiran proposed.

"Okay. Uncle will visit tomorrow." After saying bye, the call was ended.

Xue Yiran stayed outside for long to absorb some information about this era on the net.

Although, she could exert them from the original owner memory, Xue Yiran didn't want to stress herself skimming through those irrelevant memories.

The original owner wasn't interested in learning at all and all that was in her head was about her male god.

If you could give Xue Yiran a book now to write about the certain male god, she could write a book fill of it. Therefore, rather call her a empty vessel.

After looking through all the information on the net, Xue Yiran finally found a good idea on a company to create and the profit is absolutely hundred percent.

Xue Yiran went back inside the room and saw Xue Haoran who was already asleep on the floor.

The robot Xiao Bai who was standing beside Xue Haoran, turned its head and looked at Xue Yiran as she walked in.

"I'll take Haoran inside." Xue Yiran patted the robot head and carried the sleeping boy up the stairs.

After placing Xue Haoran back into his room, Xue Yiran went back into her own room to look for something.

After searching around, Xue Yiran finally found it. It was the gift box the previous owners was holding when confessing to her male god.

Xue Yiran opened the package and took out the shiny object lying inside it.

This was what the original owner purchased that made the whole company went bankrupt. A beast core belonging to an SSS class level beast.

Hearing the name SSS could make one suck in a cold breath, knowing that such a thing could only be bought with a tremendous amount of money.

It should be said that the original owner must be stupid, because, how could you want to gift such a precious thing to a so called male god.

Xue Yiran was really thankful that the male god didn't accept the original owner confession.

Xue Yiran held the core in her palm. The power in the beast core contain the exact power belonging to the beast and absorbing it could make one upgrade.

This was a SSS level beast core. How strong would she be by the time she absorb it all.

Xue Yiran motto was 'only when you're strong enough could you be able to fend for yourself'.

The apocalypse had taught her a lot and the quote will always stick to her mind.

This body was weak which made her so uncomfortable, so she was ready to get out of this shell.

Xue Yiran sat on the bed cross-legged, ready to absorb when the core in her hand suddenly turned into dust.

Eh? Xue Yiran expression showed a crack.

[Ah, such a tremendous amount of energy. More, more. I'll be able to fully recover when I absorb more of this]

Xue Yiran expression finally cracked totally. If the person who spoke right now was in front of her, Xue Yiran would have killed and killed over again.

"Ahhh! What the fuck did you just do." Xue Yiran totally lost it. "That was mine to absorb. Mine! Just why the fuck… Ahhh!" Xue Yiran felt like killing someone.

Susu at this time knowing it has done something out of order, finally choose to keep silent.

After puffing out all her grievance, Xue Yiran was finally calm.

The core… Although it's painful to say, but Xue Yiran had to accept the fact that there was nothing she do about it.

Taking a deep breath and reverting back to her cold expression, Xue Yiran called, "Susu, come out."

Susu trembling with its non existent body stammered, [Ho…host]

"Hmmm. You're awake."

[After sensing an energy, Susu automatically absorb it, so Susu didn't...]

Well, Susu couldn't finish its sentence when it saw how cold its host expression looked.

"Never mind, it's gone so it's gone. There's no need to cry over a spilled milk. I see that you've gain more intelligence."

[Yes, Susu intelligent is now that of a teenager]

"That's great." Although Xue Yiran didn't know why Susu could suddenly gained intelligence, it's still great that Susu could advance. "You said you upgrade after absorbing this energy." Xue Yiran was referring to the beast core.

[Yes. Susu can advance to a higher level when Susu absorb a lot of this] Susu explained.

Turns out Susu could also advance absorbing the beast core.

Xue Yiran quickly throw the matter of the beast core to the back of her mind and said to Susu, "Since you absorb my beast core why don't you also do me a favor."

[What is the matter host?]

"I need all the food recipes back on earth."