Back in Hermes academy, the students in first year class submit their homework.

It didn't take long for it to be marked and the students saw their score immediately.

A brown haired boy lament. "Seventy. I thought I would get them all after all the findings I did on the net."

His desk mate heard him and said, "Seventy is still good. Look at mine, thirty. I could only name some few among the fierce beasts. The rest are something I've never heard of."

The brown haired boy saw his desk mate score, and touch his nose guiltily before saying, "Actually, my dad is part of the army. He was at first reluctant to help me with my homework but he later complied."

"I'm so envy. You might be lucky to get the first position in this course. I don't think anyone here could score higher than you."

"That's not true. You shouldn't say that."

"I'm not--."

"Okay, everyone silence." The teacher brought the students back to class, and the murmuring died down. "You should have all seen your score by now. Also, I think we have someone who got the whole mark."

"What. Someone got hundred mark."

"Who's it?"

"Xue Yiran." The teacher finally named.

Xue Yiran who was busy reading a book, looked up after hearing her name being called.

"Continue the good work." The teacher smiled at Xue Yiran before turning to look at the whole class. "I thought I would see much from you, but who knew a new transfer student could perform more better than you all."

One student couldn't agree with the teacher words and speak up, "Isn't it because she previously transferred here from Roland academy. Everyone here knows that Roland academy is the number one best academy in Starry sky empire. She's only able to get hundred mark due to their vast curriculum."

The teacher was silent when the student finished with her words and saw that every student also seems to agree with the student words. "Well, you should know this. The homework I gave you guys isn't part of Roland academy curriculum." The teacher stated as a matter of fact. "Also, it's not part of any academy curriculum. The beasts drew in the homework I gave to you were newly discovered beasts far deeper in the beasts world." The teacher then focus his gaze on the girl who spoke. "I wasn't expecting anyone to get a total mark. Xue Yiran score was a surprise to me, so you shouldn't blame anyone for your lack of knowledge and instead, focus more on your study. You guys are still in the beginning of high school. There's still a vast world out there waiting for you. Hence, you need to work harder." The teacher shifted his gaze away and opened the teaching light brain, projecting the next topic on the board. "Today, we'll be talking about the skills and weakness of some certain fierce beast."

And just like that, the class started.

After class, some students stared at Xue Yiran while whispering among themselves.

"She got the whole mark, she must be feeling on top of the world now." The person who spoke was the girl who previously had a fight with Xue Yiran over the male god.

"Who knows whether she did it by herself." Her bob hair girl follower chime in. "Don't you hear what teacher Evan said. Those beasts were newly discovered fierce beasts. How could one knows about it without having any connections."

"That's right. She could attend Roland academy, which means she's from a wealthy family. Tsk, she was obviously taught, yet still acting like some sort of a genius."

After hearing the girl words, the other students gaze to Xue Yiran changed to that of disdain.

Xue Yiran who was really taught by some system didn't bother arguing with them, and continue reading her book. However, someone would not let it go.

[Host, look at them saying bad things about you. It's truly that you answered ninety percent of the questions by yourself. Susu only helped a little. Look at them. Host you should teach them a lesson. Wait a minute, I'll help you teach that stinky girl a lesson.]

Xue Yiran wasn't listening to Susu ranting, but something unexpected happened.

"Maia, Aviva, you two should check the group chat."

"The group chat." Aviva who was the girl slandering Xue Yiran clicked on her light brain, checking the group chat.

Maia, the bob hair girl also clicked on her light brain.

Aviva was stunned when she saw a video of her and Maia circulating on the group chat.

It was a video of her being drunk with Maia, and some guy busy taking advantage of their drunk state.

Aviva still recalled that day, but who the hell record it and posted it on the group chat.

Embarrassed, Aviva hurriedly rushed out of the classroom.

"Viva." The bob hair girl hurriedly followed after her.

Someone sneered and said, "Who knew that she's someone who would do something like that. Acting like a white face bitch, yet still calling someone white face."

"I don't even know what you guys saw in her and Maia. All she has is her poisonous and loose tongue." Someone who had already hated the two girls behavior also said.

"I bet she's embarrassed now to face the class."

Sensing the abnormality around her, Xue Yiran raised her brow and asked the perpetrator of the whole situation. "It's your doing, right?"

[They kept badmouthing host. Susu just found some black material to keep their mouth shut.]

Although, Susu act without her order. Xue Yiran still thanked him. "Thanks for helping me, but you should first consult me before doing anything. What if you were caught."

[Don't worry host. I've erased my sense of existence from it. Those people won't be able to find me.]

"Well then." Xue Yiran kept silent and continue reading.

The next class was the combat class. In the combat class room, each student were made to stand in front of a projected fierce beast and fight with it.

There are two ways to achieve a breakthrough in ones strength. One is through absorbing of power from the beast core, while the other is through fighting.

The more you fight, the more you overcome your limit, leading to a complete breakthrough.

The projected beast had been lowered to each student designated strength. Xue Yiran was of E class combat strength and F class mental strength. Likewise the projected beast in front of her.

There were several students with the same strength as her, so there was not any sort of ridicule towards her low strength.

"At your final year in the academy, you students would be taken out of the safety line to get in touch with the beast as your final examination." The combat teacher who is a female said to the students. Seeing the fear in some students eyes, the female combat teacher smiled. "No need to fear. You would only be some miles away from the safety line. Therefore, you would only be able to see some weak beast in passing. And besides, you guys strength would have increased by then. Unless you don't want to work hard." The female teacher shoe clack on the ground as she walked forward and stood on the podium; facing the students. "This is just a projected beast that has been reduced to your strength, and would serves as an introduction to what you'll face when you reached out of the safety line. Although it not an actual beast but the sense of pain you will feel is real, so try hard not to get hit. Now let's start." The female teacher pressed on a button and the projected beast which was previously motion, suddenly seemed to have gain life.

"Grrr, grrr." The projected beast growled threatening and lunged straightforward at Xue Yiran without given the other to react.

The sensitivity of crisis that Xue Yiran cultivated through the apocalypse suddenly made her dodge.

The knife in her hand which was given by the teacher before the class was held tightly in her hand.

Seeing that it hit didn't landed on its prey, the projected beast was angry and growled loudly. It leaped forward again at her.

Xue Yiran didn't know why, but she felt a sense of crises that if she was truly hit by this beast, she would be gone.

Xue Yiran couldn't help but laughed in her mind. This was just a projected beast not the real deal.

Has she gotten weak to the extent of not being able to kill a beast term as weak in this era.

Xue Yiran dodged, and her hand holding the knife went forward stabbing the beast at its side.

The beast cried it pain but its momentum wasn't weak either. It strike its left paw at Xue Yiran, which the other dodge before striking the knife at it.

"Come on." Xue Yiran sweated. "I don't believe I can't kill a weak thing like you."

Seeming to hear the threatening meaning behind Xue Yiran words, the beast roared again in anger and pounced crazily at her.

Xue Yiran didn't bother dodging and charge forward.

"Huh." The female teacher who was overseeing the student, saw Xue Yiran courageous act and shook her head sadly. "Bad mistake. You shouldn't charge blindly at…" Her voice suddenly stopped when she saw Xue Yiran dodging the beast charge at tricky angle, then plunged the small knife in her hand ruthlessly into the beast heart.

Fierce beast had certain weakness. Their heart being number one as taught in the class. Most fierce beast would protect their vital part when fighting.

But this in front of her, was a projected beast which only know how to charge forward without any defense.

Using the observation from fighting the beast, Xue Yiran was able to grasp it weakness and finish it up.

However if this was a real deal, she would have been gone by now.

Although Xue Yiran knew she was a little bit weak, she never thought she was this weak.

The fierce beast she killed now should be classified under level one mutant beast back in the apocalypse.

She was so weak that she couldn't kill a level one mutant beast.

"No 58, Xue Yiran, pass." The female teacher announced after she finished killing the projected beast.

Oh. So she was number 58. There were several people who had finished before her.

Xue Yiran walked back to her seat and sat with the rest of those who had finished their task.

The students couldn't help but stare at Xue Yiran. You should know that Xue Yiran is only of E class combat strength and F class mental strength, while they who were seated were A, B and C respectively.

Even several other students with B and C strength hadn't finished fighting off with the beast. Xue Yiran was able to do it with her low strength.

What should this be called? A born genius.