After the class, the female combat teacher summoned Xue Yiran to her office.

Xue Yiran knocked on the door when she reached the door.

"Come in." The female teacher answered from inside.

Xue Yiran opened the door and walked in.

"Oh." Seeing Xue Yiran walked in, the female teacher stopped working on what she was doing, and got to her feet. "You're here."

"Hello." Xue Yiran greeted.

"Come. Take your seat." The female teacher motioned to the empty seat in front of her. After she saw that Xue Yiran was seated, she sat back down on her seat. "I called for you after seeing your battle in the combat class room. That was quite brave of you." The female teacher smiled. "My name is Celia. You can call me teacher Celia."

"Yes, teacher Celia." Xue Yiran answered.

"Actually, the reason I called for you is because I would love you to participate in the inter-school competition." Teacher Celia stated. "Don't worry, you won't actually participate in the fighting, but be in the audience to watch them fight. The seniors would be the one to fight. The school just need some representatives from each class to attend the competition."

"Okay." Xue Yiran readily agree. As long as she's not fighting, then it's fine.

"That's great. I'll add your name among the participants then. The competition is still a year away from now, so be at ease."

"Then I'll get going." Xue Yiran stood up and left the office.

After school, Xue Yiran dropped by a shop where beast cores are sold. She had already promised Susu to get him some beast core, so she must keep to her promise.

Xue Yiran pushed opened the door, making a slight chime of bell.

"Welcome." The staff at the counter greeted when he saw Xue Yiran entered. "Would you like to see the newest cores in the shop? Here are the new varieties we have." The staff handed Xue Yiran a small tab, which displayed all the cores available in the shop.

Xue Yiran was marveled when she saw the price of each beast core. She saw a B class ferocious beast core which was more expensive than an A class beast core.

Seeing Xue Yiran glancing at the B beast core, the staff quickly introduced, "That's a thousand years old fire Rhinoceros beast core. Beast core strength are classified by the adept age of the beast. The more older a beast is, the more powerful it is, and so is its beast core."

"Oh. Get me this, this and this then." Xue Yiran pointed at the fire Rhinoceros beast core and two A class beast core.

"That would be five hundred million coins." The staff gulp as he pronounced.

Five hundred million was a huge amount.

Those who always visits their shop to buy beast core of higher grade were all of high calibers, and always come in expensive cars.

However, this girl was only wearing a school uniform belonging to a certain academy.

There wasn't any car parked outside, which shows that the student didn't came with one.

The staff started having other thoughts whether Xue Yiran was playing a joke on him.

"Here." Xue Yiran took out her bank card.

"Uh, Oh…yes." The staff took the card and swipe it over a terminal. The five hundred million was deducted and the staff handed back the card. "Wait a second for your goods." The staff quickly type on the shop system and a packaged box was brought out by a robot, after the staff finished typing.

The staff took the box from the robot and hand it to Xue Yiran.

"Thanks for your patronage." The staff smiled.

Xue Yiran collect the box and left the shop.

Xue Yiran arrived home. She saw Xue Haoran in the sitting room, eating the cupcakes she baked this morning, while watching some kids content show.

Xue Yiran greeted and kissed him on the cheeks before she went up to her room.

Xue Yiran threw her bag on the couch and sat on her bed, opening the newly goods she just purchased.

Three beast core of different colour laid inside the box.

Xue Yiran took two beast core belonging to the A class and said to some certain system, "This is for you to absorb."

[Thanks so much, host.]

The beast core in Xue Yiran hand suddenly turned to powder.

"Have you upgraded?" Xue Yiran asked, piqued with curiosity.

[This is just a piece of iceberg. It'll take a lot of this to get me upgrade. If I can see hundreds of the core I absorb the first time, I'll be able to upgrade to the next stage.]

Hundred of SSS class beast cores? Why don't you just kill her.

"Life is step by step, so you should take things slowly." Xue Yiran advised.

[But host, I'm a data.]

"Data and life, they're similar."

[Oh, I got it, host.]

"I'll start absorbing the beast core then. Don't disturb me."

[What about the host brother.]

"Inform me if there's anything wrong with Xue Haoran. The rest, you can take care of it."

[Okay host!]

Xue Yiran didn't get why the other party was so energetic after listening to her, but she didn't bother, and shut her eyes to start absorbing the energy in the beast core.

Back in the sitting room, the robot Xiao Bai who stood in the corner of the room eyes suddenly quivered, before it regain it clarity. However this time, it wasn't the robot Xiao Bai but Susu instead.

'Xiao Bai' moved from where it was and stood beside Xue Haoran.

"Xiao Bai." Xue Haoran noticing someone beside him turned around and saw that it was Xiao Bai. "Do you also want to watch? It's already at the scene where Jack found his lost shoe."

Although 'Xiao Bai' didn't know the Jack that lost his shoe, but it still focus on the huge virtual screen.


It took a lot of time for Xue Yiran to finished absorbing the whole energy in the core.

Maybe it's because her strength is too low, her rate of absorption was quite slow.

However, Xue Yiran felt full and energetic after opening her eyes.

Could she have upgrade?

Xue Yiran hurriedly went to the training room in the Vila to test her strength.

Xue Yiran punch on a surface use for testing combat strength to test her combat strength. A score of 350 appeared on the screen with a bold letter C.

C? Did she just upgrade from E to C class.

Come, let's check my mental strength.

Xue Yiran hurried to the mental strength tester and infused her mental energy into it.

Xue Yiran mental energy was also upgraded, but by a class. Her mental strength which was previously F, is now at E class.

That's a huge improvement.

Xue Yiran nodded after seeing the results, and walked out of the training room. The sky outside the window was already dark.

Xue Yiran suddenly remember that she hadn't prepared dinner for Xue Haoran. So she hastily rushed down the stairs.

However, Xue Haoran wasn't in the sitting room. Instead, the robot Xiao Bai was standing in the center of the room. There seems to be a fragrance of food in the air.

Wait a minute, did someone come in to cook?

'Xiao Bai' noticing Xue Yiran coming down from the stairs, turned and moved towards her.

"You don't need to worry about Xue Haoran. He's already been tucked into his bed by me. Also I made dinner."

"Su…Susu?" Xue Yiran called to confirm her suspicious.

"Yes, host."

"What are you doing inside Xiao Bai? When did Xue Haoran go to bed? I was very absorb in meditation, so I woke up late."

"Two hours ago. I made dinner for him to eat before going to bed. Don't worry host, you can leave the household chores to me. Susu can now multitask so it'll make things easier for you. Look, I made dinner." Susu moved towards the dining area. Xue Yiran followed and saw several dishes on the table.

"Okay then." Xue Yiran agreed.

I mean who else wouldn't agree having a load off its shoulder.

And besides, the other party was Susu whom she trusted, so Xue Yiran sat down and start to eat.

"Hmm." Xue Yiran widened her eyes when she tasted the food.

How come this is so delicious. Could it be that Susu has opened another skill called 'perfect chef'.

This is so good.

"You'll be in charge of the food now. I'll reward you with beast cores next time."

[Thanks so much host.] This time Susu voice sounded in her head.

Xue Yiran finished eating her dinner before going to bed. The robot Xiao Bai who was now Susu, cleared the plates to clean them up.


The next morning, breakfast was already on the table. Xue Yiran come out with the dressed Xue Haoran.

The cookies Xue Haoran was to take to school for his classmates had already been prepared by 'Xiao Bai'.

Xue Yiran saw them and was envious of how perfectly shaped they were.

"Sister, this cookies look like Jack from the adventure show." Xue Haoran pointed to a cookies made from his favorite character show. "I would show it Ayaan. He also like watching Jack adventure."

"Sure. Now let's eat before the bus arrived."

"Okay." Xue Haoran grinned happily and ate. The bus arrived and Xue Haoran left for school.

As a good system, Susu also prepared a lunchbox for his host.

"Thanks." Xue Yiran patted 'Xiao Bai' on the head before going out into uncle Mike's car.

Mike saw the box Xue Yiran was holding and asked, "What's that?"

"Lunch." Xue Yiran answered.

"Your cooking is so great. How I wish I could taste them every time." Mike wish he could have a lunchbox also.

Xue Yiran almost rolled her eyes, knowing what the other party was hinting at and said, "I'll prepare yours tomorrow."

"Really? Thanks so much." Mike smiled foolishly.

Xue Yiran was dropped off at school. After waving bye to Mike, Xue Yiran blend in with the crowd and walked to her class.

Morning was study session, so everyone was reading. Xue Yiran was reading and Susu kept talking about what the students in the school were doing.

Early this morning, Susu had hacked into the school system, and had control over the whole school camera.

If Xue Yiran wanted to set up an underworld agency, she could have made use of Susu hacking skills.

However, Xue Yiran had no interest in that, and warned Susu to take it easy. The other party was like a curious rat, and didn't know when he would land into the cat territory.

However, when Xue Yiran heard of Susu reason, she let it be.

The other party and Xue Yiran were in a strange world with limited knowledge. If this was earth, then it's still good. But it isn't.

Xue Yiran brain could only know some general information about this world, and skip the important ones.

For example, she didn't know about this era law. If not for Susu greed for knowledge, Xue Yiran would still be in the dark about some certain things.

Xue Yiran also encourage, "I'll get you a lot of beasts cores if you work hard."

A shadow suddenly reflected over Xue Yiran whose head was bowed in a book, but rather discussing with a certain system.

Xue Yiran looked up and saw a boy in front of him.

"Cough… hum. Student Xue Yiran." The boy cheek turned red when he saw Xue Yiran staring at him. "I…my name is Julian. I saw that students Xue is quite knowledgeable on beast information. So I was wondering if I could study with you."