Julian was someone who was admitted into Hermes academy through scholarship. Although he was intelligent to be able to get a scholarship, he wasn't from a well to do family. Julian parents were poor, and they could barely afford ends meet.

It was really great that the academy had decided to fund Julian feeds and rents for his whole stay in the school, so the intense burden about his education was lifted from his parents shoulder.

Julian situation was very similar to Xue Yiran's. They were being ignore by the students in class. Just that there is a little bit different in their status.

Julian didn't mind that. Since they were being ignore, why don't the two become friends? Although Julian had some hidden motive for approaching Xue Yiran, he was sincere about wanting to be close to her.

"I don't mind." Xue Yiran shrugged.

Receiving Xue Yiran reply, Julian smiled and brought over his chair, placing it beside Xue Yiran seat before sitting down.

"I already thought you'll refuse me." Julian smiled. "You know, your bearing look cold and unapproachable, so everyone thought you are unsociable."

Xue Yiran raised her brow and looked at Julian wondering 'Aren't you here to study'.

Seeing Xue Yiran gaze on him, Julian quickly said, "Don't mind my words. Let's continue studying." Julian touch his nose guiltily and started to study.

Although Julian said he wants to study with Xue Yiran, this couldn't be called studying between two people. Each of them were focused on their own book.

Xue Yiran didn't mind the light bulb beside her. Even though she knew the other party had a motive for approaching her, Xue Yiran didn't care.

The conversation between her and Susu was going on.

[Host, this is the information I got about this person, Julian.]

A profile information about Julian appeared in Xue Yiran's view.

Julian Jones. Thirteen years of age. His height and blood group were also listed. Including his relationship.

Xue Yiran pause when she saw his relationship status.

"A crush on Aviva?"

[Yes host. He has a crush on that stinky girl. I hacked into his phone and saw he has a lot of her pictures on his phone. Host, I'm pretty sure this guy approached you with bad intentions.]

"I can see that from his expression, but don't you think he's quite strange. There's quite a hint of truthfulness in them. If he's only approaching me with bad intentions, those kind of expression shouldn't be on his face." Xue Yiran spoke to Susu. "Anyways, I don't care. As long as he doesn't cross his line, I won't do a thing. His mental and combat strength is even better than me. I bet he would just throw me out with a palm of his." Xue Yiran chuckled.

Julian raised his head when he heard Xue Yiran laughing. "You look really pretty when you smile."

[Host look, this stinky person is hitting on you. He already love that stinky girl yet he's staring at host. He's much stinkier than that stinky girl.]

"It's almost five minutes for the reading time to be over. You should go back to your seat before the teacher comes in."

Xue Yiran had said she doesn't care. However, there was still no need of having a ticking time bomb to her side.

Hatred may be little but, that little hatred could likely destroy an empire. Just like how she succumbed to the 0.00000001 percent misfortune.

"Oh." Getting the meaning behind those words, Julian stood up with embarrassment, and carried the chair he brought back to his seat.

After five minutes, the teacher for the morning class came in, and begin the lecture.

~Starry Sky Palace~

Ian logged out of the Star virtual net and stepped out of the virtual cabin pod. He spend four hours in the virtual net, which was completely unlikely of him.

Ian walked slowly out of the room. The servants at the door bowed when they saw him walked out.

Ian nodded and walked a long way to the garden. In the garden, a very pretty woman dressed elegantly, was seated on a bench under the tree, looking at the scenery.

The woman slowly looked up and saw Ian approaching. A smile blossom on her face when she saw that figure. "Is the sun coming from the west today? What brought the hard to see person here today?"

"Mother." Ian approached the woman and smiled at her remark. He sat on the empty space beside her.

The queen pat on his son's head. "You've been working hard of lately. Look at you, when last have I seen your face. That your father keep overworking you everyday. If I'd known, I wouldn't have agreed to his proposal back then." The queen started to nagged about the old days and Ian laughed along. The queen saw her son cheerfully laughing and felt warmth in her heart. "You should laughed more often and shouldn't be like your cold face father. If not for his manners which were different from his looks, I wouldn't have accepted him then."

Ian laughed again. "Okay, mother."

"Just look at that, my son is so obedient." The queen felt heavenly and stared right back into the garden of flower. "How are things going at school? Calixta told me you were involved in a scandal at school."

Calixta was the queen right hand maiden. Whatever goes on in the royal palace, she would informed the queen of it.

"It's already solved so you don't need to worried." Ian recalled what Colton had told him about the girl of the incident.

The queen reached forward and held his son hand. "Don't you think she's more courageous. Even I your mother, knows how cold you can be to outsiders. Yet, she bravely confessed to you. If not that you've been engaged, I would have add her to your bride list."

"Mom!" Ian cried out softly. He didn't want any sort of that.

The thoughts of his mother showing him a long list of girls to select from, sent a chill down his spine.

"Hahaha." The queen burst out laughing. That new expression on her son face was truly a rare sight. Wanting to tease further, the queen said with a controlled smiled, "Now I'm suddenly regretting it. Why don't I inform your father of this gorgeous plan of mine. Should I?"

Ian knew his dear mother wanted to tease him further and played along with her. "No, mother."

"Okay, I won't tease you any longer. I know you are busy, so mother won't hold you down. Also, don't forget to call Lavinia when you go in. She called me last time and told me you haven't been contacting her."

Lavinia was Ian fiance who he had been engaged to since childhood.

"Okay, I will. I'll go inside now mother." Ian stood up and raised their attached hands, kissing his mother on the palm before leaving.

"This child." The queen smiled at his son leaving figure and sighed.

~A certain planet~

In a luxuriously furnished bedroom, a beautiful blond hair girl was stretched forward on the big white sofa in the room, surfing through her light brain.

There was touch of royalty across the room. And on the wall across the room, were virtual pictures of a young handsome man, who is very familiar to the residents of Starry sky empire.

The blonde hair girl light brain suddenly rang. Seeing the callers name, the girl suddenly sprang up from the sofa.

"Shit, it's Ian. Mirror, mirror, where's the mirror." The girl hurriedly rushed to her dressing room and quickly fiddle with her appearance.

When she saw that her appearance was now presentable, she rushed back to the room and climb on the bed draping the blanket over her lower body.

"Okay, one, two, three." The girl breathed out, tucked some strand of hair behind her ear and clicked on the answered button on the light brain. The face she had always missed appeared on the screen. "Ian!" The girl called out excitedly.

"Hello. Sorry that I haven't been calling you all this while." Ian, on the other end sounded.

"No, no, no. I know you are very busy so I don't want to disturb you." Lavinia hurriedly said.

"We can set a designate time to meet in the virtual net." Ian proposed. "We can meet everyday if we do it like that. There's still three years before we could schooled at the international university. We won't be able to meet ourselves physically till then."

"That's great then. I heard there is a great shop in the Z zone. Also I can visit your empire during the holiday. We can then hone our feelings together." Lavinia blushed when saying the last sentence.

Ian smiled a little when he saw her silly smile. Although, he and Lavinia got engaged when they were in their childhood, Ian still had a little feelings for the girl in front of him.

Their engagement may be term as mutual cooperation between the two planets, still, Lavinia was still the best choice for him.

Ian smiled slightly and informed. "I'll hang up now. I've to go back to training."

"I'll root for you while watching you live in the competition." Lavinia folded her palm into a fist, in a cheering posture.

"I'll surely appreciate that." Ian voice was politely smooth and he bade farewell before ending the call.

Lavinia sat on the bed looking at the light brain which had gone back to the interface she was scrolling at previously.

"Three years. Just three years and we'll be able to see each other." Her mood was great this time. Lavinia hummed to their planet song happily as she climbed down from the bed, and walked out of the room to find her friends to share the happy info with.

And on that day, everyone in the palace felt the princess happy mood.