Xue Yiran helped Xue Haoran with his assignment when she got back home. The little fella was happy doing his assignment with his sister.

'Xiao Bai' came out of the kitchen, carrying a tray with two cups of freshly squeeze apple fruit.

"Let's stop a little bit and have some fruit juice." Xue Yiran stopped the lesson and took the tray from 'Xiao Bai's' hands. Xue Yiran placed them on the table and handed Xue Haoran his.

Xue Haoran drank slowly, savoring the taste. Xue Yiran watched him drink and suddenly thought of something. "Your birthday is next week. What do you want sister to buy for you?"

"I don't know." Xue Haoran answered.

Although kids always have unlimited demands which are insatiate.

Xue Haoran could get what he wanted, so he had no idea of what to say.

His sister just got him a new car toy so he has no demands.

"Don't worry. You can think of it later. Sister will get you all you want." Xue Yiran patted on Xue Haoran's head.

"Hmm." Xue Haoran nodded his head. "Sister." Xue Haoran raised his head to look at his sister, blinking innocently. "Can I let Ayaan come and celebrate my birthday with me?"

"Of course. You can also invite your classmates over. We'll get the invitation and you'll hand it over to them."

'Invitation'. Xue Haoran light up hearing that word from his sister.

Though, he didn't know what it means, Xue Haoran was happy he would get to invite all his classmates to celebrate his birthday.

After the two finished drinking, 'Xiao Bai' who was at the side took away the cups to wash them up. Xue Yiran and Xue Haoran then went back in completing the assignment.

The sky outside was already dark. Xue Yiran had already taken a bath already, and was now on her bed busy with her light brain.

The group chat she was added to, earlier this evening was very busy. The chat had been going on since evening.

Xue Yiran read through several messages.

[Vice president: Hey, hey, hey. Come look everyone. We've a knew member, and it's a girl.(*^^*)//]

[Atlas: Congratulations Vice president👏]

[Walker: The Vice president finally got the baby sister she wished for. Now, everyone will be at peace]

[Vice president: Hey @Walker, are you trying to say I'm troublesome]

[Walker: Hahaha, you must have misunderstood something Vice president. I was just joking]

[Vice president: And you think I'll believe that? *dangerous smile*]

Walker left the group.

[Vice president: This jerk]

Vice president added Walker back to the group.

[Vice president: Where the hell do you think you're going]

[Walker: Let me go, Vice president. (*꒦ິ-꒦ີ) ]

[Vice president: In your dreams. You'll be the one to lure over the beast in our next mission.]

[Walker: This is bullying. I'll report to the president.]

[Vice president: Let's see if he could do something about it.]

[Walker: There's someone suffering an injustice here! Help!]

[Gael: It's really a baby sister. WOW, congratulations Vice president]

[Vice president: Your reply is late so get off]

Xue Yiran read through all the bickering and a faint smile could be captured in her eyes. These people are so childish.

Xue Yiran decided to type.

[Xue Yiran: Hello. I'm the new team member. Please take care of me]

Xue Yiran hadn't changed her username so her name was automatically made her user name.

[Vice president: Hello, cutie. I'm the guild vice president. With you here, it means that the guild finally have two girls]

[Milo: You finally aren't the odd one out @Vice president. Welcome to the guild @Xue Yiran]

[Vice president: You Milo, how come you're back. Ain't you at work]

[Milo: I think you should look outside of your window Vice president]

[Vice president: Shit! It's night already]

[Milo: I guess you didn't know]

[Walker: She's been online since morning. Tyron and the others were scared away by her irrelevant chat]

[Tyron: Who was scared away]

[Walker: President! You're back. Do you know I was bullied while you were away. You should fight for me president]

[Vice president: Who the hell is fighting for you? Come on, your punishment is doubled]

[Walker: You see that. I can't take it longer. (*꒦ິ-꒦ີ) ]

[Tyron: Sorry bro. You are on your own]

[Walker: PRESIDENT!!!]

[Tyron: Hello @Xue Yiran. I'm the president of the guild. Welcome to Tyron guild. I'll send you some info about our guild rules and regulations]

An Incoming message rang on Xue Yiran end. Xue Yiran saw that the president had send her some message privately.

[Tyron: They're long, so you should take time to read them]

[Vice president: What is the essence of rules which are meant to be broken]

[Tyron: Hey, Miley. Can you still show me some respect]

[Vice president: Respect your ass. Hello @Xue Yiran. My name's is Miley. If you've any questions to ask, you should come to me. We two are the only girls in the guild so we should support each other.]

[Xue Yiran: Thank you, Miley]

[Tyron: @Xue Yiran, I saw from your profile that you're still in high school which means you'll only join the team for outing during the weekend]

[Xue Yiran: The thing is, I signed up for the membership because I need beast cores to strengthen myself. Although, I'm not experienced, I'll try my best not to let the group down]

[Vice president: What try your best. You should leave everything to those stinky boys while we two enjoy ourselves. Don't worry, they dare not disobey me]

[Milo: The Vice president can be something else]

[Vice president: Hey Milo, say that again]

[Tyron: Okay, no fighting]

[Vice president: Who the fucking hell is fighting]

[Tyron: Tomorrow is weekend. Then, we'll all gather at the mercenary hall and introduce the other members to you officially @Xue Yiran. Four of our guild members are not around so you'll meet them tomorrow]

[Xue Yiran: Okay.]

[Tyron: I won't hold you down. So, you should get to bed early. This is the developing stage for most teens]

[Xue Yiran: Goodnight]

[Vice president: Goodnight. Bye. Have a sweet dream.]

[Milo: You'll be the one to chase her away one day with your behavior]

[Vice president: Hey, how dare you appear here]

[Milo: Why can't I. The guild is not yours alone]

[Vice president: You jerk. Hey you Walker, your punishment has been stripped off and now transfer to Milo]

[Walker: You're the best, Vice president (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) ]

[Milo: And Why would I accept that?]

[Vice president: If you don't, then your share of cores get deducted for two months]

[Milo: You must be kidding me. President, why did you make her in charge of the beast core]

[Vice president: I'm the Vice president, so I'm in charge. Why, you got any problem? Hehehe, now you know not to mess with me]

[Milo: I'm protesting. There's no way I'm doing it. We want an impeachment]

[Vice president: Impeachment your head. This lady here will remain the Vice president till the end of the world]

[Tyron: ~replying to Milo~ Take heart bro]

[Milo: President!!!]

[Walker: Milo san, you can do it. I got your back. ( ̄ω ̄) ]

[Milo: Fuck off]

Xue Yiran saw this and laugh before going offline. Xue Yiran laid on the bed, and her face showed an expression a girl of her age would have.

Xue Yiran saw that the people in the guild all accepted her. It was quite different from the team in the apocalypse.

The circumstances then could make a nursing mother turn it back on her baby, so why wouldn't she experienced betrayal.

Xue Yiran shook her head to dispel the memories of those days coming to her.

This is a different world. Everyone here is happy. Therefore, she should also be happy with herself.

Xue Yiran closed her eyelid and snuggle closer to her pillow trying to find a comfortable spot to sleep.

The next morning, Xue Haoran went to uncle Mike's house for the weekend.

Although Mike was skeptical about Xue Yiran wanting Xue Haoran to stay with him, his doubt finally faded when he heard her reason.

"The business in the Star virtual net is stable. The customers are still constant but not as much as before." Mike said. "So do not tire yourself out."

Xue Yiran smiled. "Okay, uncle Mike. Bye Xue Haoran." Xue Yiran wave at the boy.

"Sister." Xue Haoran wave back.

"I'll bring him back in the evening. Take care of yourself." Mike utter the last word, and carried Xue Haoran, heading towards his flying car.

Xue Yiran watched them leave and went back inside the house.

"Host, this is your lunch." 'Xiao Bai' hand Xue Yiran her lunch box.

"Thanks." Xue Yiran pat on Xiao Bai's head and quickly went up to her room to change her dress.

When Xue Yiran came out, she was wearing a casual black sportswear.

There was no time for her to order the uniformed combat suit yesterday, so she could only wear this.

"Can you please help me deal with the virtual store while I'm away?" Xue Yiran packed her hair into a bun while talking to Xiao Bai.

"Yes, host." 'Xiao Bai' answered.

"That's good then. I'll be going. Keep the house safe." Xue Yiran stepped out of the house, not forgetting to take her lunch box along.

In the whole house, 'Xiao Bai's' voice resounded. "Yes, host."