If Gael was able to hear Xue Yiran inner thoughts, he would have laughed out loud and pat the other on the head saying: You think too highly of me young miss.

The Poisonous Flame Bird beast was Gael's most powerful contract beast, and also his trump card. His other beast were all of D, and F class. It was through luck he managed to contract the Poisonous Flame Bird beast when it was still in its infancy. Contracting a beast is a lot harder than killing a beast. To contract a beast, the beast must be forced into submission before it's made contract with, or elsethe beast might commit suicide out of desperation by blowing up its beast core. Such act isn't what anyone would want to see because there's no gain at all in that. First, the beast core is lost and the second, the person might suffered an injury from the destructive force of the destroyed core.

Which is the reason why Tyron told Gael to summoned out the Poisonous Flame Bird beast. The Poisonous Flame Bird beast is two class higher than the sliver Wolf king, and also possess its elemental nemesis. Just the aura of the Poisonous Flame Bird beast alone could force it into submission.

After killing so many wolves beast, the Sliver Wolf king finally showed up himself. The sliver Wolf king was several times larger than the original sliver wolves. The mark symbolizing king was on Its forehead. His body was sparkling white and his brandished fangs looked a lot sharper. The information on the wolf king appeared in front of Xue Yiran.


Class: C

Characteristics: King of the sliver wolves, physically strong, outstanding defense, speed, currently evolving to B class.

Skills: Gale wind, sharp fangs, speed like wind.

Elemental Weakness: Fire and poison

Physical Weakness: Abdomen

Innate attributes: Wind

Contract Potential: B rank. 55% chance of breaking into the next class.

Gale wolf king and not Sliver Wolf king. Xue Yiran was confused seeing the introduction.

"Why is it Gale wolf king?"

[The Sliver Wolf king is currently evolving so it's status has start to change. It's still halfway through the evolving process so he hasn't fully transformed.] Susu explained the whole situation.

This means that they happened to walk in on the wolf king who was currently upgrading into the next class. The Poisonous Flame Bird beast is a B class beast and Xue Yiran wonder if it would be able to fight the half-B class beast.

Xue Yiran decided to informed the others of the situation. "I think it's evolving into the next class."

"No wonder it didn't showed up when we killed all it's subordinates." Tyron looked at the Wolf king cautiously. The setting of the wolf king appearance might be that of a boss game. However, the wolf king won't sit back and watched all its kinds died before appearing. Turns out that it was evolving. The evolving state of a beast was very important. In that state, the beast must not be disturb by any external factors.Because once disturb, it'll ruin the chance of the beast to upgrade to the next class.

This time, the Gael wolf king who was disturb from his evolution was very angry.

How dare these stinky people evade his territory.

Even though he could sense a powerful beast nearby, the Gael Wolf king still lunged crazy at the humans in his territory.

His lifetime evolution was ruined by those puny humans. Therefore, he must exact his revenge.

Tyron and the others this time didn't bother using their weapon. A earth wall appeared in front of the Gael wolf king but was shattered instantly as he rammed against it.

"Shit. It bypass my defense." Ryker watched the Gael Wolf king who destroyed his earth wall.

A very strong wind blew onto the ten team members sweeping them out. None of them suffered injury except for Xue Yiran, who was the weakest among them.

Xue Yiran spat out blood when her body crashed on a stone from the Gael Wolf king skill impact.

"Xue Yiran!" Miley shouted and hurriedly rushed to her side

"I'm fine." Xue Yiran braced herself to sit upright and wipe the blood tricking from the corner of her mouth.

Miley knelt beside her and asked. "Are you okay?"

Xue Yiran nodded, and with Miley help, she got to her feet.

[Host, are you okay?] Susu voice was very anxious.

"It's just a small injury. Don't worry, it'll heal soon." Xue Yiran assured the worried system.

[That Wolf!] Susu non-existent face stared angrily at the Gael Wolf king over the distance.

It just a pity that the Gael Wolf king didn't feel the other party anger and lunged another attack at the group.

"You stay back to prevent yourself from getting injure." Miley told Xue Yiran. A healing medicine appeared on her hand which she placed into Xue Yiran's palm. "Take this to treat your injury."

Xue Yiran knows that this time there was nothing she could do to help the teamas she was weak, and then decide to retreat far away from the fighting point.

Xue Yiran clutched her painful chest while watching the group took on the Gael Wolf king.

An ice magic suddenly freeze the Wolf legs onto the ground. Not waiting for the Wolf king to react, the Poisonous Flame Bird beast up in the sky suddenly bombard the Wolf king on the ground with fire.

"Howl." The wolf king howl in pain.

Ryker create another circle earth wall trapping the Wolf king in the circle to prevent it from escaping. Another ice wall also encircle Ryker earth wall.

Miley was using her ice ability along with Ryker ability to trap in the wolf king but not long, their defense was broken by the Wolf king.

The Gael Wolf king was quite in a pitiful state. His fur were all scarred and black by the Poisonous Flame Bird beast. Since the Poisonous Flame Bird beast didn't use its poison ability, the Gael Wolf king was still alive and well.

However, it was weak from the intense bombardment. Although the Gael Wolf king is a half-step into the B class, the Poisonous Flame Bird beast was already a full B class.

With that little bit of difference, the Poisonous Flame Bird beast was still a lot stronger than the Gael Wolf king.

Since he couldn't laid its hand on the puny humans in front of him, the Gael wolf king use his ultimate skill which was the tornado that blew Xue Yiran away before.

The group were already expecting the Gael Wolf king to use the skill again, so they were already prepared when facing the huge tornado, not suffering any casualty.

After releasing its skill, the Wolf king went limp and fell on the ground. You should know that taking those hit from the Poisonous Flame Bird had already taken seventy percent of his strength. Now using the ultimate skill which cost a lot of energy, he was already weak.

Tyron saw this and made a metal cage appeared out of thin air trapping the Wolf king. This was a high level beast cage which are used for capturing beast. The cage were strong and sturdy as they were made with strong materials.

As they were strong and sturdy, they were also expensive. Without this cage, almost all of them wouldn't have gotten a contract beast of their own.

The battle was over, Miley hurriedly rushed towards Xue Yiran.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. The medicine work faster so I'm quite good." Xue Yiran said. After taking the healing medicine, the pain in her chest has reduced a lot. The medicine in this era were really great.

"I never expected we would come here when the wolf king was undergoing his evolution. It's great that everyone is fine." Tyron step forward and stood in front of the beast cage. The wolf king was lying pitiful inside it. Still, that didn't stop the wolf king from barring his teeth at Tyron.

"Oh. He's still quite strong." Gael recall back the Poisonous Flame Bird flying up in the air and walked forward to where the beast cage was.

"Xue Yiran. Come over here and form a contract with it." Tyron called over at Xue Yiran.

Xue Yiran nodded and walked together with Miley towards the beast cage.

Susu had already told her on the steps of contracting a beast. A sharp knife appeared in her hand, which she use to cut lightly on one of her finger tip.

The knife was sharp, so the blood quickly rushed out. With her mental strength, Xue Yiran made the flow of blood condensed and float towards the lying Gael Wolf king.

The blood disappear into the Gael Wolf forehead. After a little bit of seconds, the Gael Wolf king in the cage disappear. Xue Yiran felt as if something was within her.

She seems to feel herself getting stronger.

Could this be fusion?

Ryker and Miley talent were actually their contract beast skill.

The strange feeling Xue Yiran was experiencing was the fusion between her and the wolf king skill.

Xue Yiran also seemed to hear another strange voice in her head.

"Susu, is that you?"

[No host. It's that stinky wolf.]

'You puny human. You'll pay for this. Get me out of here this instant.'

[I think you'd better shut up before I beat you to stupor]

'Who are you?' The wolf king looked around the empty space in his surrounding and couldn't see the person who spoke now.

[Me? I'm the owner of this place.]

'Are you the one who contracted me. Get me out of here this instance'

[The one who contracted you is my host, your master]

'What fucking master. Get me out of here this instance.'

[Wow, wow. I never knew a beast can also say curse word.] Susu was quite amazed. [You'd better listen to me. This isn't your territory. This is my territory and you'd better obey my rules or else…]

A sliver current of electric shock suddenly went down the Wolf king body.

'Wuwuwu' The Gael Wolf king cried out.

[He-he-he. Now you know.]

'Who are you?' The wolf king looked around cautiously. This person… although the Wolf king couldn't sense the other party strength, he knew that person must be very strong.

The sense of crises he felt was higher than when he saw two SSS beast fighting.

Who is this person? What kind of dangerous thing had he gotten himself into.

Susu saw the wolf king who was trembling in the empty space and smirked.

How dare this weak thing injured his host.

Likewise how Xue Yiran trust Susu so much, Susu was very over protective of Xue Yiran. He didn't want her to get injured and want her to live a frugal life.

Although Susu wasn't there during the apocalypse, he knew that his host must have gone through a lot.

When he saw Xue Yiran got hurt, he felt a sharp pain in his heart. He didn't have a heart but Susu still felt a pain somewhere. So the Wolf king must face the wrath of his anger.

Xue Yiran had no idea of the bad blood between Susu and the Gael Wolf king, since she could only detect the thought of the Wolf king only when he talk to her.

Since her head was silence, Xue Yiran looked towards the group of people and made a tiny wind power appeared on her hand. The power coursing through her was that of when she awoke her wind ability in the apocalypse, so she could very easily control it.

"Wow. You learn to control your ability so fast." Tyron looked at Xue Yiran with some sort of admiration.

"Summon out the wolf king, let me see." Miley jumped excitedly.

"Okay." Xue Yiran summoned out the wolf king. A big wolf with a very white sparking fur appeared on the stand, contrast to the pitiful and scarred wolf before.

"It's already healed." Xue Yiran blurted out in amazement. The Gael wolf king in front of her was nothing like what it was in the cage.

"Beast go back to their former state when contracted with." Walker explained.

Xue Yiran looked at the Wolf king in awe.

The wolf king who had been threatened by Susu was very docile. Miley lunged at it enjoying Its fluffy fur.

"So fluffy." Miley snuggle closer to the smooth white fur. The wolf king didn't do anything and allowed Miley to touch him all over. However, his mind was experiencing a wave of turmoil.

'How dare you touch me. You puny human. If not for that person, do you think I'll let you touch me.'

'Ha-ha, this wolf king is quite docile. Not like his aggressive previous self." Atlas reached forward wanting to pat the Wolf king on the head.

The other bare his sharp fangs at him. 'Just because I let one touched me doesn't mean I would let two touch me.'

"Oh, oh. This Wolf discriminate against gender. This is unfair."

"Get your stinky body away." Miley kicked at Atlas.

"Search for some valuable plant nearby and let's go back." Tyron order.

This was the wolves territory, there should be some treasures in it.