The group went back to the city with a lot of spoils in hand. The group were able to harvest a lot of medicinal herbs and some precious fruits that when eaten, they all had a big mind-blowing effect.

The most precious thing in their hand which they had gotten from the whole journey so far, were the six wolves cubs lying inside the flying car.

Beast cubs were precious and expensive in the market. You should know that these beasts are still in their infancy, therefore has no sense of danger or any hidden threat.

Due to this, several people will buy them to raise, thereby forming a sense of closeness with them. In such situation, the steps of contracting such beast will be very easy since the beast was very willing to be contracted.

Several rich people who doesn't like to go out of the safety line to fight off beast, would splurge their money on these cubs to raised them home. Some wealthy parents also do come to buy some cubs for their kids to raise as a show of their status.

These therefore leads to the price of beast cubs skyrocketing.

Esme was really shocked when she saw the six wolf cubs in front of her. She raised her head up and smiled at Tyron. "You are really worthy of being top of the mercenaries guild. This will make your reputation go higher."

"He-he. It's just luck." Tyron laughed.

Yeah, it was all about luck.

Beast cubs are very rare. The reason is that, most adult beast do protect their young's and keep them in a very hidden place.

The time Tyron's and the others attack the Sliver wolves, was contrast to when the Sliver wolf king was undergoing its evolution.

In that state, the wolves instinct was to protect their king who was evolving from the sudden intruders, thereby forgetting to hide the newborn cubs in a safe area.

"Then I must say you hit a big jackpot this time." Esme laughed along with Tyron. Her eyes gleam when she saw Xue Yiran who was standing behind the other members. "Oh, you're also here. Thanks for giving me the cake last time. It was so delicious. I've never tasted anything like it before. Thanks so much."

With Esme expressing her gratitude to her, Xue Yiran could only say. "It's fine. You don't need to thank me."

"You also ate the cookies, Esme." Miley stepped forward and looked at Esme.

"Cookies? I think it was called cake. It's soft and delicious. Could it also be called cookies." Esme wondered.

"Cake and cookies are different." Xue Yiran explained. Although she wasn't interested in talking about snacks, Xue Yiran still had to speak to make them understand.

"Then I want to eat cake next time." Miley jumped excitedly, looking forward to the treat.

Esme was embarrassed to say that she also wants to eat the cookies Miley talked about and blushed. "I'll put the cubs up for auction. The payment would be sent to your account after the auction. Do you also want to auction the medicinal herbs. Even though it's not as precious as the beast cubs, it would fetch you more money when auctioned than selling it to the mercenary hall."

"Then auction it all." Tyron decided. "We'll be going." Tyron bade farewell and the team left the hall.

At the front hall, they all part ways one by one with only Miley and Xue Yiran standing together.

"My car is parked in the underground parking lot. Wait for me here." Miley said.

"Okay." Xue Yiran watched Miley left and stood at the front of the hall.

The front hall was also busy since several people were just returning from their outing. Groups in group, the mercenaries walked into the hall.

Suddenly, a group of mercenary stopped in front of Xue Yiran.

"Oh, look who I found." The person who spoke was none other than Cedric, the Tyron guild nemesis. Cedric saw Xue Yiran who was standing alone in front of the mercenary hall, and wanted to find trouble with her.

Maybe he should attract her to his guild. If he should lavish her with money, there's no way she wouldn't come running over to him.

Isn't that the same case for Luis. If Luis a man couldn't resist the love for money, then how would she.

Looking at Xue Yiran all over, Cedric found that she was quite pretty.

The girls in his guild were very boring to have fun with since most of them were all lusting after his money. Now seeing Xue Yiran calm demeanor, Cedric wonder what expression she would made when he finally press her under him.

Seeing Cedric arrival and his lustful gaze scanning over her, Xue Yiran frowned. This person… If she had her past life strength, she would have gouged those leeching eyes off.

Susu who was also watching everything found Cedric expression disgusting.

"Why don't you leave the Tyron guild and join mine. Those people do not know your worth. I do. Tell me, how much do you need. To me, money is the last thing I'll worry about."


Cedric was smack on the head by something.

"Who the f*ck…" Cedric turned around and found Miley who stood not far away from him with a raging expression. "Oh, so it's you."

"I've been putting up with you since. Do you think I can do nothing to you." Miley summoned out one of her contract beast, a fiery red scorpion.

The scorpion size was huge. It's pincers were coated in black substance and looked so sharp that they send shivers down everyone present body. Even Xue Yiran wasn't left out.

Shit. Ain't girls supposed to have cute beast as contract pets. This isn't what is written in books.

"Yo..you." Cedric stammered when he saw Miley summoned out her contract beast. "You're breaking the rules if you fight here."

"Do you think I'm afraid. I'm not like Tyron that chick who only knows how to chicken out. You, summon your contract beast and let's fight it out. Watch how I beat you to pulp today."

"Miley, do not go too far." Cedric gnashed his teeth.

"Huh, going too far. Who the hell is going too far between the two of us. Shook that man to death Jo." Miley ordered the scorpion beast.

The scorpion Jo raised its pincers, pointing the tip at Cedric direction before running forward.

"F*ck. You going to pay for this Miley." Cedric instantly wrapped himself up in a shell.

The shell was one of his contract beast who was a turtle. The turtle beast was good at defense due to it hard shell.

However, Cedric turtle beast was a weak one, so its shell couldn't hold onto the scorpion constant poking.

Cracks started to appeared on the shell. Cedric who was inside the shell was sweating profusely.

Fuck, where is the union judge. He would be killed by this witch if they do not arrived soon.

Cedric followers had already scurried far away from the battle field. It wasn't that they didn't want to help, it's just that their beast couldn't match onto the strength of that scorpion beast.

Poison was the bane of almost all beasts. Only few which are resistance to poison could fight a poison combat beast head on.

Sending their beast to help Cedric out was that of sending them to their own funeral.

Cedric was also aware of this fact, which was why he hide into the turtle shell despite it being one of his weak contract beast.

"Come out here and fight. Weren't you boasting earlier. Who now is hiding behind a shell. Come out now before I break this cocoon you're hiding inside. Jo, hit it harder."

The scorpion started hitting the shell harder after receiving Miley's order. This time, the shell was almost broken.

Damm. Where are those freaking union members.

A hole was made into the shell. The scorpion discover Cedric and swung its pincers at the hole.

"Ahhh!" Cedric held his head in hands and screamed. However the pain he was expecting didn't came. "Huh." He looked up and discovered that the scorpion was no longer there.

"Miley Riva, can you explain to me what's happening?" The union judge had already appeared.

Miley withdraw Jo back into her consciousness. "I don't know. Why don't you ask the looser over there."

The judge narrowed his eyes. "Do you think I'm blind?"

"Oh, thanks goodness you're already here." Cedric stepped out of the shell. His appearance was very much in a sorry state. "Seize that girl. She suddenly summoned her contract beast to start attacking me."

"You two, report to the union tomorrow." The judge said.

"What? Me? Didn't you heard that she attacked me. Everyone can testify to it." However the judge didn't bother listening to Cedric words and vanished from the spot.

"Looser." Miley spat.

"You…" Cedric still didn't find the courage to say the words in his mouth. He was afraid of Miley summoning the scorpion beast again. "You better watch out."

"Ha, you better watch out for your ass. It's already enough seeing that you almost wet yourself. I wouldn't want to see your ugly face again."

Cedric face flushed as he was informed of his earlier embarrassment.

"Let's go Xue Yiran." Miley pulled Xue Yiran away from the crowd.


Inside the car, Xue Yiran peered at Miley with the corner of her eyes.

"Just say whatever you want to say. You don't have to look at me that sneakily." Miley chuckled at Xue Yiran behavior.

"Are you going to be okay? You wouldn't get punished would you?" Xue Yiran finally spurt out her concern.

"That, you don't have to worry." Miley shook her head. "Those people of the union are just money grubber. Once you've given them money, everything is over. It's just a penalty."

"Oh, is that so." Xue Yiran smiled.

"Were you worried for me?" Miley turned her head, looking at Xue Yiran.

"Hmm." Xue Yiran nodded. "I was afraid you'll get into trouble because of me."

"No, no, no. That's where you got it wrong. Although it part of the reason but I've been longing to beat that guy to death. Beat those stinky mouth of him. Don't you also find him annoying."

Xue Yiran agreed with Miley statement. She also felt like gouging those his eyes out.

The two converse till they reach their destination.

Xue Yiran was greeted with an embrace from Xue Haoran as soon as she opened the door.

The little guy had been staying by the window side, after he was dropped home by uncle Mike in the evening.

However he didn't wait for long because he instantly saw Xue Yiran silhouette coming down from a flying car.

"Sister, I miss you." Due to his height, Xue Haoran could only buried his head into her waist.

"Sister miss you too."

"Is this your brother. He's so cute." Miley fell in love with Xue Haoran cute appearance when she laid her eyes on him.

Xue Haoran heard the new voice and raised his head from Xue Yiran embrace, looking at Miley with cute appearance.

"Hello, cutie." Miley crouched down to the little fella height before introducing. "My name is Miley. Your sister friend. What about you?"

"My name is Xue Haoran." Xue Haoran pronounced his name softly, feeling a little bit shy in front of a stranger.

"He's so cute." Miley squeal. "Haoran, auntie would be taking you out, along with your sister today. Do you want to follow auntie out?"

Xue Haoran didn't replied but looked at Xue Yiran instead.

Xue Yiran then said, "We'll be going out with auntie Miley this evening. Why don't we get you dressed before heading out."

"Okay." Xue Haoran snuggle closer into Xue Yiran embrace.

"Let's go in." Xue Yiran picked up her brother into her arms and headed inside.