Strong Team

"Good. Let's find a clean spot. We'll be spending the night here." Tyron then said. "I don't know how deep the cave is. However, I'm afraid that we will meet any other monsters as we go in deeper. Everyone should take a rest and regain their strength back to its peak. Tomorrow morning, we'll be setting off."

It's quite usual for mercenaries to spend the night out in the wilds. Some could stay up to a month outside, as long as they all had the ability to protect themselves.

Xue Yiran set up her tent beside Mileys'. She took off her combat suit and wipe off the blood on it before coming out to eat.

Food for the team had always been an energy nutrient solution. The taste wasn't always good but they could fill the stomach. After drinking a vial of nutrients solution, Xue Yiran walked back into her own tent to sleep.

"Susu, how's Xue Haoran doing at home?"

[I've currently put him to sleep]

She hadn't thought that she would spend the night outside. She was afraid that the little guy would panic once he noticed her absence.

It was true that Xue Haoran had panicked when he noticed that his sister wasn't back. It wasn't after several coaxing by 'Bai' did the little guy finally stopped crying. But that was something Susu didn't informed Xue Yiran about.


Several miles from them, two figure wearing a weird cloak stood not far away from the white mist.

"Is this our next training ground, master?" Ian looked into the white mist. All he could see were whiteness. There was no saying what terrifying danger lurk in that white mist.

"Not far from here is the swamp crocodile's lair. That would be your training ground as from tomorrow" Amos languid posture became more serious. "The swamp crocodiles are known for the hardness of their skin. From tomorrow, you're require to hunt two of them per day. Don't worry this time, I'll truly save you once I see that you're in danger." Amos meant his promise this time.

Ian had already learnt his lesson from the last incident and this time around, he would never put his life in anyone's hand just because of a few sentences.

"It's already dark. Let's find a safe place to rest." The story about the night in the wilds being a time of terror was something everyone knows about. Most beasts love attacking at nights since most of their prey would have relaxed by then.

The two turn around, trying to find a safe place to set up their tent. Ian suddenly sighted a car behind a big boulder.

"Master, it seems like there are some people here." He called for Amos attention towards his sighting.

Amos nodded. "Hmm." He had already noticed the car since they arrived earlier.

"There should be some mercenaries nearby. They must have gone into the mist to hunt down some monster." Amos found a flat ground and brought out two tent making materials. "Take one and set up your own tent."

Ian reaches forward and took one of the materials on the ground. This would be his first time ever making a tent on his own but he had the tutorial manual to guide him. In no time, two tent stood erect in the middle of the wild.

Feeling famished, Ian took out a bottle of nutrients solution from his storage ring and poured down the content into his mouth. Warmth filled up his whole body. He felt his already weakened body become more vigorous. His mind wanders back home. His mother would have been feeling worried due to his absence at home.

"You thinking about home." Ian felt a pat on his shoulder. Amos sat beside him, looking at the makeshift fire. "Everyone always experiences homesickness the first time they spend the night in the wild. It would be surprising if it does skip you."

Snapping sounds came from the bonfire as they licked against the dry sticks.

"It's my first time been away from home, so it's quite hard to get used to." Ian added several woods to the fire.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time." Amos stood up to his feet. "I'll be going to sleep. You should also have some rest. There is a long day ahead of us tomorrow." Giving Ian a final patting, Amos walked away. "And don't forget to douse off the fire before you go to sleep."

*Sigh.* Ian got up and poured some solution into the fire to die it down before entering into his own tent.

That night, two certain individuals were bound not to have a good sleep. Ian woke up the next morning with a big eye bag under his eyes. As the crown prince of the empire, the bed he sleeps on was always soft and comfortable. It was truly a suffering to lie on a mat the whole night. The ground was hard against his skin. Also, the sound of passing animals kept him up the whole night.

Now he felt more tired than usual. Amos on the other side was brimming with full energy.

"How refreshing it is to wake up in a place devoid of technology." Amos stretches his body, loosening up some stiff muscle. "I bet you also have a good sleep, Ian."

'Good sleep? Can't you see the huge dark circle under his eyes.'

"Yes, I did." Ian nodded in answer.

"Ha-ha-ha." Amos burst out laughing. "Let's set out after eating. Your mission for today is to hunt down two swamp crocodiles."

The other person who also didn't have a good night was Xue Yiran. She had just started her period. It was the first period she would ever have as 'Xue Yiran'. Due to malnutrition in her previous life, she started her period in her late twenties.

She had thought that she would also begin her period at the same age but who knew she would start earlier.

"What's wrong with Xue Yiran? Is she sick?" Ryker was worried when he saw her sick expression.

"Are you alright?" Tyron walked towards her.

"She's fine. You all should get away. This is a problem only girls know." Miley already had a hint of what was happening to Xue Yiran. She immediately shooed the guys away and took Xue Yiran to a secluded corner. "Are you okay? Here take this." Miley took out a pain capsule and a bottle of water. "This will lessen the pain."

After several minutes, the cramps she was feeling below her lower abdomen was gone. She also changes into another fresh combat uniform inside the tent.

"Thanks so much."

"It's what I should do." Miley replied and walked her back to the group.

"Is she alright?" Tyron asked again after seeing the two coming out of the tent.

"Yes. I'm pretty alright." Xue Yiran assured and thank everyone for worrying about her.

Once assured, Tyron didn't ask what had happened between the two inside the tent and passes a powder like substance to everyone before telling them to apply it. It was a beast repellant powder. The beast repellant powder was made from a plant type monster beast. To human, the powder was odorless but it serves as a huge deterrent to monsters who hate such pungent odor.

It was Sunday. Tyron was afraid that they wouldn't be able reach the swamp crocodiles lair causing Xue Yiran to spend another time in the wilds again. He hadn't forgotten that she was still in high school.

With the repellant powder on, the group encounter no monsters along the way. Their journey was very smooth. Soon they reached an opened area.

In front of them was a huge lake. There were no any swamp crocodiles around, but everyone knew they had finally reached their destination. The beast king lair.

"The fight against the beast king will cause a lot of disturbance so you should stay several meters away in other not to get drag into the chaos." Tyron was facing a particular person when he said those words.

Xue Yiran knew her strength was several miles away to contend against a beast king. Hence, she heeds to Tyron's advice and step back.

"Let's start!" Tyron hollered, a bright light instantly enveloping his body. Once the blinding lights disappeared, his body was covered in a purple armor. His pupils were also emitting a golden ambiance. Tyron had just fuse with his contract beast.

Miley also summoned her contract beast. It was not 'Jo', but instead, it was a plant type beast. Its body was that of a cactus and had several sharp spines on it body. The cactus suddenly shape shifted, turning into a huge cactus monster.

Gael had his poisonous flame bird beast out and climb onto the back of the bird. The fire beast couldn't do much in a misty area but its flight made it possible for Gael to attack the beast king from the air.

Walker contract beast was a wild bovine bull known for its turbulent. However, Xue Yiran was taken aback when she saw Kai's beast. It was also a wolf like hers. The fur of the monster was sparkling white and it was ten times bigger than her Sky. The other party exude a vivid arrogance, as if it was looking down at all other monsters.

'Could this be Sky ancestors'

Milo contract beast was also an avian type beast. Jose had his wind leopard out which was known for its speed. The 'flower of life' given the named Lily by Atlas was also at the side to heal anyone who ever got injured.

Apart from Tyron and Ryker who fuse directly with their contract beast, Xue Yiran was able to gauge everyone strength in terms of their contract beast.

'They are hella strong.' That was the only evaluation she had of them.