Star Rank Beast

At the bottom of the lake, a thousand meters beast king was lying peacefully on the lake bed; enjoying the day break. With its sonic detective ability, the beast king had already discovered the trespasser who has march into its territory.

Its eyelids opened, revealing a vertical slit-shaped black pupil. The eyes moved around the socket before the huge figure finally made a move.


Tons of fire balls bombarded the calm lake, sending wave of hot water out to the nearby land.

"Grrrr." A loud growl suddenly reverberated through the whole area. A huge mountainous figure finally reveals its head as it arrived at the surface of the water.

"Everyone attack!" Every person started launching their skills as soon as the monster head resurface.

"Roar!" The monster huge body jump upward and then swipes its claw at Gael who was flying on the poisonous flame bird.

"Dodge." At his order, the bird flap its wings and flew higher into the sky. Since it couldn't fly, the huge crocodile body land back into the lake in a loud splash, sending out another wave of water. Gael began sending another barrage of fireballs into the lake. However, there was no scene of the beast king appearing.

Tyron immediately took out the night ranger google and puts it on. Soon he saw the huge monster in the lake bed sneaking towards where Atlas was stationed at. It must have noticed that Atlas contract beast was the weakest, or was it so?

"It's coming for you, Atlas!"

*Boom* The huge monster appeared once again, opened its wide jaw ready to swallow Atlas whole.

Several sharp spikes immediately appeared, launching themselves into the monster mouth.

"Hoo." For monsters who had tough defense, the mouth is known as one of the vulnerable parts of their body. Since it had been a long time the swamp crocodile beast king faces against intruder, the monster had lax in its defense a little.

It was a little bit painful but that only get the big guy to become more violent.

'Swoosh' It swipe its big tail at the culprit, the giant cactus plant. The plant body was crushed into minces. However, since its vitality was tenacious, the places where it was crushed soon started growing back in an instant.

The whole fighting scene was becoming intense. Xue Yiran stood far away watching the whole scene unfold.

[Swamp Crocodile ]

Class: ??

Characteristics: ??

Skill: ??

Elemental Weakness: ??

Physical Weakness: ??

Innate Attribute: ??

Contract Potential: ??

She couldn't see any of the monster attributes. Was this because her level was too low or that the monster level was too high to be classified?

The commotion became very loud and some swamp crocodiles who had heard the roar of their king started hurrying back to their base.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard Tryon and the others tried to wear down the huge monster, all of their efforts were futile. The other crocodiles soon arrived and joined in the battle.

This time, Xue Yiran had to make a move. She summoned out Sky and climb onto his back.

The incoming troops were all classified under the C class, making it easier for her to deal with or so she thought.

Immediately her dagger clashed against one of the crocodiles, it was as if she had hit against a hard metal. The said monster scale was intact and in fact had no marks of scratches on its scale.

However, Sky claw tore through their defense with easiness. Perhaps this is one of the characteristics a beast could only possess.

Xue Yiran immediately replaces her dagger with a gun and started shooting at the wound opening Sky had made on their body. With his fast speed, Sky was able to escape from the jaw of the monsters whenever he encounters any tough opponent.

Milo, Ryker and Walker had also diverted their attention on killing the newly arrival troop of crocodiles.

Tyron touched his space ring and a machine fell out landing into his hand. The big cannon was hundred times bigger and weight 20 thousand kilos. Yet in Tyron's hand, the big machine gun weigh nothing. Setting the huge cannon on his shoulder, he directed the target at the moving monster and swiftly pull on the trigger.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

Bullets whizzed by, hitting the said target. Clearly, scary weaponry like this was bound to inflict some severe damage on the enemy.

"Grrrr." Amidst the wave of bullets, the beast king growl in pain. When the bullets finally died down, one would however notice that there were no scratches on the monster scale.

It was as if its earlier growl of pain was just a joke. Could this be said to be the terrifying ability of an A class beast king?

Tyron face was gloomy when he saw that none of his shots work. Miley Cactus had no other chance to launch an attack again since the big monster already learnt from his lesson.

The fire cannon was a machine gun that could be used defeat a S rank beast. Yet such weaponry had no effect on an A class beast. This was the biggest joke he had ever heard.

If one does not work, then how about two.

Another fire cannon appeared and Tyron began another round of shooting. Some unlucky Crocs who were closer to the scene disintegrate into ashes immediately the bullets landed. By now, there was only a little bit of water left in the lake.

As he continues shooting, Tyron was starting to get suspicious of the beast king actual rank. Being bombard by several bullets, an A rank beast would have fallen into defeat. But the swamp crocodile's beast king still looked very vigorous.

[Host, I think I found the reason] Susu voice shouted excitedly in Xue Yiran's ear. He then began to explain. [On Starry Sky Planet, monster beasts are graded into F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS and SSS rank. Those are the grades of monsters that currently exist in the entire planet. However, there are other several grades that do exist aside them. They are called special grade monster. Just like the chaos beast materials used in making the night ranger google, it is a special grade monster. After the SSS rank grade, the next to come is the Star rank grade, followed by the void grade and so on. The main thing is that this special grade monster live outside of the space and information about them could only be access through the union interstellar account. So, their info can't be accessible by mercenaries. My level is quite low to hacked into the interstellar account because my track would be immediately found by them if I do so.]

"Wait a minute." Xue Yiran was still overwhelmed by several information that came pouring into her ear. "Are you trying to say that the swamp crocodile beast king is a special grade monster?"

[That's right host. I suspected that it had just broken into the star rank and not the A class rank Tyron made mention of.]