
At that moment, the beast king who had been getting swamp by rage of bullets suddenly opened it mouth, a black void accumulating in the opening.

"F*ck." Tyron face turned pale immediately. "Everyone, run!" He immediately dashed away.

The others had no idea why Tyron was instantly announcing their retreat but they decided to trust him.


The black void landed on the place Tyron was previously standing at. The whole ground disintegrates, turning into a big black hollow hole that was sparkling with spatial cracks.

The whole event led everyone hair standing atop their skin. Xue Yiran was riding on Sky, who ran from the scene with his fastest speed. But could they escape from the wraith of a beast king?


Another black ball was launched.

"What the heck is happening, Captain?" Atlas face was bloodless as he was thrown away by the violent impact. Luckily, Gael came to his rescue right away and pulled him onto the Poisonous flame bird back. "How can an A rank monster erupt with such skill."

"I made a mistake. The beast king grade is above S rank." Tyron had a bad expression on his face.

"Are you trying to say it's an SS rank monster?"

"Fucking shut up your mouth and run! The swamp crocodiles are about to caught up to us soon." Jose shouted.

Behind them were wave of crocodiles trailing behind them. Since they had offended their king, there was no way these monsters would let them off easily.


Another black ball landed several meters behind them. Thankfully, the beast king had no ability in distinguishing companions from foe and kept launching attacks aimlessly.

This kind of reduce the burden that was chasing the team.

"I knew there was something suspicious about this mission. Who the hell would commission 200 billion just to capture an A rank beast king?" Miley was feeling bad about the whole situation. There was no saying if they would make it out alive.

There was no signal in the wilds, making it impossible for them to request for help. Most mercenaries had lost their lives due to such unexpected circumstances. However, it seems like their luck had all been used today.

Tryon combat strength was just A rank which was the reason why he had the confidence of fighting against an A rank beast when the client proposes the mission, but who knew that the other party was clearly sending them to death by hiding such information.

His only hope was for them to leave this area alive.


Inside the presidential suites of a five-star hotel, a teenage guy stood in front a huge window looking at bustling serene outside of his suites. The young teenager was dressed in a black suit, which complement his slim figure. He had a very distinct jawline and his appearance was very appealing, giving a sunny vibe as the afternoon sun shine upon his face. His long blond hair fell freely behind his shoulder, blowing in direction of the wind.

Beside the young teenager, stood a middle-aged man. The man expression kept changing as if he was troubled about something.

"Although this place is quite backward but who would have expected a star rank beast to appear in such a desolate planet." The teenage guy had an expression of amusement on his face. "But why is it still taking them long to complete the mission. It's a loss on my side to think they can complete the mission as soon as possible. Such a waste of time."

Soon, the doorbell rang signifying the arrival of their afternoon lunch.

"Well, at least there's still something to enjoy in this desolate planet."

While the guy was still talking to himself, the middle-aged man had already gone ahead and opened the door. A very cheerful server and hotel manager stood at the door. The middle-aged man took in the stroller from the server before shutting the door. He then began to set them on the table.

"It's all done, your highness." At his words, the teenage guy turned around and walked towards the prepared lunch. The man immediately draws out a chair for the guy to seat on.

The lunch was a very silent one. The man stood at the side and watched the teenager ate. Once he was full, the man called the hotel cleaner to come and clean up the dishes.

While he was doing this, his light brain rang again. It was the same caller ID that had been calling him since a day now but he dared not pick it. The instant he does that, their location would be leaked out.

"Meyer, if I should recall, this should be the tenth time I would tell you to switch off your communication device. Why the heck aren't you listening to my order." The sunny expression was already gone replaced by a furious one.

"Forgive me, your highness." Meyer immediately bows in apology. The young prince anger was something he wouldn't like to face. But he still decided to explain himself. "Your highness, if I dared switch off my light brain, the whole capital would be in an uproar. I'm afraid a state emergency would be instantly declared." The young crown prince was in a rebellious phase and decided to switch off the communication devices. That had sent panic to those who were monitoring him. However, since Meyer's device was still on, they could be assured that the young prince was potentially safe. "I have been getting a call from General Ethan and Lynn. I'm afraid they must have gotten noticed of your disappearance."

"Why should those two act like they care about me. They are just little arrogant generals who only know how to hide behind their office."

Meyer could only listen to the prince badmouthing the two generals.

"I only asked them to capture me an SSS rank beast. Yet, they dare defy my order. At least I'm not as worthless as them. Didn't I find a higher rank one. Once I've the star rank beast in my hand, I'm going to shove it into their face to show how insignificant they are. Now switch off your communication devices."

*Sigh* Meyer had no other choices than to obey his order.