First-rate Planet

~ Geordon Planet ~

"General, Meyer's light brain has been turned off." One of the men that was constantly checking on Meyer's signal connection immediately report.

Ethan was really not having it easy with all that was happening. Wasn't he supposed to be on vacation? Why did that spoiled crown prince all of a sudden had to disappeared.

"Is there still no report on where his space ship headed to?" Ethan rubbed at his temple, trying to think of where the spoiled prince might have gone too.

"Not yet, general. According to the report from the Aviation organization, the ship device location was turned off as soon as it departs. Hence there's no way they could pinpoint the crown prince exact location." The guy told all the information he knew of.

"Okay, continue doing your job. Contact me as soon as you find any leads."

"Yes sire."

Ethan turned around and left the control room. His communication device suddenly starts to beep. It was a call from General Lynn. He tapped on the green option and a tiny holographic figure of a man dressed in army uniform appeared in his view.

"What is it?"

"Have you gotten any leads yet? I've been summoned to the capital by the emperor. He must be worrying about the prince disappearance." Lynn background was shaking and Ethan guess he must already be on his way to the capital.

"No." Ethan tone was flat. As for whether the person on the other end was satisfied with his answer or not, it was none of his worries.

"Sigh." Lynn hopeful expression fell when he heard Ethan's reply. He had no idea what he would face once he reached the capital. He had been battling with monsters non-stop at the frontline and was dead tired from the aftermath of the tense war. All he needed was some goodnight sleep. But before he could have that, he was informed that the crown prince had disappeared.

What the hell were the security doing when watching him leave. How could he leave a whole planet without any of them knowing. His head ache so bad thinking of how lax the securities had been on their duty.

They were in a first-rate planet. For someone to be able to leave under their watch, wasn't that signifying that their defense was bad and were worthless of being a first-rate planet.

"You okay?" Those words, although might sound like a bit of concern, however Ethan's face was expressionless when he asked that.

"I'm guessing he's still furious about our deny to acquire him an SSS rank beast." That was the only reason Lynn could think of for the prince sudden departure. His favorable impression on the crown prince had hit downhill.

Outside, the crown prince was known to be gentlemanly, caring and kind. None knew the arrogance that hide behind the young man's heart, apart from some officials and workers who works in the palace.

The crown prince when growing up was a sweet young kid. He had a cheerful smile that could captivate everyone's heart. However, as the young prince started growing up, his behavior started changing. He became very demanding and would scold anyone he found unpleasing in his eyes. His behavior was becoming unruly and unbefitting as a crown prince of an empire.

Moreover, the Emperor continue to dote on him, heeding to whatever demand he asked for. Due to Emperor negligence of the court affairs, the court has been split into two. Leading to some little uprising in the court room.

However, those puny little faction was taken care of by Ethan in no time, bringing peace back to the court room.

Yet that didn't stop the emperor on dotting on his only son.

"Check through those who he had been in contact with all this while. If that also proof futile, I'm afraid we would have to involve the union and declare a state emergency."

A state emergency just for a missing person? That was unheard of, but that also prove how important the runaway prince was.

"Hmm. I'll get the troops ready." Ethan nodded.

Lynn had an understanding of what Ethan meant by getting the troops. A war was going to happen. This was to prevent their foes of taking advantage of the situation. There were countless pirate thieves outside of space ready to strike down any vulnerable planet. Once they are informed about the prince disappearance, it's likely they may find the prince whereabouts and use him as a bait to gather more resources from them.

The existence of the pirate thieves was a problem that had bothered all first-rate planet. Several ships of goods had been stolen by these unruly individuals. However, no matter how hard they tried to find them, the results was always unsatisfying.

The whole space was huge and trying to find some pirate thieves amidst the vast void; was same as finding a needle in a vast ocean.

Lynn cut off the transmission and rested his head backward on the car seat.

Ethan was also about to walk away from the control room front door when the door behind him suddenly opened.

"We found some leads general!"

Ethan turned around. There was a hint of surprise on his face. He hadn't expected them to gain something as soon as possible. Well, the crown prince had no experience in hiding so he was bound to leave some traces behind.

Ethan followed the young guy back into the control room. There was a relieve expression on everyone's face since they had finally gotten the whereabouts of the crown prince.

"How did you find his whereabouts."

"It is like this general. I was still about checking the departure of space ships from each port in the planet when sir Cassius call came through. Here's the replay of our whole conversation." The young guy immediately tapped on the holographic screen in the control room. Soon, Cassius figure appeared.

Followed it was the conversation he had with the young guy. Cassius was the financial manager in charge of operating the crown prince account. Turns out he had noticed a huge money withdrawal from the account. Although the amount wasn't huge as compared to the amount that was in the account.

What Cassius had noticed was the person the amount was sent to. From the location address of the individual, it was likely that the person was from a backward planet. Although not impossible, but it was quite hard for people from backward planet to arrive to a first-rate planet.

Moreover, what relationship does the crown prince had with such person. But since he was just an account manager, there was no need for him to be suspicious of anything. Earlier today while he was in office, he had heard some people whispering that the crown prince must have been kidnapped. Thinking of the weird transaction he saw, he immediately put a call through the security.

"Where is the location of the planet this person inhabits?"

"It's a backward planet. The name is Starry Sky Planet." And them the conversation ended.

"Hmm. Good job everyone. I'll make sure to put in good words for you in front of your superior."

Everyone in the control room immediately got excited at Ethan words.

Ethan then walked out of the room. He then dials Lynn's contact.