Xue Haoran Hidden Trauma

Xue Haoran embrace was the first thing Xue Yiran got to meet as soon as she stepped inside the house. The little guy had tears filled his eyes as he hugs her tightly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's sister fault. Don't cry anymore. I shouldn't have leave you alone." Xue Yiran knew her disappearance might have struck some fear in his heart. 

The little fella had never had a good relationship with the previous owner. Now that he was starting to open up to her, her sudden disappearance kind of trigger the hidden trauma in his mind. 

Xue Haoran was afraid. 

He was afraid that his sister has gotten tired of him and was going to abandoned him.

"It's okay. Sister won't go anywhere. I'll always be by your side." Patting him on the back, Xue Yiran utter some words of consolation.

"You're truly not going to abandon me?" Xue Haoran lifted his head from Xue Yiran's embrace, his watery eyes looking directly at hers. 

Xue Yiran felt her mind struck with guilt seeing his state. "How can I abandon a cute kid like you." She reached out and wiped the tears streaming down his cheeks. "Instead, it is sister who should be worrying that you're going to abandon her."

"I'm not going to abandon you. I'm also not going to go anywhere." Perhaps he was happy with his sister answer, Xue Haoran soon forgot that he was crying. He had always been a good boy, there's no way his sister will abandon him.

Xue Yiran's lips curl up into a smile. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheeks.

"Sister is very happy with your answer." The two siblings share some happy moments together. 

Xue Yiran then put on the TV for the little fella to watch. However, it seems Xue Haoran hadn't yet gotten over his fear as he kept following her around. Hence, she could only bring him into the kitchen with her. The little guy was very obedient. His eyes were constantly looking at her as if he didn't want to get her out of his sight.

However due to his lack of sleep yesterday night, Xue Haoran could only feel sleepiness trying to overtake him. The little guy tried to fought off the drowsiness, but could only succumb to it. 

Xue Yiran smiled looking at his sleepy figure. Removing the cooking gloves from her hands, she carried him into the living room and placed his sleepy figure onto the sofa.


Xue Yiran heard him murmured her name. He must have been truly afraid.

"Sister won't go anywhere." She then bends and kissed his forehead before finally heading back to the kitchen. 

It was then she began realizing some things. For instant, she wasn't the same person as she used to be in her previous life. Here, she has a family; and a younger brother who totally depends on her. 

During that moment they were being chased by the beast king, Xue Yiran had felt fear. 

It was something she had never felt before.

The fear of dying. 

She was known to be cold-blooded and never afraid of anything.

However for the first time in her entire life, she felt fear. Her mind couldn't help wondered what would have happened if she had died back there. Perhaps, Xue Haoran would have become a lonely person without a family. 

Such event was really gruesome for a little child. It was then Xue Yiran realize she was starting to develop some familial love. Hence, for her loved ones, she must become stronger so as to protect them from any danger.

It would be Monday tomorrow. Xue Yiran was planning on skipping school tomorrow. That's because Xue Haoran's birthday was tomorrow. She had already promised the little fella a birthday party and must surely keep to her promise.


Outside of space, a very large spaceship could be seen performing a space jump as it head directly towards a certain destination. Under normal circumstances, journey outside the space void to a certain planet would take months to arrive.

This was because not so many people could bear the pressure of moving atop thousands of times speed of light. Such actions can only be performed by specialized people.

Yet, inside a certain space ship that was moving thousands of times the speed of light, there were several space engineers seeing to the operation of the ship. Ethan stood in front of the monitoring map, showing the destination of Starry Sky planet. A green dot was moving closer towards a certain still red dot.

From the distance on the screen, it was likely that they would soon arrive at their destination. After some minutes, the ship broke through a barrier, signifying that they were already within the solar system of Starry Sky planet. 

The huge spaceship slow down on its acceleration as it approaches the spherical planet. Gaining authority from the Starry Sky Aviation organization, the pilot operated the control button and entered into the planet.

The moment the spaceship landed at the port, several authority officials marched forward towards the huge spaceship. All of them were individuals that holds certain authority in the empire. Yet they were all gathered in a group trying to welcome the guest that came aboard.

This was the difference in treatment between a first-rate planet and a backward one. The door of the huge spaceship slid opened.

Beside Ethan were three other expert who followed after him as he stepped out of the spaceship. 

"Welcome to our planet, General Ethan. It's good to see a reverend person like you in such a backward planet like ours." The one with the highest authority, hurriedly approach Ethan and flattered with a smile. "Our emperor had already prepared a huge feast back in the palace the moment he heard of your coming. I'm pretty sure you and your subordinates must have been quite famished during the long journey." The man glanced at the three men behind Ethan and smiled. 

One should know getting into the good book of people from the first-rate planet would really lift their planet standing to a higher stage. The emperor had summoned him and the other official to welcome General Ethan the moment he arrived.

If not for upholding dignity, the emperor himself would have love to personally welcome Ethan. However, he could only leave the job into the hand of his official.