
Apparently, Ethan was very much aware of the intention behind the man flattery. Nevertheless, he had no intention of attending any welcoming banquet or whatsoever. His sole mission being here was to bring back the crown prince and nothing else.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to turn down your offer. Me and my men are very busy, hence I won't indulge so much with you." Ethan expression was stoic as he rejected the enthusiastic man.

"No, you don't have to apologize. Who else here doesn't know how busy you're, General Ethan. Perhaps when next you're free, you can visit our planet next time again." The man heard Ethan explanation and thought it was very reasonable.

There was no way Ethan would have visited their planet without any motive. Hence under the official gaze, they could only watch Ethan and his men walked away.

In front of the port entrance, there was a classic hover car parked at the road side. Beside it, was a man wearing a black suit, waiting patiently at the side. The man eyes would glance at the entrance from time to time, waiting for a certain individual to walk out of the building.

The moment he saw those figure, he immediately rushed forward and took the initiative to say hello.

"Welcome Sir. My name's Tate. I'll be your personal driver for the ride." With a business-like smile, Tate introduced himself.

Ethan eyes scanned over the young man and he responded with a nod. He then followed Tate gestures and entered the hover car with his men.


From the rear-view mirror, Tate kept glancing at the passengers sitting in the car. He was an E class individual who had just gotten a job at a Transportation organization. It was his first day at work and hence was happy having gotten his first client.

It was a simple, yet happy moment for him. However, Tate knew his passenger were not just anybody. Even though they had tried to contain their ferocious aura, Tate could still detect the wisp of aura that had sip out of their body.

Sweat instantly filled his back as he ponders about the nature of their work.

Damn, are they assassins?

Don't tell me they're going on a secretive mission and are going to silence me once they're done with their task.

Tate eyes darted back to the rear mirror, but was unexpectedly met with a cold eye that seems to be able to stare into his soul.

"F*ck." An exclaim escaped from his mouth as he accidentally stepped on the pedal. The hover car came to a sudden halt. His whole body jeered forward, before finally bouncing back to the seat.

Luckily the traffic lights had already changed to red; or he would have been said to break the traffic regulations on his first day at work.

"I'm so sorry." Tate immediately bowed his head and apologize.

"Next time, make sure to look at the road when driving." One of the men sitting in the far end of the car seat spoke up.

"Sure sir. Thanks so much for the advice." Tate nervously put his hand back onto the steering wheel, not daring to take another glance at that entity.

Ethan finally restrains his intense gaze and lowered his eyes; looking at his communication device as he scans through the information that was sent to him by the control team.

On the screen, were list of places the crown prince had been to for the past few days he'd arrived in this planet. Most were irrelevant info, making mention of what bar or restaurant he had visited and some miscellaneous game arcade he had went to.

However, none of the expenses spent on these activities were amounting up to the hundred billion credit that was withdraw. Well, not until his eyes finally caught up to an important piece of information.

It was written that the crown prince had visited a black market two days ago. Consequently, on that day, the hundred billion credit was also deducted from the crown prince account. Perhaps a transaction had taken up between the two, warranting such a huge amount of money.

Ethan continues to read further.

It was a purchase transaction. The crown prince had requested for the black market to help him catch alive an A rank swamp crocodile beast king in exchange for credit.

Hence it was very understandable for the huge amount of withdrawal. Getting a beast king material was very much different from catching a beast king. Since the later has to do with catching the monster alive, which might require lot of resources.

That might have likely been the conclusion of any other individual.

There was a dubious expression on Ethan face as he felt that so many things weren't adding up.

First, there's no way the crown prince would have taken likely to an A rank beast king. As someone who took pride in his outward appearance, his contractual pet was all filled the S rank monsters. Each of them upholding the grade of a beast king.

Apart from the time he was clamoring for an SSS rank beast, there was no way he the 'crown prince' would ever take fancy to an A rank beast king.

Ethan suspected that there must be more to this. Still, he decided to brush it off since his mission here was just to bring the crown prince home.

Ethan ceased on reading and turned his head, looking at the scenery outside of the window.

The hover car finally put to a stop in front of five-star hotel. Which, supposed was where the crown prince was hiding.

*Sigh* Being tired of the whole situation, Ethan had already made up his mind on joining the federation.

It was evident that the emperor had always disregard his opinion in many ways. As a citizen of Geordon planet, he had spent his whole youth serving his planet. Fighting continually in the frontline had taken a toll over his body.

Moreover, he needed to rest to acquire back his briming energy. But it seems like the emperor wasn't satisfied with his accomplishment. The moment he's done with this task, he would surely consider the federation offer.