Sky Breakthrough

All their murmuring fell into Xue Yiran's ear. But they were all ignored by her. She turned around to leave when a figure suddenly stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

His hand in his pocket, Louie grey-blue eyes cast down at the girl in front of him. His eyes trailed down her facial appearance. The girl expression was indifferent, and her whole body exuded an icy aura.  

Looking into those cold eyes, he felt a sense of oppression that sent down a little chill in his heart.

'She isn't simple' Such thought appeared in his head.

Louie finally withdrew his gaze; his thin lips curl up into a smile as he said. "You must be Xue Yiran. My name's Louie." He stretched out his hand in greetings.

Xue Yiran looked up at the young man in front of her. The man had short, light gold hair and was dressed in the dark brown Hermes academy uniform.

His gray-blue eyes appear gentle in color but they gave people a sense of coldness and majesty.  His thin lips were curl up in a smile but in his eyes, Xue Yiran could detect the hint of amusement in them. It was a hint of playfulness that seems as if he had finally found something interesting.

All in all, Xue Yiran didn't want to get closer to him. She had encountered such person like him in the apocalypse. All of them had turned out to be psychopath. Now sensing the same feeling from Louie, Xue Yiran knew he must be very dangerous.

"Hmm." Xue Yiran looked at the stretched hand and didn't make any attempt to take it.

The amusement in Louie eyes appeared more vibrant. "You're more interesting than I thought. I hope to see you again in the exam." Louie took back his hand and walked away.

Everyone saw the short encounter between the two. When they saw that there wasn't the commotion they had predicted, they all dispersed.


Instead of heading home, Xue Yiran went to a store to buy some beast cores. It was the same store she had purchased some beast cores for Susu back then. Just that instead of Susu, these cores were meant for Sky.

All this while, she had been a burden to the Tyron guild. Although Miley and the others never made mentioned of it, Xue Yiran still disliked the feeling of being a burden. Hence, the only way she could get stronger faster was to make her contract pet stronger.

The clerk at the saw was the previous guy Xue Yiran had met the first time she came here. The clerk guy eyes also lit up as he also recognized Xue Yiran's familiar face.

"Welcome." He greeted. The clerk still remembered her. She was the high school girl that had spent five hundred million in one go. He wonders if she was here to make another lavish spending again.

Just like his thinking, he was right. Xue Yiran was indeed here to make some lavish spending.

There was ten billion resting in Xue Yiran's account. It had been sent by Tyron to her yesterday as her share of profit from the spoilt. That was enough to buy enough beast cores to assist with Sky break through.

"Hello." Xue Yiran greeted. She took the small tab on the counter and started to click on the screen. "Can I get this, this, also this..."

The clerk eyes were marvel as he kept watching Xue Yiran point at the expensive cores on the screen.

When he saw that the bill was already totaling a billion, he was dumbstruck.

Damn, just how rich is this young girl.

After she had chosen the beast cores she wanted, Xue Yiran paid for the amount which were totaling eight billion. She then collected her package and walked out of the store.

"Thanks for your patronage." The enthused voice of the clerk shouted behind her.

When Xue Yiran arrived home, she was met with the scene of Xue Haoran and Lis playing around.

"Sister." Xue Haoran ran forward and gave her a big tight hug.

'Eek.' Lis cried came afterwards as he circled around the siblings.

"How was lesson today? Did the teacher teach you well?" After exchanging question and receiving Xue Haoran's positive reply, Xue Yiran left the two to play by themselves and went into her room to take a shower.

Washing away the heat of the day, she felt refreshed and dressed up into a casual wear. After that, she took the parcel that was lying down beside her bed and headed for the training room.

Standing at the wide area, a white glow envelope her figure.


A huge white figure landed on the smooth marble floor.

"Howl." It felt like years being trapped in Xue Yiran's consciousness. Sky couldn't help but lifted his head and howl into the air. After finishing his continuous howl, he rubs his head against Xue Yiran's hand.

Xue Yiran could hear what the other guy was asking of her. "It'll be all yours soon. You don't have to be in hurry." Xue Yiran rub Sky head before attempting to open the package.

Inside the box, there were several cores belonging to A tiers beast. They were all high-ranking cores that belongs to powerful beast. They were all for Sky to eat.

A whimper escaped from Sky's mouth, his tail wagging in excitement as he looks at the beast cores with a desiring look.

[What a shame to the Gael wolf race] Susu tuts in contempt when he saw Sky drooling looking expression.

Xue Yiran chuckled at Susu remarked. She reached for the cores in the box and then feed them to Sky one after the other.

The hungry wolf kept on eating and eating. Not until a sound suddenly erupted inside his body.

"Howl, howl." Sky howls out loud as his body started undergoing some changes. Not only him, Xue Yiran also felt the intense energy that was erupting inside her body.

Sky's body kept growing both in length, width and height. His white fur had become more fluffier and his fangs had grown longer in length. They now look sharper.

The changes kept going on as he finally hit the bottleneck. An energy immediately erupts from inside his body and rushed towards that sealed area. And then...


The breakthrough a beast king to a B rank is a very majestic one. Pressure instantly spread everywhere. Thankfully, the training room was equipped with a rare metal alloy that can help conserve this energy to prevent it from spreading. Or else, both Xue Haoran and Lis life would be at risk under this energy.

After finishing his breakthrough, Sky shape shifted and went back to his previous size. He rubs his head against Xue Yiran lovingly.

One should know that he had already lost his chance of having a breakthrough the last time. To start another breakthrough like this will require a lot of resources. Much more than the exact they had used in their first attempt.

Which is why most beast who failed to break through in their first attempt may never find another chance to breakthrough again. Hence, Sky could be said to have been lucky.