
The parents were given a circuit around the school. Emerald Kindergarten is a top-rated kindergarten established to meet the standard of the kids. Thus, everyone was very satisfied with the outlook of the school environment.

Due to the parents-teacher meeting, classes for the kids today were shorten which garners a cheer from the kids.

"Xue Haoran, when are you going to have a party at your house again?" The happy feelings he had felt during Xue Haoran's birthday still couldn't be wipe away from Ayaan's memory.

"That's right, Xue Haoran. Can we come to your house again and eat lot of delicious food?" Cao Ming immediately interjected. As a foodie himself, the delicious food he ate at Xue Haoran's birthday had won over his heart.

Not only him, even the other kids all wish for Xue Haoran to hold another birthday party. The little guy Xue Haoran, had already become a celebrity in their hearts.

"That--" Before Xue Haoran could give his reply, their class teacher entered the class and announced to the kids that their parents were here to pick them up

Excited to go home, the kids immediately scurried away to carry their bags and rush out of the classroom.

"Xue Haoran." The teacher called, looking towards Xue Haoran; who was still seated on his desk. "Your sister is here to pick you up."

"Sister!" His big eyes gleam with vibrant excitement the moment he heard that it was Xue Yiran who came to pick him up, instead of uncle Mike. The little fella immediately carried his bag and run out of the class.

Along with the other parents, Xue Yiran was waiting at the waiting arena, her eyes constantly glancing at the door where the kids were coming out from, hoping to see Xue Haoran figure.

Soon she finally sighted his round figure. The little guy had also sighted her from afar.

"Sister!" Xue Haoran shouted as he ran towards her. The small body jumped into Xue Yiran's embrace.

Xue Yiran carried him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh! So, you're Xue Haoran's sister." A woman walked towards Xue Yiran, holding a kid in her right hand.

Xue Yiran also recognizes the woman. She was the one who had given the suggestion of exposing the kids to information about the beast in the wilds. And likewise, the kid she was holding onto couldn't be more familiar to her. That kid was Ayaan, Xue Haoran's friend. Xue Yiran supposed that the woman must be Ayaan's mom

"Ayaan has been talking a lot about you. He has been praising about how delicious your food was, which I kind of agree with." Ayaan's mom had tasted the cookies Xue Yiran had shared to the parents and had like the taste. "Also, he kept pestering me to get him a pet like Sky. Saying how majestic Sky is. As a result, I had to get him a small canine pup. Although, he's not satisfied that the pup is not as majestic as Sky, he's still happy to have his little pup."

"Hello." Xue Yiran nodded at her in greetings.

"You look just as cute as your brother. I hope to see you next time. Ayaan, say bye to your friend."

Ayaan wave at Xue Haoran, which the other also reciprocate.

Seeing them leaving, Xue Yiran also turned around and walked towards the parking lot where her hover car was parked. She carried Xue Haoran into the passenger seat, before finally going to the driver seat.

"Sit on tight. Sister is going to take you somewhere fun." Xue Yiran smiled at Xue Haoran who was seating at the side, before turning on the automatic driving mode. She then input the location oof where she was heading to.

"Where are we going?" Xue Haoran blinked, his big, bright eyes showing some curiosity.

"To the amusement park." Xue Yiran answered.

"Amusement Park." The little guy was taken aback. He had never visited an amusement park before. Xue Haoran had heard his classmates talking about their experiences at the park.  How fun it was and so long. There was a longing in his heart, as he also wished to visit the place. But who would have thought that his heartfelt wish will soon be granted. He squeals in excitement.

Xue Yiran looked at such a lively Xue Haoran, and the smile in her eyes thickened, "Yes, we're going there to have a lot of fun.

Thirty minutes after, the hover car arrived in front of the gigantic structure of the amusement park. Unlike the amusement park Xue Yiran had memories of in her previous life, this was very much mind-blowing.

From the distance, one could see the huge waterfall slide that stretched up onto the sky. Also, the astonishing part was the simulation of a gigantic space ship that seated above the park. The view was very jaw dropping. There were also several simulations of huge beasts.

However, they were just cute beast in a huge form that doesn't possess a hint of fierceness. This was so to prevent the kids from being frightened.

Stepping out of the car, Xue Yiran held Xue Haoran's hand and entered the park from the huge entrance gate. She had already paid for the entrance ticket using her light brain. Thus, they were granted access into the theme park.

"Sister look!" Xue Haoran call out excitedly, his finger pointing at a direction.

Xue Yiran lifted her head and saw what the little guy was excited about. It was the scene of a young boy climbing onto the back of a huge wild beast.

In Xue Haoran's eyes, the first impression he had of the huge beast was its gigantic figure; that was a little bit bigger than Sky. He couldn't help but want to get on its back.

Xue Yiran saw that the beast was an actual beast and not a simulation. It was likely to be a contract beast. Not far from the young boy that was atop the beast, was a slim man. Xue Yiran guess that he must be the contracted owner of the beast.

"Do you want to take a ride on it?"

"Hmm." Xue Haoran nodded in excitement.

"Okay, let's go." Xue Yiran pulls him along.


Today's incident had already made her displeased. For this, Charvi decided to visit the amusement park. Her followers also tag along, with the exception of Cora. Witnessing the huge crowd, the feeling of irritation she had in her heart started to fade away.

"Such a way to let out steam." Charvi smiled and headed towards her major joint. It was the place where the monster beasts were situated.

Since capturing an adult beast as a pet is quite laborious. Just like most people, Charvi's parents had also gotten their daughter a beast cub. Nevertheless, growing a beast cub to an adult stage requires a lot of resources. Thus, Charvi contract beast still remains in its young stage

This has been a pain in her head, as she considered having a youngling as contract pet demeaning. To soothe her heart wishes, whenever she visits the amusement park, her destination was always the beast park. Making it her favorite place to be at the amusement park. There, she could play with those adult beast as she wants; without having to worry of getting injured.

Although it cost a lost to access the beast park, as a rich kid, Charvi could afford it. Just as she reached the park, she heard a familiar voice.

The voice had come from the people some distance away from her. Just as she was about to see who it was, one of her followers immediately cried out.

"Wait a minute, isn't that Xue Yiran!"