Classic Moms Fan

Today, Xue Yiran was going to skip school again. That is because, today is the day for Xue Haoran's school parent-teacher meeting. Since uncle Mike is very busy with the company set up, as Xue Haoran Sister, Xue Yiran had to step up and take the role.

In the kitchen, 'Bai' was busy baking some cookies. During Xue Haoran's birthday, Xue Yiran had noticed everyone liking for the cookies. Hence, she was going to bring some and share it at the meeting to the parents or to their kids.

This would be the first time in her entire life ever attending a parent-teacher meeting. Xue Yiran was dressed in a long blue gown; her hair was comb and packed into a bun.

Her bare face was very pretty, but she still took out the makeup accessories and applied some onto her face.

"How do I look?" She asked while staring at her reflection in the mirror.

[Hum...] Susu couldn't find a word to say. Finally, he said, [You look good without the makeup though]

That sentence wasn't false.

Since she wasn't a professional at putting on makeup, her don up wasn't that good. But as a first timer, it is still somewhat passable.

"Don't you think I look like an adult with it. Perhaps, they would think I'm Xue Haoran's mom." Xue Yiran joke as she moves away from the mirror.

She walked out of the room and went down the stairs. A big white box was laying on the table in the dinning, which contains freshly baked cookies. Xue Yiran picks up the box and walked out of the house.

Xue Haoran had already followed the school bus to school; hence the little guy wasn't at home. Xue Yiran headed towards the parking lot. There were several hover cars parked inside the parking lots.

Due to the fact that she had been going to school using the public transport, Xue Yiran had never drove a hover car before. Therefore, this would be her first time driving one.

She chose a black classic hover car for her ride. Although she had no knowledge about cars, but from appearance, Xue Yiran knew the hover car must be a luxury one.

The inner part of the car looked very classic. Xue Yiran pressed her right thumb against the driver side door. Soon, the door opened after gaining her recognition.

Xue Yiran entered the car. Unlike the modern-day car in her previous life before the apocalypse, this car run on AI technology. There were two kinds of driving mode, the manual and the automatic.

However, most people go along with the automatic mode. Xue Yiran also chose the automatic mode. The hover car switched on by itself and then drive out of the driveway.

~ Emerald Kindergarten ~

Parents arrived one after the other in their classic vehicle. To some parents, the parents-teacher meeting event was a place to show off their wealth and their classic lifestyle.

Since most who came to stand in for their children were the moms, the whole school was almost turned into a fashion week.

"Oh, you must be Ella's mom. Wow, I like your shawl. Where did you get it?"

"Thanks. The shawl was specially made for me. You won't be able to find any other one like this in the planet. It was made from the silk of an A grade Brood mother Spider. It has the ability to retain warmth in the cold and also help cool off heat whenever it's sunny. Isn't it magical."

"Oh my. It was be very expensive then."

"Of course, it's--."

The teacher standing at the school gate were helpless as they watch the moms discuss their lavish life style. Fortunately, the dads didn't act like them. And this was the scene Xue Yiran met the moment she arrived.

Her hover car gain attention from the mom, since it was from a well-known brand.

"Who's that? That's the car that was launched years back by NK. I heard there's only three of them made. Two were auctioned out while the last one was said to have been given to a special person as a gift. Could it be that this driver is the special person."

All eyes gaze towards the incoming vehicle. Even the teacher took noticed of the happening.

Xue Yiran parked her hover car and climbed down from the car. Seeing that all eyes were on her as soon as she stepped down from the car, Xue Yiran immediately withdrew her cold countenance and gave a pleasing smile.

"Who's she? I don't think I've seen her before."

"Is she a new mom. Well, she looks too young to have a kid here."

Xue Haoran's class teacher, who had attended Xue Haoran's birthday instantly recognized Xue Yiran the moment she saw her.

"Hello, Ms. Xue." She walked towards her.

Xue Yiran likewise recognized the teacher as the one who had attended Xue Haoran's birthday. "Hello." She nodded in greeting.

"Are you here to attend Xue Haoran's parents-teachers meeting. It's usually attended by his uncle so I thought he would be the one attending." The uncle the teacher was referring to was Mike.

"Yes, he's quite busy. So, I decided to attend instead."

"It's really good to have you here." Her gaze landed on the box Xue Yiran was holding, but she didn't bother to ask what it was, instead she led Xue Yiran inside the hall the meeting was going to take place.

Xue Yiran took her seat; she greeted the two men seating beside her before waiting for the meeting to start.

In no time, the hall became full and the meeting started. All that was discussed was about the development of the school, how to make the school more supportive for the students.

Several parents gave their opinion. Some even said to expose the kids to information about the monsters in the wilds. Some parents were supportive of the opinion while others weren't.

All in all, the meeting went smoothly. At the end of the meeting, Xue Yiran share the cookies out to the parents, which was welcomed with praise as they ate.

Being a rich person like them, Xue Yiran got into the good book of the classic moms. And when they learnt that she was only fifteen and had come in representation of her younger brother, they treated with much care.

By the end of the meeting, Xue Yiran was added to the mom's group and gain some new mom's fan.