
It was a typical day in the Roland academy. It was the reading period; everyone had their heads tucked in their book, while they kept busy reading. However, there were some exceptions of some students; who plan on playing with their communication device during the reading period.

Dean was busy scrolling through his device in class, when a notification of a new video pop at the top of his screen. Curiously, he clicked on it and was led to forum. There, a video was currently playing.

There were already some few comments under the video.

[Hairless man: Damn.  This is Xue Yiran. Wasn't she dead?]

[Madriz: It's really her. I thought she committed suicide. Wait a minute, didn't someone alleged that she committed suicide.

[Holo: What's she doing in the video. Where did they capture her?]

[Axel wife: From the background, I think it's from an amusement park]

[Axel wife 2: Who's that kid with her? He looks cute though.]

Shortly, a girl face came into view on the screen. Everyone recognizes her as Daisy, one of Charvi followers.

"Hello everyone. My name's is Daisy." Daisy introduced and blew a kiss at the screen. "I'm sure you're there behind the screen, all wandering who the person that was shown earlier was. That's right, she's Xue Yiran." Daisy then sighs before recounting her experience. "Yesterday, Charvi and I went to the amusement park after school. Coincidentally, we had an encounter with Xue Yiran at the amusement park and then decided to say hi. However, she was so rude to us. Let me show you the video feed." The screen then switches back to Xue Yiran, on the words she had said to them yesterday.

"What does she mean by we aren't that close. Though, she has been expelled from the academy, we still have a relationship with her as her previous classmates. Yet, she turned down our advances. That's so crude of her." Daisy then shows the other edited video. "We confronted her, but she said she doesn't owe us any politeness. Tch." She sneered before continuing. "Who does she think she is. She was the one who spread rumors of her committing suicide. Isn't she just trying to gain the prince sympathy." Daisy drops the last bomb, which triggers a lot of people minds.

Soon the view started to increase and the comments were coming one after the other.

[Poppy: What! That's so evil of her]

[Love cookies: How dare she tries to tarnish the prince reputation]

[Sally: Does she thinks that this is a fairytale. The prince falling in love with a poor girl.]

[Hate exam: Hey, upstairs. I think you might have watched too much drama.]

[Sally: Haven't you noticed that she looked uglier. What kind of makeup is that.]

[Hate exam: Hey, upstairs. I agree with you. She does look a bit obnoxious in that makeup.]

[Sally: I have a name. Stop fucking calling me upstairs]

[Hate exam: My bad upstairs]

The comments were filled with a lot of hate remarks towards Xue Yiran.

A certain person who was also slacking around had his communication device playing Daisy's video.

"F*ck." Colton couldn't believe all that he was seeing. "I'd better show this to Ian right away." Colton looked up from his device and turned to look at Ian. On the contrary, after seeing Ian's empty seat, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Don't fucking tell me that he went to train again." A sigh escaped from his mouth. "Damm, he's really making me feel like a looser." Derek could only get up and sneak out of the class to look for Ian.


At the training room, Ian had turned on the simulation device and was currently fighting against a projectile beast. He evades all the attacks darted at him, and finally landed the finishing blow by punching on the beast head.

A loud boom echoed and the beast turned into several white particles. After it dissipated, another wild beast appeared again. Ian ready himself for another battle.

But just as he was about to launch a blow, the door behind him suddenly opened.

"I knew you would be here. Come, let me show you something."

Just that little bit distraction, Ian whose hand was raise mildly into the air could only be attack by the wild monster. An intense pain hit his whole nerves.

"Damn it." Ian subconsciously covered his stomach, a trace of annoyance flashed across his face.

Colton didn't seem to noticed his displeasure and walked towards him.

"Here, take a look at this." He switched on his communication device and switched to the video he was previously watching. "It's that girl. The one who confessed to you and was expelled. They are all bashing her in the comments section.

Ian saw the girl in the video and became interested in watching it. However, after hearing Daisy words from the screen, a trace of frown appeared on his face.

"Why did they post this?"

"The video was captured at the amusement park. Daisy had an encounter with her there. Tell me bro, do you know that her death was fake all along?" Colton covered his opened mouth, his eyes widening in realization. "No wonder you told me back then that she wasn't dead."

Instead of answering him, Ian attention was focused on the lady in the video. Her eyes were calm and her demeanor were unwavering. Just like the expression she had back then.

Then again, seeing the hate comments that were constantly popping on the screen, his pupils constricted sharply and he reached out for his communication device.

Colton was taken aback by Ian sudden action. His ears perked up and he immediately asked, "What are you doing?"

Ian dials a number on his contact list. On the third ring, the line was answered.

"There's a video circulating on the forum right now. I want you to deal with it." Receiving the reply on the other end, Ian ends the call.

Colton ink black eyes flashed as he looked at Ian with a curious expression. "Did you just ordered someone to clean it up."

"Is it fun watching people other people get dragged? If you're that free to watch some silly videos, you might as well use that time to hone your skills. Because all I see is you wasting your damn time on some useless things."

Colton blink, shock by Ian's sudden outburst. "Why are you getting so work up. I didn't post the video. If you want to get angry at someone, then get angry at the actual perpetrator."

"Get out. I need to train." Ian ignored him and turn back on the simulation machine.

"What? Are you going to ignored me." Seeing that Ian paid no attention to him, Colton finally got pissed. "Fine! Train however you want. Since that's all you care about." He marched angrily out of the hall.

Ian glanced sideways at his leaving figure but made no attempt to stop him. To him, Colton was behaving childish. Perhaps, he'll get back to himself