Weird Guy

The next outlet of Creamery Creamer that is set up in the upper zone, was performing exceedingly well. There was a trail of crowd in front of the shop, all waiting to get their order. A mechanical robot was at the counter answering to those on the line. Xue Yiran had purchased it due to its swift performance, which was very suitable for the job than an actual person.

At the CEO room, Susu brought out the performance of the store financial data. Unlike before, Xue Yiran was very calm when looking at the blinding zeros that appeared on the screen.

She nodded. "Great. With this amount of income, we should be able to launch the company to the real world in no time."

[Host, there is a match going on at the arena.] Susu immediately notified. [Do you want to take a look?]

"Sure, why not." Xue Yiran got up from her seat. This time, instead of going through the front door, there was a hidden passage behind the shop, which she could walk out from. This was to prevent her from being crowded by the enthused fans.

Xue Yiran safely arrived at the combat arena. The moment she stepped into the stadium; a deafening clamor instantly filled her ears. Learnt from her previous experience, Xue Yiran had already turned down the sound realism to medium score. She soon found a seat among the crowd and sat down comfortably.

While the two contestants launched their skills out one after another, using their rich combat experience to entangle the other party beast, cheers rang out from the crowd time to time.

"Just a bunch of neophytes who keeps throwing balls at themselves." A nonchalant remark came from Xue Yiran's side.

Xue Yiran glance to look at the individual. There, she saw a frail middle-aged man sitting two seats away from her. He was the one who had made that remark.

As if noticing her gaze, the man turned his head sideway, his eyes meeting hers. Perhaps, stunned by Xue Yiran handsome look, the man suddenly spoke, "Wow, what a handsome young man." He directly moves closer to Xue Yiran, sitting on the empty seat next to her. "Hey, young man. I run an entertainment company. Want to join? With your handsome look, you'll surely flourish in the entertainment circle."

"Not interested." Replied Xue Yiran as she turned her head away, focusing on the match before her.

"No, you don't have to refuse me right away. I haven't even talked about the huge benefits that comes with signing with my company. Do you know Layla? Layla the famous superstar." The man looked around warily, before leaning closer to Xue Yiran's ear and said in a whisper, "I can make you have a night with her." A laugh escaped from his mouth as he leaned backward. "That is on the condition that you sign with my company. So, what do you say?"

The corner of Xue Yiran's mouth twitch. How did she fall into this situation. Feeling the intensified stare of the man beside her, she didn't know whether to cry or laughed.

If she were a real man, she might have been a little move by the man offer. However, she wasn't.

"Not interested."

The same cold words that crash the hope in the man's heart.

"You're a hard to see young man today. I can't believe you weren't move by Layla. That makes me want you more."

Xue Yiran mouth twitch again at the man's ambiguous words.

Shifting in his seat to adopt a more comfortable posture, the man introduced. "My name's Logan. What should I call you, boy?"

"Axel." Xue Yiran gave her virtual ID name.

"Is that your real name. From your tone that doesn't sound like your real name." The man wits were quite sharp to notice that.

"I don't think we are that familiar." Xue Yiran tries to convey their stance.

Logan had a smile in his eyes. "Of course, we're not. Nonetheless, I want to be familiar with you."

Xue Yiran shook her head, ignoring him and focused on the match going on.

And soon, the victor was announced, garnering a loud cheer from the audience.

"What a whacky match. I could do much better than them." Logan declared loudly.

Xue Yiran felt like laughing at his statement. The frail man was confidently declaring that he could do much better than the expert below the stage. Isn't that quite hilarious.

Next, the emcee voice rang out, announcing the participants of the next match. Xue Yiran got to her feet and follow along with the leaving spectators.

Logan saw her sudden action and immediately asked, "Where are you going?"

Xue Yiran ignored him and walked away. However, instead of following the crowd out of the entrance, she went towards the counter at the side of the hall.

The woman behind the counter saw Xue Yiran's 'handsome face' and greeted her with a smile. "Hello. What can I do for you? Are you here to place a bet? Here are our top participants that will be performing for the day." A holographic screen appeared with an image of several men. The lady began introducing their information to Xue Yiran. "This man here is Evil mandates. He has had a seven streak win out of ten from his previous matches. He would be performing today. His odds are 2:3. And this guy here is--"

"I'm not here for that." Xue Yiran interrupted, instantly liberating herself from the woman explanation.

"Oh." The woman hands paused in the air, seeming to realized what she had done. "I'm so sorry." She blushed in embarrassment and quickly put away the screen. Since most of the people who comes to the counter are always there to place a bet, she also thought that Xue Yiran was here for the same thing. But who knew she would make a fool out of herself instead, in front of this handsome dude. Regaining her composure, she asked calmly, "Ah, hum… what can I help you with?"

"I want to sign up as a participant." Xue Yiran replied, stating the reason why she came here.

"Oh. We will need your basic information then. Also, you'll have to pay a thousand credit coins to sign up."

"Sure." Xue Yiran transferred the thousand credit coins and also gives out her detail information

[Name: Axel]

[Gender: Male]

[Combat strength: C]

[Mental strength: D]

[Contract beast: Gael Wolf]

[Win: 0

[Loss: 0]

Her mental strength had upgraded to D due to Sky previous advancement. However, her combat strength still remains the same. That would require her to upgrade it by perfecting her combat experience.

"We have thousands of matches along with your current strength. Your next match is due in thirty minutes. You can go to the waiting room and wait for your call."

"Thank you." Xue Yiran walked into the room the woman directed her in. There were people inside the waiting room. They all seems to waiting for their turn to be called up to the stage. Xue Yiran sat on one of the empty seats, also waiting for her turn to be called.