Mental Blow

This was truly a match that was unexpected! First the winner had fought against the two party without summoning his contract pet and had only rely on his skill. This was truly unheard of.

"Hahaha, I've won a million!" A man who had betted on Axel immediately rejoice. He had done so out of wit because the odds were high.

"Upset, this is an upset!"

"Awesome, what a great day!"

"How the f*ck is Star dragon such garbage! This fight's staged!"

"My money!"

The audience roared with excitement and some started cursing out loud. However, all these were normal occurrence that can be seen daily at the stadium.

A health care officer soon come to carry Star dragon and his pet out of the arena, since the other had fainted due to anger.

Although this is a virtual net, injuries could still be sustained in people mental health. It's quite evident that Star dragon might have suffered from some mental blow, which was the reason why he had fainted. And hence, calls for his treatment.

Xue Yiran left the stage for the next contestants. There was a backdoor in the stadium she could leave from. There, she wouldn't be crowded by the angry fans.

Xue Yiran walked out of the stadium. Just as she was about leaving, a figure soon steps in her path.

"What a nice match you gave there." Logan was impressed with the battle. He was really incited for staying back to watch the show. Who would have thought he would find a talent in a place like this.

"What do you want?" Xue Yiran didn't want to have anything to do with this guy she just met.

"I have an offer to make and I don't want you to reject me." Logan put on a serious expression. "Do you want to become my student?"


Of course, the first to laugh wasn't Xue Yiran but Susu.

[What a funniest joke I've ever heard. Asking you to be his student, I bet you could take him down with just a punch host]

"You have taken a lot of lives, haven't you?" Logan added.

Xue Yiran face suddenly looked solemn. Her expression was terrible to say the least.

Her changes were noticed by Logan.

"You don't have to worry about it. Although you tried to contain it, but you did leak a bit while you were battling earlier. It was such a thick murderous intent. A little bit thicker than mine at the least."

"Who are you?"

"My name's Logan. Didn't I introduce myself to you earlier. So, tell me do you want to be my student? I can teach you how to contain your aura. I can also teach you some extra skills too."

[Host, this guy is weird. Stay away from him]

"You mean to be your student in the virtual net?" Xue Yiran asked.

"Yes. I'm in a very dangerous place right now, so it won't be suitable for us to meet physically. That might put you in danger."

Xue Yiran ignored the last sentence he said. "Okay. I agree to be your student. On the condition you teach me how to contain my aura and hone my skills."

"Really." Logan became excited, not expecting Xue Yiran to agree so quickly.

"Where's the venue for our training?"

"I've a house I bought here. You can come there every evening. I'll send the coordinate to you."

Xue Yiran added Logan to her friends list and received the other party house address.

"I'll come there tomorrow evening." Xue Yiran said and turned to leave.

"Is your real name Axel. My mind told me that's not your actual name." Logan hunch had never been wrong, which is why he was so certain.

 The young man eyes narrowed and showed a strange smile, "Why don't you guess?"

Since the other party wasn't telling his name, Logan could only watch him leave. Well, at least he finally had a student. A sudden thought struck him as he wonders how the young man had accumulated his murderous intent.

He could detect that 'Axel' was a very young person. How then did he have the aura of someone who has killed millions of people. Not beast but human.

A certain person who kills a lot of monsters, tense to have a raging aura around them. Most time, the aura are all on disarray. However, a person who spend his life killing people, will nurture a thick murderous aura. Their gazes are always so calm and indifference. To them, human life is nothing worthy.

While Xue Yiran was battling, Logan has seen such gaze in her eyes. The leaked murderous aura also helps in confirming his suspicious.

"Is he from the assassination organization." He immediately ruled that out.

There's no way the assassination organization will let their special ace wanders around.

Logan had been part of the assassination organization since he was a kid. He grew up learning to kill people, along with several other kids.

His talent was soon noticed and he was groomed to become an Ace. He became an expert assassin at the age of eighteen. Most of his life were spent on killing.

Along the way, he fell in love. As they said, love brought all disasters. And then he starts to have the idea of quitting the organization and starting up his own family. The organization never wish for him to leave. They threatened to kill his lover and so on. He had a massive dispute with the higher ups and became a deserter.

From there he married his wife and had their honeymoon. They were expecting a baby. However, on a certain day when he came back home, he was met with his wife dismantle corpse lying on the floor. That was the day his heart stop beating.

He went on a full wage war with the assassination organization, since they were the prime suspect to have hands in his wife death. He killed so many people and became a hunted man. He had to fled for his life to a desolate planet.

That wasn't until he found out that his wife was still alive. Turns out her death was planned by opposing enemy of the assassination organization. She was one of the daughters of the leader. They had planned for the downfall of the assassination organization and had set up a huge conspiracy; with him being the important chess piece of the game.

Logan mind was shattered by his findings. There was no going back to the organization, as he has been termed as a traitor and the enemy organization were also on the watch for him.

He became depressed and the virtual net was where he seeks solace. Day by day, the injuries he had sustained during his escape became worsen. There was no saying the exact time he would die. However, he knew that time would be near. But who would have thought before that happens, he would find a student to pass on all his skills to. It was like a flower opening its buds to spread its radiance before wilting. He felt instantly relief.