Launch into the Outside World

Today is a very memorable day. It was the day the company Creamery Creamer would finally launch physically into the outside word. Mike was equally in high spirits about the event. An hour ago, a massive announcement had already been set off in the virtual net, sending the whole zone into an uproar.

The people of Starry Sky planet were so excited. Due to fact that the store was going to be launched in a backward planet like theirs.

Mike had purchased several stall outlets numbering 100, in the whole planet. Xue Yiran and Xue Haoran were in school and couldn't attend the event. Hence, the preparation was all left to Mike.

Mike was currently dressed in suit. In front of him were the reporters that he had called to the opening ceremony. They weren't much, just five of them. Since most of the news agency didn't want to agree with his request.

Mike hadn't told anyone that the stall he was opening was the creamery creamer that had sent the virtual net to a massive uproar. As a result, the reporters that had accepted his request were all from an upstart company.

"Is it time for the interview?" Mike asked.

"Yes, let's begin." Turning on his device, the reporters began to record.

However, before they could start the interview, a very expensive hover car highlighted in front of the shop. A young teenage guy soon stepped out of the car. The first thing he looked at was the bear paw logo at the front of the shop.

"Yes! I am the first to arrive." He clenched his fist and jumped into the air excitedly.

The long line in the virtual net store has been a dread to him. But who would have thought he would be the first to arrive at the launched new store in the outside world. He must have bath with a lucky soap when coming outside today.

The reporters had no idea of the inner joy surging within the young man's heart and turned back to continue their interview with Mike.

But before they could continue once more, several hover cars highlighted in front of the shop. This time, it was several groups of girls who stepped out from the car.

"We found it. Wow, it's still empty." One of the girls exclaimed.

"Let's hurry before the others arrived."

"Fuck, I came here first." Seeing the girls already running towards the store, the young man who was the first to arrive, also took to his heel and head inside the store.

In no time several cars started arriving.

"I can't believe I sped from a city just to come here." A guy laments.

"The others outlet are already filled with crowd. Let's hurry inside."

"Do you think we'll be able to see Axel. I really want to see his handsome face."

"Fuck, so many people already. Let's go to the line."

The rookie reporters who had no awareness of what was happening, were stunned by the huge crowd. Nevertheless, they knew they had chance upon a big news.

"I guess we will have to postpone the interview till evening. Customers are starting to arrive. Still, you can take pictures of the store with your camera." Mike informed the dumbstruck reporters before heading back inside the store.

The store started to become popular. It began getting visited by famous celebrity, becoming their favorite joint. The upper top of the entertainment circle soon got winds of it and started to make investigation of the owner behind this mind-blowing company.

They were stunned to find that the founder was none other than Mike, who they had rejected working with. They called and clamor to have an interview with him. But this time, it was Mike's payback. He brutality rejected them all.

The whole piece of cake went to a rookie company. This made all the authorities of the top-tiers news agency gloomy. It was like a slap to their face. But there was nothing they could do, since they were the first to reject him.

Thus, they could only interview the customers and asked on their review about the shop.

The reviews were all great and the snacks were just like how they taste in the virtual net.


Calixta was currently holding a small package bag. The logo on the front of the bag was a bear paw, signifying the logo of Creamery Creamer. Earlier this morning, the queen has requested her to get some snacks from the recently opened shop.

There was wave of news about the store on the net. The store was said to be the most popular store in the virtual net. Due to her job, Calixta had never visited the virtual net since ages. Hence, she had no idea of how popular the store is. But from the long line of people that was shown on the net, to be standing in front of the shop, the review about the store must be very good.

The box was brought by a delivery robot. The package was sealed tight with a specialized paper that prevent the whiff of the snacks aroma from spreading out. Calixta had no idea of this and thought it might be another nutrient solution that must have been developed.

She carried the package and headed towards the queen's garden. In the garden, a woman dressed in a long blue yellow gown was busy attending to the colorful blooming flowers.

Her actions were unlike a queen. However, the radiance to which she moves along with display her nobility.

"I've gotten your package here, my Queen." Calixta stood in the distance and announced.

The queen attention was immediately away from the garden. The maidservants at the side instantly walked over and cleaned her hands with a bacterial cleaning solution.

"Thank you." The Queen thanked them for their work, before heading towards Calixta. "Let's go into the lobby. The wife of the ministers has been complimenting how delicious the snacks are. I really hope it's up to taste." The two walked into the lobby room, where the Queen took her seat. "Ian has been training hard as of lately. It's so hard to see his face around than before."

"The crown prince is very hardworking." Calixta placed the box on the table. "He's trying make your highness and his emperor proud." A smile appeared on her face as she made to opened the sealed box. As soon as she opened it, a sweet aroma permeated into the air.

"Such an intense smell." The queen was surprised by the aroma that made her stomach roared.

Inside the package was what was called meat burger and a container of ice cream. Calixta lifted them out and placed it in front of the queen.

The first thing the Queen tried was the cold ice cream. The queen eyes went wild at the delicious taste that melt into her mouth. "This is so good." She almost lost her trace of elegance as she scoops another spoonful. No wonder the ladies were complimenting it. She took a bite out of the burger also. It was the same surprised.

"Is the owner some famous chef. How was he able to make this delicious thing. Also, what was it made off?" The queen kept asking.

"It's said that the owner previous company was bankrupt before he decided to venture into the food industry. His recipes are top notch secret. Apart from the fact that the energy the food gives are quite little, it's good for the taste bud."

"Order some of this and send it to Ian."

"Yes, your highness."