Deep Emotion

"Hey! You had better halt there." One of the girls immediately dash forward, and obstructed Xue Yiran's path. "Gosh, it's really you!" She exclaimed, taking some strands of Xue Yiran's hair and played along with it on her fingers. "I almost didn't recognize you anymore. Wow, your face is much different than it appeared in the video."

The other girls also approached Xue Yiran.

"Wow, I never expect to bump into you. What academy are you going to?" Seeing that Xue Yiran wasn't in her uniform, another girl asked. "Oh my, you indeed truly look different." She laughed.

"Get your hands off me." Xue Yiran reply was cold, which kind of stunned the four girls.

"Gosh, she has indeed gotten fiercer."

"Ha-ha-ha. What a joke." The grip of the girl palm tightened onto Xue Yiran's hair. "Hey, why did you lie about committing suicide? Were you hoping to garner everyone sympathy by doing so?"

"Perhaps she hasn't gotten over her fantasy of marrying the crown prince."

"Don't tell me she's going to do that with her ugly face."

Their mocking words came one after another.

"Hey! Why aren't you answering? Why did you spread the news that you committed suicide. Is it true that you're hoping on gaining the crown prince attention? I must say, you really devise a great plan."

"I'll count up to three. Get your hand off me." Xue Yiran tone had no hint of threatening. As a result, the girl wasn't able to feel the subtle danger hidden behind her words.

"Why? Are you so embarrassed that you want to run." The girl wasn't backing down.


"Oh my, she's really counting. What a great courage she has."


"This is getting interesting. What do yo--." Before she could finish with her sentence, the girl felt her wrist being held and then was twisted sideways. "Ahh!" She cried out in pain.

"What do you think you are doing? Let go of her hand." The three girls immediately jump into action, trying to save the girl. But before they could do anything, the three girls felt themselves flying into midair.

"Ahh!" The three girls screamed simultaneously, as they landed painfully onto the floor

Their previous actions had already gotten a lot of heads turned in their direction. Now seeing the three girls mortifying state, someone who couldn't hold it in finally burst into laughter.

And this was the scene Ian saw, the moment he stepped into the dining hall.

He had been using the hotel training room ever since he arrived. During his moment of training, he suddenly felt a pang of hunger assaulting his stomach.

On a regular day, he would have brought out an energy nutrient solution and drank it to quench his hunger. But after the novelty Creamery Creamer brought to the food industry, he couldn't help but despise the bland taste of the energy solution. Thus, he decided to head to the cafeteria to have a grab. Unfortunately, he was met with such scene the moment he arrived at the dining room.

Looking towards the distance, not far away from the earlier chaos. There were two girls standing amidst the intense stare of the crowd. The first girl had her back turned to him, so he couldn't see her appearance. But he could see her actions.

Seeing the girl other empty hand that was twisting a girl wrist, a frown appeared on Ian's face. Did he just walk into a bullying scene? He took step, ready to go and stop the situation. Suddenly, his halt on his movement when he heard a cold voice that rang into everyone ears.

"I gave you a warning, but you chose to ignore it. It's not my fault that you're quite reckless. Why? Angry?" Xue Yiran sneered seeing the angry glare the girl was darting at her. "Scram!" With a subtle force, she let go of the girl's hand. Caught off-guard, the girl; unable to maintain her balance, fell onto the floor. "I don't want to see any of you from Roland academy centered around me again. And if you do, I'll make sure your life is a living hell."

[Bravo! Bravo!] A sound of claps came through Xue Yiran's consciousness. [This is the first time I'll see host get angry and say so much to a stranger. It's such a refreshing feeling.]

At Susu remark, Xue Yiran almost shed her cold demeanor. Undeniable, Xue Yiran knew she falls into the introverted category. Nonetheless, it doesn't mean she would let people walk over her like a fool.

Her previous mood to eat was instantly dampen. Turning around to leave the hall, her gaze unexpectedly clashes into Ian's. Time seems to stop for the moment. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the next scene to ensue.

Ian had his hands in his pocket. Since he had just gotten out of the training room, there were hint of perspiration on his face, causing his hair to latch onto his forehead. Still, that couldn't hide handsome disposition. His golden amber eyes continue to stare at her.

'She's different.'

Ian didn't know where that feeling came from. However, he knew that something had changed about her. Her eyes were looking cold and distant. It was almost as if the two were strangers meeting for the first time. There wasn't the flustering expression she had the first time he saw her. Instead, she exudes an aura of dominance, just like he had met her the second time in the wild.

The moment Xue Yiran eyes met Ian's, fragments of memories she hadn't live through came rushing into her head. It was almost as if they were experienced by her. They were the hidden feelings the original owner soul had secluded in her heart. Xue Yiran nearly suspected that a subtle of the previous owner soul was still residing in her body.

[Host, what's wrong] Susu had detected Xue Yiran spacing out.

'What are these weird feelings? Susu, are you sure the previous owner was already gone before I took over.'

[Of course, host. This body is the only one that's hundred percent compatible with your soul. Although it was an instant calculation. But I'm pretty sure that I haven't gone wrong with my statistics. What's wrong, host? Is there anything wrong with your body?]

'It's nothing.' Xue Yiran answered. The feeling she had felt before was starting to fade away. Looks like the original owner must have had a huge crush on this person. However, that doesn't mean she would let it hold her down.

Glancing at the young man, Xue Yiran could clearly feel his gaze on hers. She then withdrew back her stare and walked away.