Chapter 2-Introduction

Cymbal, Calibre and Cidena found out that they had to go to the top of the city as a test, so they rushed off. Calibre was the first one to reach the top of the town. 'This was one easy test', Caliber thought to himself while slowing down.

He noticed a buffed tall young man wearing a grey compression shirt and black kung fu pants, his clothes were enhancing his muscles. "Isn't this view beautiful?" asked Neart.

"Yeah, it is indeed beautiful."

"Where are the other two," asked Neart as he got up.

"They are on the way."

"Till they come, why don't you show how strong you are?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"I would ask you to fight me, but I want to leave that for when everyone is here, so till then just do as many one-finger push-ups as you can."

"I can do a lot actually," Caliber said as he took his hood off.

5 minutes later, Cidena and Cymbal reached the location.

"Has the test started? Am I late?" asked Cidena.

"No, sir Neart just wanted a vague idea of what I can do till you guys come" replied Calier, as he got up.

"Impressive work, Caliber, now why don't you all introduce yourself?" said Neart while indicating everyone to sit on the bench.

"I will go first..... My name is Neart, my power is super strength strength and I became a supe so I can teach children like you."

"My name is Cidena, my power is psychokinesis and I want to become a supe to save and help people."

"My name is Cymbal, my power is music and I want to become a supe for a personal reason"

"My name is Caliber, I don't have a power and I wanna become a supe to prove to everyone that I won't let not having a superpower stop me and become an adventurer so I can explore the world and then defeat the strongest person."

"And now that the introduction is done, let me explain what type of jobs you will all get. Depending on how strong you are, you will go on solo, duo, trio and sometimes a squad job with me. What type of missions will you go on? It depends on what your power is, what are your strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes you will go on missions with different teams if more people are required for the job, and when you are not on missions I will train you all, now that everything is clear, time for the actual test to start, all three of you follow me," said Neart.

He then started to walk toward the forest behind the town. They walked in the forest for a while. As they were walking, Cidena and Caliber both admired how beautiful it looked. After a while, they could see a big cloud of mist ahead. When they entered the mist they saw a huge gate. Caliber was astonished by seeing how big the gate was.

"We just have to walk a little more and then we will reach the area," Neart said as he was opening the gate. After a while, the mist started to fade away and they were in a very creepy forest. It was very dark, but you could still see everything.

"Shall we start the test now?" asked Neart.

"But you didn't even explain what the test is," said Caliber.

"My bad I forgot, the test is really simple. All you gotta do is hit me before I have a chance to pin you down or hit you"

"This is going to be easy," said Cymbal, without any care.

"Then why don't you do this first?"

"Why not."

After saying that, they started to get into the position.

"1... 2.... 3....." said Neart, ready to run towards him. "Start", as soon as he said start he started running towards Cymbal.

Cymbal picked up a thin stick from the ground and put it over his mouth. "This will work" said cymbal as he started playing it like a flute. It sounded very sharp. Neart was getting closer every second, but as he was about to grab Cymbal, his hand got a small but very sharp cut.

"That was close. You should be careful. If this was a real battle you would have died" Neart was happy to see how much potential they have.

"Close" Cymbal sighed, "It was never close and if it was a real battle he wouldn't have gotten just a cut, he would have been cut into a million pieces". He walked away after saying this, he then told Cidena that it's her turn and then leaned against a tree.

"Good luck," said Caliber as they fist-bumped.

Cidena and Neart started going to their positions and then Neart signalled to start.

Unlike Cymbal, Cidena started attacking Neart from the beginning, but Neart dodged all of them. As Neart was about to grab her, 3 logs started coming towards him from all directions. As he was about to get hit, he jumped over Cidena, resulting in her attack working against her. Luckily, she slowed them as they were about to hit her and managed to hit Neart as well.

"Very impressive Cidena. Not only did you stop your attack fast enough to avoid getting hit, you made them hit me as well."

"Thank you, so does this mean I passed the test?"

He nodded

As he nodded, Cidena jumped with happiness.

"But" Cidena's smile stiffened after hearing it, "you need more practice."

"Yes sir, I would practice even more than I do" replied Cidena, then started walking towards Caliber.

"Your turn, Caliber," said Cidena as they fist bumped.

Caliber and Neart started going into their positions. As soon as Neart signalled, they both started running towards each other. Suddenly, Caliber was behind Neart, it seemed like he teleported, but as Caliber was about to kick Neart he backflipped over Caliber and tried to pin him, but Caliber dodged it. He then jumped and tried to kick him in the face, but Neart dodged it, but when Caliber but in the process, he broke a log off the tree which hit Neart.

"Very impressive Caliber, when Miran said you were strong he meant it".

"The chief told you about me."

"I have been told about everyone and their marks too. I was very surprised but now I see why it is that you got the marks you got, keep up the work and, also, tomorrow at 5:00 in the morning, meet me at the top of the village if you want to train with me."

"Thank you, sir, I will gladly come to train with you tomorrow."

"Alright", Neart looked towards Caliber and the others and said, "The test is over, all of you passed." 'Now only one thing is left' he thought to himself.