Chapter 3-First Job

"Now, only one thing is left, and that is to get all of you registered so you can all take on jobs," Neart said, and they all started walking to the forest's gate.

As they left the forest, Caliber asked the name of the forest and Neart replied "This forest doesn't have a name but people call it "The Hidden Forest", so I guess you can call it".

"That is why we never heard about it."

"Who is we, not me 'cause I knew about it," Cymbal said, looking annoyed.

"Sorry" he paused "I guess..... you didn't have to be so rude though," said Caliber sadly.

"I thought you would be used to it," Cymbal said.

Cidena got mad and was ready to fight but Caliber stopped her, saying "Don't stress about it Cidena, I mean is he lying?"

Cidena was sad to see that even her teammate was treating him like that and she looked at Caliber. He responded to her by smiling.

They soon reached the location and Neart told them "You all just have to fill out the form given to you all and if any of you have any questions, just ask me."

After that, they all filled out their forms and went home to sleep.

The next morning, Caliber went to exercise first thing in the morning, which consisted of a lot of intense things like running around the town 50 times with 300kg weight which he had on during other exercises, as well as 1000 push ups, 1000 sit-ups, 1000 pull-ups and a lot more.

After that, he followed his daily routine, and after that, he went to the top of the city where Neart told them all to go to the chief's office to take on the jobs for them.

When Caliber got his job he was surprised by the rank of the job. He got a "B rank job, is it mine?"

"Umm yeah, what's the problem," replied Miran

"Nothing, just surprised that I got B rank solo job."

"I mean it is just a stealth job and you do say that you prefer stealth approaches, so I figured out why not give you this job, and if you think your life is in danger, try to come back as fast as possible and we will send someone else,"

"I don't think that will be necessary. Also, if I have to kill someone, can I or not? "

"You can kill someone, just make it silent and make sure no one finds out about it, because I don't think anyone would want someone to steal their private talk, and try not to get caught, because if you do, the two towns whose message you are stealing could come to us."

"I will do my best," he said and headed out,

He reached Charsey town in less than a day. He went inside the town at that moment, as it was nighttime it would be easier to hide.

He searched everywhere he thought the message could be hidden and soon enough he found it in the chief's office, but as he was about to leave he saw someone enter the room, so he hid under the desk and waited for him to get close. As he got near the table, Caliber got out from under the table and killed him with a dagger. He then picked up the body and carried it on his shoulder. He rushed off towards the forest so he didn't get caught.

When he reached the forest, he dropped the dead body and luckily it wasn't anybody important. He then ran as fast as he could so he could reach his town. In just a day, he completed the job and returned to his town.

When he went to the chief's office, Miran was surprised to see him return so quickly and asked" Did you get the message or did you return early."

"I got the message, obviously."

"Good to know that I can send you more B-rank jobs and if you can go on to another job right now, tell me as I have a job ready for you,"

"Yeah, I have no problem,"

"So this time you have to go on a duo job. I will give you your reward after you come from this job. You will go with Cidena. You have to take down some people as they are going around attacking random towns. They must be coming to our town next. They attack at night, so you can sleep right now, but don't go home yet just in case they attack now."

"Where should I sleep then?"

"You can sleep in the room next door. It is my room but I don't use it that often and, if you want, you can take a bath. I will provide you with fresh clothes. Your clothes should be here in an hour or less. I will send someone to get your clothes from your home, so don't worry about wearing the same dirty clothes."

"Thank you, I should go and take a bath and then go to sleep, otherwise I will be sleepy when fighting them. Please wake me up as soon as they arrive," Caliber said, and left the room.


"Caliber, wake up, time for you to complete your job,"

"I will head there this instant," he said and grabbed his mask.

He then headed towards the explosion where he met up with Cidena. 7 people were taking some civilians hostage, so Caliber told Cidena to go and he would sneak up on them to take away all the hostages. Cidena tried to convince them to leave the hostages but they didn't listen, so she signalled Caliber to take away all the hostages.

He whistled to get their attention and instantly took away all the hostages.

All of them were confused about where the hostages were. "Looking for them". Said while standing in front of the hostages.

"HOW DARE YOUUU," one of them said and charged in.

Caliber easily dodged him but the others also rushed in trying to attack him. Cidena took one of them down and Caliber dodged all of them. "Cidena, you take care of two, I will handle the others," he said, and kicked them away.

One of them sat, closed his eyes and started focusing. Everyone started glowing and attacked Cidena. She tried to attack as many of them but wasn't able to because they were all a lot stronger than they were a second ago. Caliber grabbed two of them by their skulls and said "close the eyes of the kids Cidena" as he crushed their skulls with no mercy.

"Three down four left," he said and walked towards another guy. He attacked Caliber but he dodged it and grabbed him by the top of his head and smashed it into another guy. "Two left". The last guy got scared and attempted to run.

Cidena picked him up using her power and separated all his parts at the same time, making it look like an explosion. "One left," Caliber said.

The next second he was in front of the guy sitting. Caliber crouched to see into his eyes. As he opened his eyes, he was frozen in fear as Caliber looked straight into his eyes with an evil grin on his face.