Chapter 6-Leaving the city

"Cidena, he allowed us to go on the job so go home and take extra clothes and whatever you want, and let's meet at the top of the town tomorrow morning"

"That's good but what about Dan and his brothers"

"I asked the chief not to lock them in jail he agreed, but Dan you and your brothers will be supervised all the time"

"Yeah I have no problem, anything is better than being tested by Ken"

"And what about you guys, did you guys got healed or it didn't work"

"Not want to speak early but I do feel better" replied Stan

"That's good, Cidena ask the chief exactly where they will stay and take them there, I have to go because my sister is gonna kill me if I take any longer"

"Bye then, also say hi to Evelyn for me"

"I will, and don't remember to come to the top of the town tomorrow," he said and headed out the door.


"I am back," Caliber said as he entered his house.

His sister ran and hugged him instantly "I missed you you know" she said in a sad voice.

"Come on now, don't cry I was not even gone for a week," he said and hugged her.

"Did you got hurt, did you complete the mission successfully?"

"Nope, not a scratch and I completed 2 missions"

"No wonder you smell"

"I just entered and you hugged me," he paused and saw that she was genuinely really sad "All right let's make a deal, let me come from my bath and then I will tell you everything as I pack my stuff"

"Pack? Wait are you leaving again"

"Yes I am, and this time on an A-rank job, I will have to go to a different city so I won't be back for a while-"

"Why, why did you accept the mission, you should have declined it,"

"Actually, I was the one who asked the chief to let me go, but I will play with you and tell you everything I did these 2 days, first let me have a bath"

"Okay," she said wiping her tears


Caliber came out of his room and saw his grandpa "GRANDPA, I thought you went to sleep that's why I didn't come to meet you"

"You did meet me now, so how was the mission you went to, did you get hurt"

"Nope not at all, I didn't even get a scratch, have you eaten dinner"

"No, the chief told me that you were coming back so I was waiting for you, no one has eaten dinner yet"

"So let's head to the table and eat, I will make dinner today"

"I don't think Evelyn is going to let you"

"Well, can't argue with her"


"Yeah, I am coming," when he sat down he said "Evelyn, Cidena said hi, I forgot to tell you"

"Is she going with you as well"

"Yeah she is

"Who will I play with now"

"She is not a kid anymore you know, she has to go on missions as well, when I come back from the mission I will spend the whole day and train you myself, how does that sound"

"That sounds awesome, are you really going to teach me and spend the whole day with me," she asked with a big smile on her face.

"Of course, why would I lie, I will also tell you what I did these last two days after we finish eating"

"all right"


"Now I have completed my food, will you tell me now,"

"First wash your hands and drink water, then we will go to my room and I will tell you the stories while I pack my clothes"

Caliber went to his room and took out a big bag, then he started to take the stuff he want to pack in his bag.

"I washed my hands and drank water, now will you tell me what you did the past 2 days," she asked with a smile

"Ok, I will, so I went on a mission in which...." he then told her what he did in these last 2 days.


"Caliber, Caliber, wake up it's past 9:30," said Cidena

"Cidena" he got up "Cidena I am sorry, I slept late as I was telling Evi about what I had been doing these past two days"

"Don't worry, we will leave at 10:30 so go and take a bath then we will go, till then I will play with Evi"

"Thank you, and I apologise again"

"It's nothing"


Caliber got out of the bath and instantly sat down to have breakfast "Cidena, have you eaten breakfast" He waited for Cidena to reply "Cidena, Cide-"

"Yeah, what were you asking" Cidena fluttered seeing Caliber without a mask after years

"I was asking have you eaten breakfast, if not you could have some"

"I have eaten breakfast already,"

After 10 minutes he took his bag and his mask and headed out of the house "Goodbye sis, grandpa and father,"

"Caliber wait, here I made your favourite snack for your journey, now go or you will be late"

"Thank you, grandpa," he said and left his house

"Let's hurry now, first let's go to the chief to inform him that we are leaving now, and also we have to take a map from him"

After 15 minutes they reached Miran's office "May I come in chief"

"Yes, come in"

"I am here to inform you that we are about to leave the town to go hunt down Ken Frost by your permission"

"Are you ready to leave, have you packed everything you will need, your clothes, some food, water bottle if yes then you can leave"

"We just need a map so we don't get lost,"

"Yeah no problem" he searched for a map in his drawer "her, this map should lead you out of our city, I don't have a bigger map, when you reach a town ask for directions there, and be safe"

"Thank you, sir," Both Caliber and Cidena said and left the office.