Chapter 7-Zex and Luther

"Where are we right now," Cidena asked

"We should reach a town by night, if we run we should be able to reach there till evening"

"Then what are we waiting for, let's run," Cidena said and started running.

After travelling for a whole day they were finally about to reach a town.


"Grandpaaa, when will Caliber come back?"

"He will take a long time to come back, he is going out of the city you know till then why don't you train by yourself, he might even spend an extra day with you"

"Really. Then I am going to his room to workout," she said and ran towards Caliber's room, she found a note on the gate of his room which said

"Evelyn if you are coming to my room to workout I have prepared a proper workout plan for you, if you follow it till I come I will spend even more time with you and be careful not to get injured and only use weights which you can, try not to overdo it.

-From Caliber"

Evelyn got very happy and started to exercise using the plan Caliber left for her.


"Finally, we reached a town, let's stay the night here," Cidena said

"Yeah I agree, the water is also finished let's spend the night here and then leave tomorrow morning, and we can finally have a bath,"

They explored the town so they can find a good place to stay, and they asked people for a good place they can stay at. They finally found a good place to stay the night.

"It will be 500," The owner of the place said.

"Oh shit," Cidena said as she reached in her bag "I forgot to bring money"

"Don't worry, I have 5000 coins, I carried the money chief gave me"

"You mean the money you got from completing your jobs, but you earned it-"

"Don't worry about it, here" he gave the owner the money and went to the room.

"Cidena are you sure one room is good or do you want another for yourself"

"It's fine, we can stay in the same room that will save us some money and I didn't bring any money,"

"If you say so, and also you can go ahead and bath first as I have to train"

"Even now, you should save some energy,"

"We have to fight someone extremely strong, I think I should be prepared,"

"I didn't know you were afraid"

"I am not afraid, I just don't wanna die and leave Evi alone,"

"All right then, try not to overdo it tho"


"97, 98, 99, 100" The first thing Cidena saw when she woke up was Caliber exercising.

"Good morning Caliber, and sorry you had to sleep on the floor even tho you were the one that paid"

"Good morning Cidena, and as I said before, don't sweat it, it's alright I promise, I am heading to bath after me you can bath, then we will refill our stuff, we should reach the town Ken lives in a couple of days and I am not sure how far is the next town so let's make sure we have enough stuff for couple days,"

"Alright, till you bath I will make a list of what we need to get before leaving"


"Cidena, I think we are about to reach another town, let's head there fast"

"Perfect timing, the water was about to finish"

They booked a place and went to the bath, after that they decided to explore the town a little before night falls.

"So, let's see if there is something to explore in this town-, why is there a crowd gathered there, let's go and see," Caliber

"Excuse me, what happened here?" Cidena asked one of the people in the crowd.

"Don't you know Luther's son Zex lost a bet to Harlow but refused to give money so Zex got beat by Harlow and his friends"

"So what is the issue"

"I assume you are here to visit or are new here because Luther is one of the strongest person in our town, in his prime he was known to be the strongest after the town's chief that's why no one mess with them, but first time ever someone did, that's why there is this crowd gathered in front of the Harlow's house,"

"Thanks for telling us," Caliber said and left the crowd "do you think we should help him?"

"I think we should, because I don't think Harlow did anything wrong, I mean he won his bet so he should get his money"

"Alright, if you also think we should help him, let me sneak into his house and ask him about the bet thing," Caliber said and left Cidena.

He then snuck inside Harlow's house from the back and found him scared in his room "you okay"

"Who are you" Harlow replied in fear

"Don't worry, I am not here to attack I am here to help"

"What will a kid do against Luther or Zex"

"Something you can't, that is to not behave like a coward "

"There is no reason for you to hide, no one is after you"

"You are right why should I hide, the one who should is Ken"

"Ken, you mean Ken Frost"


"Are you crazy, kid don't take your life for granted, he is no one to be messed with"

"Neither am I, and he did a big mistake by using 15-year-old kids to test his experiments on"

"Kid I don't know who you are, or where are you from but unless you are an adventurer or a chief don't try to mess with him"

"Do you know where is the directions for where he lives"

"I know the directions to the town his house is near but I don't know where he lives exactly, and why would I tell you his location I don't want a kid to die"

"Are you afraid of dying"


"Are you afraid of dying from Luther or his son"

"Who wouldn't be, I was out of mind to attack him"

'I will protect you from them, just tell me where Ken lives"

"Kid I already told you I don't want a kid to die-"

"Will you tell me or not?" he said in an imitating voice.

"Alright I will but you have to prove to me that you are capable of fighting him"

"Sounds like a deal, to prove my strength why don't I go and defeat Luther and his son for you, where is he"

"I don't want to be responsible for your death- alright, after leaving my house go right side and then take a left at the next turn and you will see a big house, that's his, but I won't be responsible if you die"

"You really underestimate me you know," Caliber said and left.