2. Mother

"Welcome to Package," Point-zero says, with a grin.

The Package. Basically could mean that it was the package which came with the job, or maybe was a pun, like, Pack and cage. Regardless, the building was a famous one. Not even the interview was done here, this place was sacred.

No one had properly seen into the Package. And even when I had seen it, with my omniscience, seeing it directly was different. It was like seeing porn, and experiencing sex, two same but different things.

"Myself, George Triatlon," Point-zero says.

I turn back, and find him with a removed mask.

I had seen him before, still meh.

"Ernest, Ernest Taylor," Mind says.

Cute guy. He after all was the youngest of Pack. Now I was the youngest.

"Bear Brown," Super-pack says, with enthusiasm.

"Real name," Point-zero sighs.

"Mandabo Brown," Super-pack says, with same enthusiasm again.

Pretty bulky, yet slim guy. Pretty sexy.

"You should know me," Secret-eye smirks.

Petty guy. Real name: Beverly Ward.

"Beverly…" Point-zero face palms.

"Beverly Ward," Secret-eye groans. "Don't you dare tease me. It is a bisexual name!"

I remove my makeshift mask.

"Einya King," I say, and put forward my hand, to shake everyone else's.

"Ah, is that Hebrew?" Mind asks.

"Not sure. Maybe. It means eye," I say.

"Ah, what a perfect name for someone like you," Mind says.

"Gee, thanks."

"Mind, do you mind showing her, her room?" Point-zero asks.


Everyone disperses, and Mind helps me to an empty room.

"You can ask help, if you need help with getting your items here."

"It won't be a lot, no problem."

"Have you eaten?" Super-pack asks, appearing out of nowhere.

"When the fuck did you get here?" Mind asks, stepping backwards.

"Was double-checking her powers."

"I need to concentrate for a moment, to see everything. I can't see everything, every moment of waking, or I'd go mad," I say.

Super-pack just nods.

"When did you change? You changed so fast?" Mind asks, looking at Super-pack.

"Well, yeah. My room ain't far."

Right, each room was close enough to help in bad situation, and far enough for privacy.

"And yeah, you can't bring hookups here. Even when you basically live here now," Super-pack tells me.

"She is not a kid," Mind scoffs.

Well, I'm twenty-three.

"Exactly why I told her. Besides, Zero asked me to."

The two go away, leaving me to get adjusted to my room.

"Hello, yeah, I got the job, mother," I speak into the phone. "Yeah it is this and that. But I'll be moving out finally. Yeah, they gave me a place to stay. Job is a secret."

I let the voice mail go, and cut the call.

I feel nauseous and close my eyes, to search for someone. Ah, that is why she didn't pick.

I walk out, to the main door.

"Where are you going?" Point-zero asks.

I turn back and look at him, standing at the first floor's balcony, looking down like some villain.

"Just to my home," I say. "One last time."

Point-zero appears in front of me.

"Do you want me to take you? Or someone to accompany?"

"No, it'll be fine. That place is not so villainous," I scoff.

"Hmm, you can still take the driver, and ask him to take you," Point-zero says, and reappears at the first floor's balcony. "Be sure to wear your mask. You'll see why."

A smirk lit face? Why?

I wear the mask, which I had left in the room, and Point-zero had put in my hand now.

I walk out, to a car waiting for me.

"Good day to you ma'am. I have been told to drop you off somewhere. You will be escorted from there," the driver says.

I get in the car, with a waiting open door. A pretty classy car, which made me feel like I was in a limo or something.

As the car zooms across the huge garden, and reaches to the gate, I realise what Point-zero meant. Many reporters, from different news channels, start taking pictures of the car, right as it reaches out.

"Don't worry ma'am, they can't see a thing," the driver assures me.

The car races away fast, and goes to an empty place.

"If you step outside, the real car shall be here any minute. We have booked it for you. It is per hour charged, so use it as you may, without worrying about paying it, it obviously shall be taken care of. Also, the code is 8-7-0-7, you shall even be sent a message if the details, so don't worry to remember it."

Saying those words, the driver zooms away.

I remove my mask and wait for the cab to arrive. When it does, I get in and give the code to them, and let them know where I wanted to go.

When I reach my house, I get down and ask this driver to wait for me.

I go and ring the bell. And the door opens in a while.

"Einya…" Mother says.

"I tried calling you, and you didn't pick so…"

"So you creep spied on me and came here univited?"

"I just want to get my stuff."

"Your stuff?" Mother scoffs. "Did you earn it?"

"I will pay you back… soon. I got a job."

"Who the fuck-"

"-Ma'am!" the driver calls for me, and I snap out.

"Uh…? Oh, we are here? I'm sorry, I just…" I say.

"That is totally fine ma'am," this polite lady says. "If time goes by more, you will be the one to have to pay extra, so…"

"Ah, right," I laugh. "I'll just be back in a while, please wait."

I get out of the car, for real, and go ring the bell. The door opens.

"Hey there, minute-maid," my brother, Nathaniel, greets me.

"Screw you," I say, and force my way in.

"Welcome back home, dear sister!" Nathaniel says.

I storm into Mother's room, and she looks at me.

"Ein…" Mother says.

I look into the room, and search for anyone else.

"You could just use your powers," Mother scoffs.

"Well, you may yet find a way," I smile to her.

"What… what is the matter, Ein? Just don't come here just to… do stuff," Mother says.

"I'm here to pack my bags. Will be out of here."

"Pack your bags…? Where will you go? Did you get a place?"

I get hit on my head, and find Nathaniel behind me.

"Eh, couldn't see that coming? You just go too easy on me, sis," Nathaniel says.

I just glare at him.

"Already getting lectured from her, mum? Did she at least tell where she went?"

"She's moving out, Nat," Mother says.

I see Nathaniel just freezing at that, with his expression shuddering.

"Got job at Pack, huh?" Nathaniel asks.

"None of your business," I say, and walk away.

I pack my things, without anyone saying a thing to me. And I take my stuff to the car, and fit the very few things inside it.

"Where to, ma'am?" the driver asks, as I sit in the car.

I look at two staring at me, and just ignore them. Point-zero texts back to me, of where to come, and I say the address to the driver.

And back to Package. I fit all my stuff into my room, with a bit of help from the driver, who had dropped me to that empty place and given me instructions this morning. But he doesn't enter the building, just stops at the door.

I just spend my time listening to music, with headphones on, and arranging my room.

By the time I finish, I start getting hungry, and go out my room, to see how that part worked around here, and I find a surprise…

"Hi Ein," Mother says.

Every member of the Pack stand ahead of me, behind the couch containing Mother.

"I told them some stuff," Mother whisperingly says, and smiles.

"What?" I ask.

"Is it true, what she said?" Point-zero asks.

"What?" I ask.

"IS IT TRUE?" Point-zero shouts.

"Hey, what the fuck is happening?" I ask.

"All that you deserve, darling," Mother smiles.

Secret-eye shoots an arrow at me, and I see it coming and quickly move from its trajectory.

"Mm, I thought you never missed," Mother mocks Secret-eye.

That pisses Secret-eye, and he shoots many more shots in no time, and finally one sticks deep into my shoulder. Secret-eye drags me with an attached rope to the arrow.

As I get dragged, Super-pack appears, and punches towards me, I hold his fist, and move my legs to his gut. The momentum, and my leg, helps Super-pack crash into Secret-eye.

I remove the arrow and throw it towards Mother, but Point-zero catches it.

"Hey time out, what the fuck is happening?" I ask.

"You are trying to kill your Mother, and are asking this?" Point-zero asks.

"That bitch is NOT my Mother," I say.

"I sure wish that was true too. But sadly you are my daughter, and I'm responsible," Mother says.

The arrow floats in air, and moves towards me, I try to evade, but it keeps moving as if it has its own mind. Secret-eye wasn't fiddling with it either, but I see Mind moving his hand.

"What the fuck?" I say.

I hold the arrow by its shaft, and yet it keeps trying to pierce into me. I dig the uncontrollable arrow into Point-zero, who appears beside me, and that bloody thing finally stops.

Point-zero groans, and holds my neck, without me being able to evade his grasp.

"Yo, what the fuck?" I groan out.

"You need to stop cursing," Point-zero says.

Wait a minute, what was that?

Point-zero pins me to the floor, with a loud thud, caused by my back crashing into the floor. Surely something must have broken back there.

"Just stay still," Point-zero says through his teeth, and continues choking me.

I try to get out, but the other three seem to hold me still, while Point-zero tightens his grip, slowly yet tightly choking me with one hand.

"Night-night slut," someone says, my senses getting less valuable, I'm unable to figure who.

I remember once getting dragged to the pool's floor, and staying there for a little too long than I could bear for. That is how I felt. Drowning. Losing consciousness.