3. Ah, him!

I feel myself getting blue-er. Feeling like I was at the bottom of the ocean. Trying to swim up, up, up, and up. Yet out of reach. The surface never surfacing.

When I feel myself losing consciousness, something moves my neck, and I jolt awake.

I find Point-zero right ahead of me. I give up on the thought of giving up, and push my hands as fast as I could, and punch and push Point-zero away.

"What the fuck?" Point-zero says.

"You should watch your mouth. And watch how I fuck you up!"

I punch right into Point-zero's nose, and he bends down, holding his nose.

"Time out!" Point-zero says.

I grab Point-zero, but he disappears. That damned teleporter!

I walk up to him, and the other three appear behind him. I push Point-zero upon them, and race away, only to bump into someone…


I punch towards him, and he holds my hand.

Pack appear behind me, get a hold of me.

"You have lost your mind, Ein," Nathaniel says.

He moves his hand, and I try to slip out from the grasp of Pack, but they hold me tight. Nathatniel's hand reaches my neck, and he places it there.

"Does she have some kind of fever?" Secret-eye asks.

"None of what he said, or her behaviour, seemed like fever," Point-zero says.

"Why the fuck are you so onto killing me?" I ask.

"See? She has lost her marbles…" Nathaniel sighs.

"She is thinking that we are killing her, she probably had another one, so let's not confuse her," Mind says. "Einya, it… it was a dream, whatever you saw. I guess you saw your Mother or something? That is our guess."

"What?" I ask.

"Someone has cursed you or shit," Nathaniel sighs.

"You ran out of your room right now. You sure it was the same place you were in, even in this dream of yours?" Point-zero asks.

Wait a minute. Indeed. I ran out of my room in this chapter, but in the previous chapter, the scene was in the hall, right? Wow, you guys didn't see that too? Oh right, you aren't Omniscient but I'm, I didn't even tell you how the scene properly went.

Ah, it was this Author's plan all along. Bummer that I can't control that like ***. Ah, Author hid that name? Eh, fine. You guys are sure to love that guy though.

Pack lets me go.

"Okay, now full story," I say.

We all go to the hall and sit around in couches.

"Not long after you reached, your brother contacted me, through the gate. As the guard obviously wasn't letting him in. And I let him come in," Point-zero says.

"You hated to accept it. But you had been acting weird, since about a month. You had gone all out in destroying Mother and my peace and all that. And for some reasons which came out of the air," Nathaniel says.

Well, I knew I saw a guy in Mother's room once! That's when it started. And well, there was… m-o-a-n-i-ng happening.

"Since you didn't hear me out. I thought they would," Nathaniel says.

"Right. So what is the conclusion?" I groan.

"Hmm, could be some parasitic being. Or some nightmare causing villain. Or distress causing one maybe," Mind says. "Can't tell, cause we ourselves have never met someone that way."

"So… no conclusion?" I ask.

"It sure seems like something," Super-pack says.

"It may be hard, but maybe you can tell us of all these… things you saw," Mind says.

I take a deep breath and sigh.

"Well, in the recent one… I saw mother was in that couch," I point at the couch where Nathaniel was sitting. "And she has told you about me, and that it has to end here or something. And you guys attack me."

Everyone stays silent.

"I held up. But then, Point-zero finally caught me by my neck, and choked me. The next thing I find-"

"-is me in front of you," Point-zero sighs.

Well that explains how the other three were just non-existent and I just 'threw a fit', and got out of the grip of three men, one of them being so strong. I just was thinking that the Author just gave me a chance there.

"The recent one was when I went back home earlier… Mother opened the door, and she was just randomly angry, and was saying that I didn't deserve the job, or taking back my stuff, as she said it wasn't mine exactly," I say.

"And none of that was weird to you?" Point-zero asks.

"Well…" ah, this fucker. "It is usual to get nightmares. So I just let it go."

"Alright, anymore?" Mind asks.

"Well, nightmares are common, I just had one last-"

"-ones involving Mother," Nathaniel interrupts me. "I think it could be related to either her or me. But since you didn't see me in today morning's one… maybe it must be something about Mother."

"She gave me eyes as a meal once," I sigh. "Many species', including human. She said that she wanted me to see everything clearly for… to protect her."

"That could be the thing inside you, communicating to you," Mind says.

Why is this guy acting like someone Psychic? For real though, kind of exhausting.

"What and when was the very first one?" Nathaniel asks.

"About one or two months ago… but I'm not sure if it was this or…" I say.

Nathaniel sighs loudly.

"Well, what is it?" Secret-eye asks, looking at us both.

"I… was drunk that night," I say. "Nathaniel wasn't home I think, he had gone on a trip, right? So back home, I hear moans from mother's room. And I just peek inside, find a guy… ah, I left and ran to my room."

"Okay, clearly a dream," Nathaniel laughs.

"Well…" Mind says. "Could be so."

"Wait a minute, eyes!" Point-zero says. "Who all knows about you having powers? Specified."

"Well…" I say.

Everyone waits for my answers, and I take my time. Everyone stares at me, anxiously.

"Okay, it is a bit of a count," I say.

"Any common thing said from… probably your mother, or maybe even anyone from your dream, which was common to this person? Point-zero asks.

Oh damn, that is why he was the leader. Honestly? Deserving.

Ah, him! He was…? Oh. Wait, the time matches too.

And his behaviour, being from THAT place and all. I don't want to be racist, as the Author thinks that will get the book banned, so let us just call him: Kevin. Not K.E.V.I.N., just Kevin.

"Kevin," I sigh. "My ex."

"Well, that's a name I missed. I thought your ex was that Mr. Baldy," Nathaniel says.

"Yeah, well, I had to move on," I shrug.

"Boyfriend, date, or hookup?" Nathaniel asks.

I sigh, "the third."

"So maybe mad about something and there is a purpose here?" Secret-eye asks.

"Well, unlikely," I say. "You see, I left, and he didn't even know my name or anything. So it probably happened when…" I make a few signs to indicate… stuff.

"So it wasn't you who planned that one night stand," Point-zero says.

"For that… very thank you," I say.

"Yeah… means a lot to both her and me," Nathaniel smiles to me.

"So I was just some lab test…" I say.

Alright, I think you writing two different stories… you know. This isn't Bringing to Light, come on, Author.

"So… how do we deal with him?" Super-pack asks.

"Any handicaps which could help?" I ask.

"Unlikely," Nathaniel says.

"What?" the Pack ask.

"I feel there is more. I think this… guy or whatever, learns about things according to what it watches. It probably was dormant until now. But compared to today morning, Mother in my dream went from calling me Einya to Ein, in the recent one," I say.

"Didn't answer the handicap part," Point-zero points.

"I mean… we need to have some hidden cards. So… it is better that I don't say what I meant," I say.

"But if it is in your mind…" Mind says.

"My mind knows about mom always calling me as Ein, for the past seventeen years," I say. "Besides, I observed other detail, which double hences it, so… we are good. Trust me."

"'Double hences'?" the Pack asks.

"She means, it proves it once more," Nathaniel sighs.

"Okay… we need to work on the thesaurus," Point-zero points. "But before that… we need to… catch this being tethered to your mind, and stop it."

"Its next level could be when it can see into your mind. Having the power to see everything happening…" Mind says.

Aren't we giving him a lot of 'mind' dialogues?

"You know, one does come to mind…" Nathaniel says.

Okay, switched to him now.

"And?" I ask.

Nathaniel shrugs.

"Right, why of course," I say.

"Just… go away for a while, I need to calculate somethings," Nathaniel says.

"She can't just be unguarded. What if she… starts having one of those again?" Point-zero asks.

You have a heart?

"Well, I'll need all of you though, for this," Nathaniel says.

"Even Secret-eye?" Mind scoffs.

"Alright, I'll be the gentleman, by protecting the girl. Come, Einya," Secret-eye says.

"But, won't I be better at… protecting?" Super-pack asks.

"Well, I'll need you. Point-zero or Secret-eye can go. Either one of them will be fine," Nathaniel says.

"I… would like to stay and listen to the plan," Point-zero says.


Me and Secret-eye, walk towards my room, leaving the others to prepare a plan.

"Was he a good hookup?" Secret-eye asks.

"God, you must be curious about that," I sigh.

"Well… you remembered him."

"He was like the most recent guy I hooked up with."

Both ethically and truthfully: wrong.

"About two months ago? Gosh, that's long."

"Okay, Secret-eye look," I say and eye-contact him. "Clear no, to this hookup routine."

"Well, just… I tried," Secret-eye shrugs.

We walk more.

"Was it good though?"

"Okay, it was. Just shut up now!"

"Well… just… curious."

I feel dreamy, as if something inside me was… different.

"Well then," I say, not understanding myself. "I'll tell you what happened. With a demonstration."

Ahem, that's all you people get. The Author doesn't want to give out sexual scenes, for some, cause he is a horny-ass, reason. Unknown.

But don't worry, later on I'll try to say extreme specifics of certainly not already planned out happening, and maybe you can even get some groping scenes. But now, busy, to fulfil myself, hopefully, so quick bye.

Chapter footnotes:-

Bringing to Light is a reference to my other novel, Bringing to Light. Where an organisation tests the world as lab rats, and places hurdles for them, in order for them to bring out their best self, as that seems like the best way to bring out superpowers out of many. And also, in order to eliminate the weak, and even the powered-individuals who go against the organisation.

And that is why Einya says that this isn't the other book, and I shouldn't be talking about lab tests and stuff here.

P.s. Message received, Einya.