4. Dead-eye

Dreamy, wavy, as if I was high. Yet filled with power and moving. I only see flashes of light, and glimpses of the front.

Secret-eye was the spotlight of all the glimpses. And also of the end scene.

Secret-eye lays there on the bed, looking all red. The white sheets – gone red. Red hue dripping from my hands.

"What the fuck did you do?" Point-zero's voice arrives, from behind me.

I look at Secret-eye's hand, dead now, but holding onto his phone. He must have clicked some alert button. That jackass never was less pain in the ass.

"He just was so BAD at it," I say.

I always hated him. Out of all of these liars of the Pack, he was the worst one.

Super-pack may have been a criminal. Point-zero was truly the messy one, the weakest. Mind always putting so much thought into such a beautifully built lie.

But Secret-eye… out of all the things he could do with his powers… he chose archery. He just let people die, when he could have run and helped them. He shot arrows at criminals, while he could have just dropped them off in cells.

And I KNEW about this. I SAW all of it. Yet couldn't tell anyone, even when I had proof. As I couldn't show it as proof, of course.

That is how the hate group started. Blood.

It is sad that I had to give out Zhang's name. To join this team, the team I most hated.

"You are a speedster?" I ask, with a scoff.

Point-zero stays silent.

"It is sad that you are the only one who calls yourself that, yet you are so USELESS, cause you aren't one," I say.

"So this is what you came to do for that?" Point-zero asks.

"There's more," I say.

I use my speed and go towards Point-zero, as his body starts teleporting. In a dark hue, slowly his body getting engulfed, making a smaller and smaller frame of his structure.

I push my knife towards the last piece of body, untouched by the hue, with all my might and haste.

Point-zero disappears, and re-appears besides the bed, with a stab wound in his chest.

Point-zero looks at his wound and gets enraged. Oh boy, here goes.

As I give him a second, Point-zero teleports again, but now alongside me, and the floor below us. I already knew where.

I speed around, not knowing where I'm supposed to go, in this dark room. I hear swoosh(s) all around me, and quickly reach into my pockets and wear the night-vision glasses lying in there.

I detect not only the three people left in Pack, but dozen other people.

"Didn't see that coming, Omniscient Pervert?" Point-zero asks.

There was the Japanese team, the hero organisation under the name, Katana. They were the inspirations of all the elemental and many other blades in games and movies and so on. Their sword-dom was something the games or movies couldn't copy.

There were few American and African heroes, from about five different hero organisations I think. I couldn't recognise two of them, probably new recruits.

I knew being in the fifth position in the strongest hero organisation, meant they were strong, and had allies. But just to catch me, so many? It almost makes me laugh.

I just lift my hands up and surrender. With the next thing I know, I'm in court.

I see each person make statements.

Katana says that they only came as they were asked to do so, by Point-zero.

"I reach there and I find her with a knife, and Secret-eye just lying their, with blood flooding out of him," Point-zero says.

I scoff loudly.

"You have anything to say, defendant?"

"Well, how about the fact that all of them are lying?" I ask, and nobody understands. "That guy doesn't have speed powers. Rather, the other three did."

The crowd waiting for the verdict, gossips whisperingly.

"What do that have to say about that-"

"-I object, your honour. But this is not what the topic at hand is," the plaintiff lawyer says.

"Still a lie which they say to people. Your honour," I say.

"It indeed is off topic. Yet, the topic you brought up, defendant, the answer is simple: there is no such law on them, to specify about their powers. It is a secret maintained, like their identity, even at the grounds of the TTT, also called as the Tournament Testing Teamwork," the Judge says.

Even the TTT wouldn't mind, of course. Even if it was the losers of the tournament, it still wouldn't matter. To start with, the losers wouldn't even be given prominence and cared for, so well.

"We would also like to be suing her for revealing such information. And ask her to be silenced about further such sensitive details," the plaintiff lawyer says.

I sigh. What was I even expecting?

"She always was this way," I hear a familiar voice and lift my head. Mother. "She spied on people. Me, her own mother, her brother, no one was safe. It felt… interesting in the start. But… she got herself until here."

Mother starts tearing up, sniffling, and then sobbing.

Wait a minute… but… didn't always want to… this was…?

"She could have such details, sensitive details. She could sell nuclear codes easily. And so much more," the plaintiff lawyer says.

"Without reconsideration, we better put an end to this. We need to stop the course of these powers. We can't let her carry on more," the Judge says.

If it was indeed a… whatever those were, then someone probably had to wake me. But seeing how… even I felt such… twistedness in my mind, probably…

The author would definitely love the next part. Dr. Impersonation, huh?

I step out the stage, using my speed.

"What are you doing?" Mind asks.

"Don't do more of this," Super-pack says.

I rush towards Mind, and he evades, and I take this chance and firmly hit my head against the wall behind-




I gasp and get up, some noise in the background, in the dark, going on and on.

"You are awake," a voice comes.

"Who is that? Where are you?" I ask, looking around in the darkness.

"I… am your personal doctor," the person says.

"W-why are the lights off?" I ask.

"Ma'am, you have been in a coma for a long time, please don't shake your shade so much," the person says, and places their hands on me.

I squirm and move the hands away.

"Wh-what's happening?!" I demand to know.

"Ma'am, please," the person says.

"Just tell me!" I demand.

"You were found guilty and… they didn't want you to… be using your powers," the person says.

I place my hands upon my face, and feel my face, in a hurry.

"So they removed your eyes," the person says.

My heart skips a beat. It skips a beat for way too long. I gasp, I feel myself clenching my heart.

I bop my body forward, and basically throw myself to the ground.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Secret-eye's voice asks.

I look around, gasping, and find myself in my room, inside Package. The Pack was in the room, around my bed, while I was on the ground.

"W-what happened?" I ask.

"You just stopped walking, when we were about to reach your room," Secret-eye says. "No amount of shaking you up worked."

"So basically you were out for… about a day now," Mind says, looking at his watch.

"And?" I ask.

"We killed it. The cause," Point-zero says.

"Nathaniel… so he did it," I say, realising. "Where is he?"

"Well, he… had to rest. So he went," Point-zero says.

"Right, those are some pretty tiring powers," I say.

"About that…" Point-zero says. "What even are his powers? And does he belong to a hero organisation?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. He belongs to this Arab team, Sihr. That is one marvellous team," I say.

"And his powers?" Point-zero asks.

"His powers piqued you, huh," I laugh. "Maybe in the TTT, you can see it in action."

"Ah, the TTT," Mind says. "What timing… a sudden one got introduced last night."

"All of a sudden?" I ask.

"Exactly what sudden means," Secret-eye laughs.

"Anyways, knowing them, it should be pretty soon. Are we going?"

"Yes, of course. It is in two days," Point-zero says.

"Did the venue change from last time?" I ask.

"Not at all," Point-zero says.

"Asia is not a bad place, always wanted to go," I giggle.

"Yes, it will be… lovely," Point-zero smiles.

Wow, seeing all that vision… I was scared of these people. But now… they seemed… better. Can't believe I killed one of them, even in a vision or whatever.

"Wait, are we not going to catch Blood?" I ask.

"Blood? That can wait. This is the TTT, after all," Point-zero laughs lightly.

"Well…" I say.

Everyone looks at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Let's win," I smile, and give a thumbs up.

Everyone nod and step out of the room.

I clearly wanted to open about the whole Blood thing but… I clearly didn't want to. Maybe even that was a dream. A dead dream, of a Dead-eye.

Chapter footnotes:-

References of Dr. Impersonation and Bringing to Light (from the last chapter) are unrelated to the story in itself. The protagonist, Einya, being an omniscient being, who sees all, just knows these.

The reference here is...

A Leishankan movie of the 1970s, Doctor Impersonation. Where the doctor impersonates his patients to understand their pain better and heal them. When he meets a suicidal patient and couldn't save her, his thoughts get suicidal and after reaching home he firmly hits his head against a wall (to attempt suicide) and faints. His wife calls him "smitey," after he wakes up. Which becomes slang used by many, thanks to the movie.

Both Leishank and the slang, are out of the picture here, yet that is how the whole thing goes.