6. Eyes that have seen all (1)

"Different from what you'd have seen through omniscience, and the TV?" Point-zero scoffs, decoding my expression.

"Well... kind of... overwhelming," I say.

"You could be like the... you know, and just let us know things through the..." Point-zero points to his ears, with airpods.

Tech, weapons, everything was fair in the battlefield. Even just sitting there and helping your team in other ways.

The game, or each match, was simple, the common shuffled up matchings, and going into the battlefield. From there, in the different stages ready, favouring no one, except just lending cover, and not a hasty start to the round, the fight begins.

For example... the current round, the first fight of this year's TTT, in front of my eyes... a fight between Atlantis, a Greek team, and Creame, a French team: occurring at a maze-like stage.

"Ah, the ace is already out at it," I say.

Ace was a term given for a leader of a team, who excelled in both planning and strength, power wise, and not just raw strength.

"Fan of Atlantis?" Mind asks.

"It is a decent team, sure," I say. "But creame sure showed its talent last time."

"So, who's it going to be?" Point-zero asks, focused at Atlantis's ace, Shame.

"Ah, a test?" I laugh. "Creame, definitely. Their... recruit also looks strong. She was a solo."

As Shame quickly passes through walls, the recruit of Creame, Lasa, shoots a beam of projection, and traps Shame into the wall, as if he were a sheet of paper, which she put a pin on.

Shame, and many other, almost all, superheroes, and even many villains call themselves with English names, or at least English pronounce-able names, like Lasa. It was easier for the TTT announcers, and also showed that superheroes were just protectors, with no biases.

Strikes did occur on the matter, most expectedly, yet it was just something dumb to even argue on to start with. Nouns were nouns, people were people, titles were titles.

"Ah, you were right," Point-zero says.

"You think the ace really wouldn't have seen that coming? Lasa is pretty famous you know," I say.

And to prove my words, someone appears from behind Lasa, and knocks her out, in an instant.

Passage, the teleporter of Atlantis, the ace really knocked a strong competitor, using the weakest of his team.

"Not going your way," Mind points.

"Ugh, you guys are boring," I yawn.

Thousands of projections surround both Shame's paper-like form, and Passage. The two stay in their position, without moving, because they probably know already.

"Her powers are like a... perfect curse to people," I say.

"Huh?" Secret-eye asks, after a lot of awkward silence.

"You know the mythology related to Ashwatthama's immortality, right?" I ask.

"Krishna... cursed him. For trying so hard just for a mere revenge, and using the strongest weapon possible, on an unborn child," Secret-eye says.

"Ah, of course you'd know, as it is related to astras," I say.

Astras, were war-weapons or divine-weapons of sorts, usually used by archers, as some special arrows, sent through their bow, talked too many times in the Hindu mythology. A mantra/ chant would transform a normal arrow to such a thing, which could make things happen.

For example, there was... something termed as the 'snake'-astra, not exactly the exact name but well. So the 'snake'-astra, summoned a venomous snake, to bite the target.

The strongest of the astras, was Brahmastra, if I'm not wrong. Brahma was the divine god who decided the fate of people. Hence his astra meant... destruction of fate itself, of everything.

Ashwatthama used such a destructive weapon on the womb of a pregnant lady, to end the kin of his enemy.

"Now, Ashwatthama had three eyes, with the third one on his forehead. The third, which he gained as a boon, was taken from him, and Krishna gave a perfect curse, of him never healing from it, never dying, and having continuous bleeding," I say.

"Have heard," Secret-eye says.

"Similarly, Lasa instills curses of sorts, which don't cause direct harm. She'd make a great RPG character, she stops the teleporter from teleporting, and catches the wall-passer, right when he is within a wall," I say.

"She basically immobilises people," Point-zero says.

"Precisely, to be honest. But as a loose form, it is a curse. So Creme clearly has a upper-hand, with the strongest and weakest, of the opponent, already down," I say.

I check the reactions on Pack's faces, and they all seem visibly shook.

"Test passed surely," Point-zero says.

"That is merely the top of the ice berg," I scoff. "I could define each superpower."

Now, since Atlantis' players were one more in number, than of Creme, both teams have four heroes each.

Obviously, next was Atlantis' sub-captain, rushing forward, from above the maze's walls, jumping them without any concern for stealth. Hades, was a true wild-card.

"Hades. He claims to be Hades' son. Says that after the gods drowned Atlantis, the residents with the city, entered Atlantis," I say. "The supposed true leader of Atlantis, but not registered to be so."

The four left from Creame, stick together, and get alert by the thud noises coming from above, and ready their weapons.

Hades pounces right towards the one member, in between the three, and everyone freeze, even with him right in front of their eyes. It was a simple law in TTT.

"Do you yield?" Hades hisses out, and it echoes through the stadium.

Hades has his scythe pressed against Bowel, as her teammates look at her, in fear, for her. Hades stands with his back to Bowel's, looking past his back.

"Hades' scythe, besides the Japanese team, Katana, he's one of the few who uses their own weapon. His weapon, again, like Katana's has a imbuement of sorts, a dark hue, which extends out as projections."

The law in TTT was simple, no one was supposed to be killed in-here, except the final boss, who in-turn COULD kill them too.

Not all superheroes just have curses to stop people, like Lasa, or enough power to knock them out, or have pass through or teleportation abilities. People like Super-pack and Hades, could kill easily, so hence they were supposed to give the victim a choice to yield, by stopping, and everyone else was to stop moving at this.

"No!" Bowel screaming up her lungs, and breathing hard

Hades pushes his scythe's blade into Bowel's neck, and her three teammates move quickly.

Bowel gulps, and I see her throat being scarred by Hades' scythe.

"Bowel's powers are in regards to the ignored third law of Newton, 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction'. She can control and alter these opposite reactions."

Seeing Bowel's shaky self, maybe she didn't like this idea, but went with it through a lot of pressure.

Bowel crashes into Hades' back, and Cotton-candy, who was behind Bowel, holds Hades' neck, and lifts him up, with ease.

"Cotton-candy, a weight-lifter, she could easily lift things, by making them lighter in weight, but only when in physical-contact with her, hence her overly-revealing outfit could have that explanation."

But then again, that's not the only motto behind the outfit, I knew that. Can't blame a women to have needs.

Mango-blast, who is in front of Bowel, holds the scythe's blade, and I see a light cut on Bowel's neck, with a little bleeding.

Mango-blast screams up her lungs, and as orange corrosion occurs across the blade, the blade ends up breaking.

"Another physical-contact related power, Mango-blast. She corrodes metals and few other materials by a very different kind of corrosion method. The corrosion tastes like mangoes."

Mint, the leader of Creame, kicks Hades' face, and knocks him out.

"Mint. If Mango-blast was the leader, she'd be the ace, as Mint wasn't exactly strong. Mint has a calm mind, and is the best athlete in the world. Hence, Mint."

The next instant, the other three members of Atlantis appear, right at the faces of Mango-blast, cotton-candy and Bowel.

"Yield yet?" they ask collectively.

"Life, Hades' girlfriend. Formerly she was to be called Persephone, but she is not the first member whom Hades offered that title, so she just goes with 'Life'. She can produce gospels of healing."

Life moves away from Mango-blast, and quickly produces a magic show, to release both Shame and Passage, who just instantly wake, alongside Hades and Lasa.

"You first, yield," Lasa says.

Lasa projects brown projections through her hands, towards Life and Shame. Lifting one of her legs, she projects another projection towards Passage.

"How about everyone in danger, yields right now? All five of us? I'd say that's no shame," Shame says.

Shame, Life, Bowel, Cotton-candy, and Passage nod and yield, and then move out of the battlefield, taking Hades with them, as he had a crack in his neck now, and didn't want to continue.

Now Mint, Lasa and Mango-blast, stood face to face with the last two members of Atlantis, on the field.

"Outnumbered," Super-pack says.

"See what I mean?" I say proudly but...

"Left to you leader," Mango-blast bows to Mint.

"A bit too much," Mint says, in a French accent.

"You are doing that thing again," Lasa says, pointing and circling towards her own mouth.

Mint groans.

Lasa and Mango-blast get on top of one of the walls, and Mango-blast hands Lasa something, making the whole stadium burst into giggles.

"Look at team Creme promoting their brand new product and flavour made by them, named after their new recruit Lasa," the announcer announces, laughing himself. "And Mango-blast enjoying a mint-flavoured drink herself."

"Mint has something else to enjoy," Mango-blast announces, in a French accent herself.

Both Lasa and Mango-blast cheer-on their leader, as the two opponents look clearly dumbfounded.

The team members' count, projected on the big screen, which has '2' besides Atlantis, and '3' besides Creame: turns to 2 and 1, respectively.