12. I'm back

I gag and wake up- Hedi-bhootha.

"You dare…" I hear him say, and feel a ripping feeling, but resist it. "What have you done?"

I turn behind, even when feeling a being which could end me right here. I find him just standing there, staring at me. That was not what I saw back in the dream… well, obviously, I only would have seen what I'd have known of him.

Here I see him with blood on his hands, and sharp feline claws.

A black-covering forms everywhere around the mid-section of his naked-body, but his chest, and lower part of his legs, spreading upwards towards a crumbled and wrapped black cloth around his waist - just enough to cover his privates.

Silvery formations around his blue eyes; makes me flinch from my position, and stings my eyes.

"Pretty… moving… eyes. You see me."

I look around, to see… something… something dark, yet visible… but incomprehensible. Maybe if I could get a few months to figure, looking at this… art.

"We have talked before?" he appears right in front of me, and I punch him away, making him crash far from here… yet so close, because of the darkness, as he was the only comprehensible thing around here. But that wouldn't normally be the case.

"The other you asked me to tell you about it. And that's all I'm here for. Just ga-stay away."

"If you only give me a moment here… to look at those-"

"-don't get close."

He stands up and stares at me… for a very, very long time. And nods to me from that exact distance, understanding something he had understood in my eyes.

"EINYA!" I hear Nathaniel.

"Relax-" I say and puke, after realising the taste in my mouth.

"What in the world just happened? Was that a parasite? Looked like… a cockroach," Secret-eye says.

"Somebody get me some fucking bleach," I say, feeling the weird sourness and bitterness in my mouth.

"You are alive," Nathaniel says, with his hand, holding me, shuddering.

"Tell me what your powers are," I say. "Can you tell where that manager of Pack who had gone to the US, currently is?"

"What? That's your powers, mine is… you know," Nathaniel says.

"Fucking say it!"

"Trade off," Nathaniel says. "It gets fucking scary for me sometimes. But nothing scarier than my pervy sister."

I hug Nathaniel. "I'm fucking back, bi-. It's me!"

"Please explain to us, Einya. We just saw a really weird and big roach leave you," Point-zero says.

"That was what was controlling my mind. And it has left me now… cause probably it found a way to grow off what I ate or something. I'm not fucking sure of its sick ways. But… we need to kill it."

"A roach which was in your mind? Fucking creepy like that-" Nathaniel says and looks at my stiff expression. "It is her?"

"The Coward himself told me," I say. "Do NOT-"

"-yeah, I know, I know. No intentions or calling… or perhaps it happened too already, I wouldn't know."

"Does everyone here know of the creepypasta 'Roach'?" I ask. "Cause we really need an expert of it. To kill her."

It was just a made-up tale… up until this moment. Even with evidence such as Ashwathamma, it is hard to believe there were godly creatures. Because… ALL the religions had such evidences… but the gods had just… -they were nowhere to be found. So it was hard to know what all was right, cause there was an author.

Even my story has this author… but I'm here, somewhere far from him. Existing.

I hoped Roach was the same, but… it was another real story. A sad and terrifying one.

Usually Roach preys upon her victim by watching them, and getting bigger… but what kind of laws applied to this one's expansion in size? We had to try every way on killing her.

I look at Point-zero. "Get EVERY possible hero here, if this goes sideways."

"They won't just…" Point-zero finds my expression. "Negotiable. But… is it that big of a threat?"

"It knows the weakness of every possible hero. Except my brother's team. There was a whole TTT, and fake-you tested my knowledge, but it fed on that knowledge, for God knows what plan. Perhaps it found Peak to be its child's closest looking."

"Peak…?" Super-pack asks. "Ah, him!"

"Who?" Secret-eye asks.

Still doubtful… this could easily be imagined. Could Roach and all be real? Maybe it just can find my thoughts and get to know-

"Nathaniel. I won't tell you how to kill it," I say, and he cracks up. "But show me how my brother would kill it."

He stares at me for a good moment, after which sighing: he nods. And we scatter to find the bug.

"So you're telling me that we have to find Roach, the creepypasta, who looks as an oversized cockroach now?" Mind asks, as we both form a pair of two, to find Roach, and him protect me.

"Well… she'll grow," no copyrights intended. "But then again, what can one big cockroa-can't do much. Yet… it mind-controlled me."

"It was just a big bug to me. I'd have smacked it… if it weren't faster, you know."

Right… they'd normally have caught it, at least. Point-zero is slower but… the other three… why didn't they?

Ugh, don't tell me, their identity and all.

Or… were they all afraid of bugs? Tell me author.

I look into every nook and corner of the house… the darkness does not help.

"Can somebo-" and with that, all the lights switch on. "Right so-" fuck, where are you? "Why isn't the above room lit?"

"That was… part of Super-pack's… you know… that room… you must know," Mind says, with a saddened expression, and whispering to me.

"I'll be there in a second," Super-pack says, with a grumble.

He sure was still protective of that room. Even when… it didn't contain that preserved body anymore.

I keep an eye on him, and walk forward, to dark corners, and camouflage-able maroon spots, looking carefully.

"Was it a white cockroach or…?"

"Black… you know, maroon," Mind stutters.

Ah, he must be one of the scared ones surely then.

"It may have gone to the garden," Point-zero says, appearing in the garden.

"No sign of movement," Secret-eye says, from atop the house.

Point-zero looks back at Secret-eye from the garden, and teleports right next to him.

"I don't see it anywhere either."

"Any possibility that it created a… shield from your eyes? Perhaps a bug to stop you from seeing it?" Mind asks.

"I'm not mechanized or something. And I don't think that could happen, or I'd find a flaw somewhere, it can't be so specific I think, since she waited for me to open so many stuff up with my own mouth, to find about me. And even I wouldn't know how to… make myself not see someone. And she has left my… body. So she can't show me her random illusions, to cover her up."

"O-oh, okay," Mind says.

I enter the room, with my eyes, alongside Super-pack, as he flashes a light into it. He first throws the light on the floor, and then at the roof, slowly covering all of it… then the corners… but nothing creeps along the sides.

"Nothing to see here, Einya," Super-pack says, with a kind of anger in his tone.

Hey man, just checking for the gross thing which was in me a while ago.

Don't tell me… if it was that person I got it from… and him and I hooked up… was this a fucking STD? Then could it have effected all the people he… fucks?

But we used… oh never-mind then.

"Rather than bigger… what if it got smaller?" Mind asks.

"If it got smaller, it could run away, with none of us tracing," Secret-eye says.

"Logically speaking, it could hide inside the toilet-"

"I can see everywhere… I checked the corners. Just some were darker though…"

"W-what if it camouflages?" Mind asks. "Then neither you or me can detect it."

I glare at Mind. "Then what the fuck do you want me to do?"

Point-zero comes in between us, as I progress towards Mind.

"Easy there."

"How can I be sure that even if I'm outside… you aren't being controlled?"

"What if you still are?" Point-zero glares at me.

"If I was?" I scoff. "Then you lot must be very, very fucking afraid of me. 'Cause you have NO idea… but I do."

"What do you mean to say by that?"

"Ah well, I'm glad you asked. What else could it be but this team… oh so great, and royal of a team, living in a mansion and all."

'Don't', Point-zero mouths to me.

"Huh, pretty sure the great archer would be finding it already, if it were inside my head."

"Why am I sarcastically dragged into this?"

"Oh please… why do you think Blood wants you dead? He is more a hero than you. Cause you just stand there and play with arrows, keeping distance, while lives are wasted."

"Einya King," Point-zero tries to hush me, with narrowing eyes.

"Oh and you think you are oh so great? The fastest and all that bullshit, can't see all that danger en route there? You get blind in the eye or what? Fucking bullshit!"

"Einya… King!"

As I feel like talking about Super-pack, I control. He'd rip me… he had to be the last one.

"And the great telekinesis guy. All that sweat must be getting knocked by your… MIND away and away, splashing at people like drops of hot rain."

Mind just eyes at me with confusion.

"And Super-pack… you know what you fucking did. Don't you remember… before a team, you wanted a team… with that friend of yours-"

"There she is," Nathaniel whispers through the comms.

Point-zero and Mind move, as I get thrown towards the wall. But Mind breaks the impact and holds me, while his body whimpers with pain.

"Bug," Super-pack says, holding the large… thing. No… it surely was NOT a cockroach… and she had grown as big as me. "What all do you know about us, Einya King?"

"You fucking asshole, you baited me," I say to Nathaniel, and he chuckles. "That's… that's a bit fucked up man, you…" I look at Super-pack, holding Roach in his hand, while looking at me with all his anger.


I'm sorry that this was a day late! Will not let that happen again