13. Roach (1)

Previously on (Speed) Pack… oh right, my real-death nearing.

Super-pack squeezes Roach… kinda gross, but she doesn't bleed. Instead, at one point of pressure increase, she bursts into bits… smaller- they disappear.

Shit, that must be bad.

Super-pack holds his head, and ducks.

I run closer to him, and put my hands around his shoulder.

"Hey, snap-"

"Good idea," he says, while holding my neck. "My child… what beauty-"

"Excuse me," Nathaniel says, couple feet behind Super-pack. "I'll take that."

As Mr. Cool, with his hands in his pockets, steps backward, a projection extends out from Super-pack's back. Antennas, about an inch in diameter… then legs about five times to that… the body of Roach extends out. The legs, or the body don't stop… like a worm… no, a-

"Centipede?" Nathaniel asks.

I see its eyes… with a kind of glow and pixel-ed… like a fly's eye, with units… compound eyes? Is that what they are called? It also has those weird tube-like part of a fly's mouth.

A cockroach, centipede, fly, and sectioning of body like a worm… the last bit of its tail falls out of Super-pack, and a horn-like end is revealed, which makes a thud noise, as it falls to the ground.

It… I feel bad to say, as it is so dark so wrong but… is artistic. All those things which must've been feeding on the face of her dead child… she was in such a form which must've horrified her once. And she uses such a form to scare people… showing the misery and fate her child has faced.

The wings on this Roach though… as it moves I realise that they are transparent. It moves towards Super-pack, and he backs away as a reflex. The wall besides him though, doesn't dodge, and gets ripped at its layer, making powdered pieces of it: fall to the ground.

Super-pack feels his neck with his hand, while concentrating on Roach.

Roach just stands there, and then moves towards me. I race backward, and Mind races in-between. As I try to reach my hand towards him, as if to stop him… he falls on the ground… with a sliced body.

I stare with my widened eyes, as I feel red-heat in them.

Roach moves towards me, without a break, and I just stand there, mindlessly, but get dragged away.

"Are you insane?" I hear Mind ask.

I look to my side, and find him there… in one piece.

"Stand back, we'll get her… -it" Mind says.

As Mind steps ahead, I grab him and push him behind and to the floor.

"Nobody touch it, Nathaniel, you know what it means, right?" I ask.

Nathaniel nods to me. "Yes Ein, it is compound eyes, don't worry."


"You are Einya King," I see Hedi-bhootha. "You are struck."

I jump backwards and he lifts both his hands.

"You gave me some… information. So how about I help you?"

"How about you stop whatever this mind trick is?"

"It is not me, Einya King. It is this being… it is attached to you," Hedi-bhootha says, and looking at me: sighs. "Look…"

The place around me darkens, and I see a white light in my peripheral vision. I try to locate it, but can't see it.

"Looks like a… web. Spider."

"Bullshit," I say.

He stares at me, and fades.

"Einya honey," I hear my mother say.

I slowly turn behind, finding myself at my home.

"I swear I'll get you a sister. I'll keep fucking every man- ah-ah-ah."

I shut my eyes close, rather than look away from… that. That disgusting… no, get out of my head!

"Oh but is there an escape?"

I see four roaches coming towards me and spreading onto four sides, while revealing something else.

"You should have just given up," I see a guy with a gun say. As he shoots towards me, I dodge.

"Fucking pervert bi-. Manner-less piece of a whore," Endal says. "Like mother, like daughter."

Endal stabs a sword at my…

"What the fuck?" I hear Nathaniel. "Einya… are you okay?"

Nathaniel holds the sword, and puts it away, as Endal disappears.

"F-fuck off," I slap Nathaniel.

"Hey… it's me," Nathaniel says.

"But am I?" I see Roach spread out in front of me again, but it dusts away.

"I… I'm sorry. This is my fault," Nathaniel says. "The next part will be hard for me… also for you… but… keep your eyes open."

"No-no, not now!" I say, holding his hands.

"What you whining about? I'm the one with… consequences."

"Why, what happens?" my mother asks, but I push her away from right next to my ear.

"I will protect thee," Ashwathamma says, buffing up his chest.

I try to look around this darkness, with my eyes, but… I only seem to see my own thoughts. Besides that, I see Nathaniel hold his eye-lids, as if he… is going to play around with them.

"Oh Einya, look at you… leaning on your brother," I hear my mother, and take a deep breath, which comes out louder. "It is such a turn-on to me… ah, turn back, look at-"

"Ready?" I ask from between my teeth.

I hear a very rough groan, which could possibly be thought was coming from some kind of a roach monster or something.

I hold the back of Nathaniel's head, gripping from his hairs, and turn it towards where I hear my mother's moans from. He releases his held breath, and the darkness lights up with fire.

"Look at what?" I ask.

As I open my eyes, I see… team Katana- they fade, and Super-pack holds me in his arms.

"You good, the knowing one?" he asks.

"I should firstly-probably-if it is real-" I say, and pounce out of Super-pack's arms. "Stay away."

Super-pack lifts his hands, as if to surrender. "I'll stay back. But I'm not what we should worry about."

I glance at Mind, just sitting there on the ground… but where was Nathaniel?

I search for the others, with my eye, and find an arrow shoot towards me as I search, and passes behind my unprecedented-being. I confirm Secret-eye is the one who shot it, and as I see towards what he shot at… it roars.

"What the fuck are you two doing here then?" I ask.

"Nathaniel… groaned in like… it was… it- he did that when we moved. He didn't want us to help," Mind says.

"He just gets moody, let's go."

I start running downstairs, and I hear footsteps following me, and confirm the two following me.

Was this real? Such a thing… and all of this?

I find Point-zero plant bombs at each curvy section of the worm-structure of Roach. They start going off, and he continues quickly, teleporting and planting more, as fast as he can. After the last one, he just teleports to a distance, and watches the blast and smoke.

More than ten metres of a bomb blast, covers the equally sized Roach.

Maybe… if it were a dream, it would actually die this moment.

Something cuts through the smoke, and heads towards or maybe away from Point-zero. Its force even makes my unprecedented-being to move away, and watch a glistening thing head right at Point-zero, as he just stands still.


Something presents itself at the end, right above Point-zero. Someone in an orange and blue suit. Orange corrosion shoots out like lightning, and breaks Roach's wing, as a shriek resounds out.

Mango-blast groans too, and Point-zero appears on the ground, collecting her.

"I do not like its wings," Mango-blast says, while looking at her hands.

"You are doing good," Point-zero says.

"Stop frustrating me and showering me with compliments, before I give your dick a mango-blast," Mango-blast tells him, with a heated-up face.

"Sweetums, that sounds like a very different thing," Mint says, appearing from behind, while laughing lightly.

"Pretty sure she MEANS to say she'll… blow him," Onor says.

Onor was here? That was Onon's guy. He was the reason Onon was… Onon. He was bulky, and his spiked-club on the other hand… it was unbreakable.

Remember when I said Onon ALWAYS breaks her clubs? It is a practice to be able to break Onor's club in the end. Onor's club was a cursed object, it is what makes him inhumanly huge like he is. Good at heart, but the club always poisons his mind.

Onor was a villain once… a villain whom Pack and many others had to collectively fight.

Onon on the other hand, was a no one, a no one who was in love with Onor, and couldn't bear see him this way. She stopped Onor's rampage days, by sharing the curse put on him.

Have you heard that love story… of a princess and a guy… who got separated by a wall of water, made by the girl's dad to block their love, and every year, one day, they are given a chance by nature: to meet? The details are blurry to me, but yeah, that story.

Onon and Onor are something like that. The poisoning could get them both, in case they are together for too long. So Onor carries it and travels away, and it barely has any affect on him, as he is only one half of the curse now.

But for a while every year… they meet. They meet and get freaky as hell. I just… wait ahead for when they do. They are such a cute couple.

Onor tosses his club at another wing, and the club appears back in his hands, after it breaks the wing into pieces.

"You must REALLY be missing getting blown," Mango-blast says, with a smirk.

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

"Well… it wouldn't be the case if you hadn't failed to blow something else," Onor says, pointing at his club.

"I at least tried. Pointy got into the operation theatre for a month. Zero points, or perhaps negative points for him," Mango-blast says.

"Why am I dragged into this?" Point-zero asks.

"Besides, what if I broke it and because mine isn't true love, you stayed back this way? How could you be loading into her, such a huge thing?" Mango-blast says.

"Gross," Mint says.

"I will bonk your head," Onor warns.

"Don't, it hurts. She nearly has a bean in there," Point-zero says.

"Excuse me?"

Point-zero stares straight ahead, and Mint, Onor and finally Mango-blast follow too… to look at me.

"Hi guys," I wave.

"This is the girl you said: could have seen Onon and Onor get-" Mango-blast is cut-off, as Mint closes her mouth.

"She's just moody because we barely got four hours of sleep," Mint says.

"Two," Mango-blast corrects, while pushing Mint's hand away.

"I'm sorry-this… is all because of me," I say.

"As a person who messed up worse…" Onor says, looking at me, before turning to Roach. "It at least isn't unbreakable right?"

"The bombs didn't do much," Point-zero says.

"Those are just thick joints or something… its head is weaker," I say. "Secret-eye even shot one of its compound eyes. It tried to protect its safety by making me feel that they are stronger, she even mentioned them as if she doesn't care."

"Ah, bluffers. I see those a lot," Mango-blast says. "Let's go for the head."

Yep, she was a marvel fan.

But… this could all still be within my head. How can I be sure?