28. Rem

A glow on my suit shields me, as I get pushed back in time. The fight, Toni and Rem meeting, to when Toni met Adleon at that café near the apartment.

I get tossed from near Toni, and I end up with protagonist number two… or one, well, Varon… Nameless.

"Ah, can't you be a bit lighter with this?" I complain to the author.

But I barely find him from here… and neither does he reply.

"Wait, what?" Varon asks… to Antonia… who yes, was really hot. "Rem? As in the solo hero."

"Yes. And she requested your assistance actually. She believes Adleon would try to kill her manager… who she is arriving as."

"But how come she is arriving here?"

"Well… she also wanted to meet you. She really seems to trust you, already."

"I've heard so much about her…"

As Varon makes that statement with a dazed face, Antonia reads him VERY carefully. I do too… but Antonia surely seemed the jealous type.

But, didn't she like, have a kid in her house? Was it not hers?

"Then you'd fancy meeting her."

"Would finally be good to meet someone good again. Feeling evil presences is suffocating," Varon says and realising that Antonia is there: he turns to her. "Not that way. Of course, I don't feel evil from you. Or Toni, per say."

Right, that sure was weird… he could feel evil, the room full of businessmen, Mosquito…

And with that, both me and Varon remember Love-bite, who he hadn't felt to be evil either. And Toni was same, unknown to him. So there were limits to his this-power.

"I just mean… a hero would be… different. Something I love to feel."

"Then I hope it is a pleasant feeling," Antonia places her hand upon Varon's. "Pleasant on an opposite level that you felt from those businessmen… I hope you feel that good."

Varon gets a one-liner on mind, but shakes it off.

"Then where shall I meet her?"

"You could meet her at the train station. Would be good manners I feel, even when she will come to me, later."

"Alright, will do that."

Varon gets up and smiles at Antonia, while just awkwardly looking at her. Antonia stands up too, and awkwardly looks at him.

Don't know what Antonia was thinking, but… our boy sure is considering hugging her, but pulling himself back.

In the end, they awkwardly shake hands. Making me scoff.

Varon gets to the station. And of course, Rem doesn't show up… how could she? I knew why she couldn't… but Varon simply guesses that something could have occurred.

So he closes his eyes and concentrates… while gliding up. Of course, while being in his weird normal-but-abnormal attire.

I cancel out from hearing the noises he is hearing, but something seems to catch his ears. As I see towards where he sees… it feels similar to where I had seen Toni at.

By this point… she could have killed Rem. By chance, could the past change, in my presence?

Either way, Varon pushes his body towards the scene… of Rem dragging her body away from Season, Toni, who holds a dagger with blood on it.

Season feels Varon's presence and looks at him. "You again."

"We meet afterall," Varon says.

But this feeling… as I concentrate alongside Varon… there was no evil here. Not Season, not Rem. But a sense of anger from Season.

"She is innocent," Varon decides to say.

"Cute. I will consider that when I feel like it."

The crime… which Adleon said Rem's manager had committed. It was there, among the documents he handed to Toni in the briefcase. She had killed a suspect… innocent.

"Season… you are… you don't have to do this."

And with those words, Varon starts losing his mind… he senses evil from Season.

"Someone does," Season says.

As she darts the dagger at Rem, Varon pushes it away – putting his hand forward to calm Season, still confused on his stance here.

Season punches at him, and he holds her fist with both his hands. As she pushes another fist, he bends while still holding her fist. He drags the fist to his side, and pushes her whole body away at once.

"Rem, are you okay?"

Season doesn't just stay down, she wasn't even hurt a bit – evidently, and punches this way. Varon moves behind her and holds her body, just a little distance from Rem. Twisting her behind, he kicks her away.

"Can't we just talk, or is it a situation like last time?" Varon asks.

"Just not interested now."

Season twists her body and turns into a large-sized snake… not as big as Slit, but bigger than normal. She stands taller than Varon and hisses at him. As she pushes herself towards Varon, he takes a leap of faith while standing still… and indeed, she simply moves towards Rem at the last moment.

Varon sighs.

He levitates while holding Season's long body, and she simply transforms back. She jabs at him, but Varon doesn't let any land, while trying to keep his calm and telling himself that something sure is different.

Varon lets go of Season, and she struggles to land without getting hurt. But as she tries to stand still, Rem sloppily finally starts using her speed again and runs, hopping on one leg, in circles, around Season. After getting enough momentum, she punches at Season.

"I can only get stronger!" Rem claims.

Rem… I knew that word from somewhere.

Rem just stares at Season squirming on the ground. She finds the bloody knife which had cut through her thigh and scarred her face… and walks towards Season.

Varon's heart skips a beat, realising Rem's intention. He grabs her while pushing himself and her to the sky. This way he keeps going on and on, away from the scene.

Rem's hand veins pop to the max, as she tightly holds the dagger while huffing loudly.

Yet, Varon doesn't stop and takes her away… while holding her from behind, not uttering one word.

This way, they enter the apartment through the open window. I make sure that no one saw them… as if it even mattered.

Varon drops Rem on the bed, while holding her from her side. Then he closes the window, and tries to look at Rem… but is left staring in between her and the floor.

Rem gets up, still with the dagger in her grasp.

I stand in between the two, as if trying to protect Varon from her.

She hops on one leg and comes to him, passing me, slowly. As I turn behind, she drops the knife and starts kissing him… while almost pinning him to the wall.

What the fuck?

As they start working on each other's clothes… if you know what I mean… I luckily get spared from the sight as Varon thinks in the past.

Varon places a letter at the table in between him and Rem.

"You wanted to see me," Varon says to the dazed Rem.

"Ah… are you that new hero? Yeah, I did want to see you, but… that was random," Rem nervously laughs.

A guy in bulky clothes showing up to a meeting… the manager of Rem, who could be seen to look similar as Rem, if one squinted their eye enough, or if they both were to wear the same superhero costume… she looks shook.

"Rem, do you know this person?" she asks.

"Leave us be, Rog. It is fine."

And even when this Rog character stays a little and leaves… Rem doesn't stop from looking at Varon, up and down.

"Was that bad timing? In the letter you said I could come meet you at any time of the day. You even gave me your personal address so I thought…"

Rem scoffs. "Well, it was bold. I like it. Good vibe to my add. But I only meant to flirt a little with it."

"Oh I… see."

"Just a friendly gesture. I hope you don't mind."

"No… no! I have heard about what you've done. I couldn't judge you."

"Well, everyone has a messy plate of paint," Rem says, still not taking her eyes off Varon. "I'm Ruther, Fay."

"Rihler, Varon."

And this way… they had ended up naked on Varon's bed.

Rem was older than Varon… way older, I'd say. Yet beautiful. But this couple didn't make sense… Rem used to speak poorly of Varon on the news. She protested that he show himself to the world.

"Does it hurt? We should probably get you to a hospital," Varon says.

"No, I'll be fine. You know we can't be having identifiable medical records… what if that bi*** tracks me down."

Varon throws a glare but looks at Rem, with pain in his eyes. "This is all absurd, you know."

"Yeah… ten years kiddu. You'll get used too," Rem scrubs Varon's hairs a tad bit aggressively, while smiling.

Varon holds Rem's hand and pulls her closer, while hugging... feeling her body closer to his. Yeah.

But she uses this to sit upon his body while bending to his lips and kissing him. Varon continues this but immediately stops as he hears the main door clicking open.

"Oh, we should stop. I think my roommate is here."

"Oh, good," Rem says and Varon looks at her with a confused look. "I-I mean, it was great and all, and I'd love to continue. But without the lube it is hard."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Varon says with embarrassment.

"That… is a compliment, you know. It means you're huge. Just… requires some external ware too, though. At least olive oil."

"Yeah… I'll be sure to… have some. I don't usually use it, allergic to olive."

"Oof, that must be hard," Rem says, still bending her face close to Varon's… she slowly lifts away. "Well, introduce me to your roommate."

"Yes, sure, but… can we not say we are dating?" Varon asks, and as Rem throws a glare he gulps. "We gave Antonia an alibi saying she is my girlfriend."

"Doesn't Antonia know that we both are dating?"

"I mean… we ourselves didn't officially decide for ourselves so."

Rem chuckles. "Alright, I won't tell Rog either."

They both dress up while I look away… and a knock resounds at the room door. Antonia stands looking at the two, as the door opens.

"Oh, you're here too. I was worried that I didn't hear from either of you. You were supposed to have reached about two hours ago."

Two hours? Don't tell me they… I mean, me and Endal was all a dream, totally no one could go for so long in reality, but these… no way.

"Ah… I think everyone knew the route. So we took a detour to here. No one followed," Rem says.

"I see…" Antonia smiles… and I see her eyes wandering behind the two… and I find the messy bed too. But Rem and Varon don't seem to realise. "So I think you'll stay here."

"Yes… where is it better than a strong hero to help?"

And the main door clicks open once more, and the three face towards it.

"That must be Toni," Antonia says. "Come on then, let's not be strangers."

Rem joins the two in the hall, as Toni enters the room… not aware of what is waiting, looks around… and her eyes fixate at Rem. She had seen Rem's real face, and her recognition was written all over her face in the form of surprise.

"You must be Toni," Rem smiles. "I'm Fay Ruther."

"Rem," Toni says, making me want to spit imaginary coffee.