29. Death by claw (4)

"Excuse me," I draw the café attender's attention, this was the one where me and Adleon had met earlier. "Do you by chance remember me from earlier?"

"Adleon's not here," he blatantly tells. "Out for business, sure must've told you that, Bahlad."

I look around with the corner of my eye, there were still people here.

"If they ever cared for it, there'd be no us. So go back to your apartment on the third floor. He'll be reachable when he wants to be."

I don't say a word and turn behind me… I see Antonia at the distance, walking into the building.

"Tell Adleon he has nothing to worry about funny business," I say, without turning. "I don't like jokes anyway."

I walk out the door with shame… don't like jokes? What the fuck kind of an alibi is that?

I go the way Antonia had gone… far gone, I couldn't see her. Finding the locked door, I rattle my set of keys in it, to open. I allow them a little time to settle, before I barge in. And rather than look inside, I quickly turn and lock the door behind me.

But the sight behind me… was surely not what I could have guessed. Antonia and Varon stood there… alongside a third.

"You must be Toni," Rem says with a grin on her face. "I'm Fay Ruther."

I stand there, shook to move. My mind finally grasps my thoughts and lets me blurt out, "Rem."

Varon and Antonia look between the two of us, while Rem looks unfazed.

"I blame myself for this," Rem sighs. "In this… it is a hero's fault if they can't protect their identity. But all that has an expiry date."

"Oh, I'm sorry for such a sudden thoughtless reply. I don't mean to disrespect," I say.

"That's alright. At least you didn't welcome me with a scar on my face," Rem scoffs, pointing at the scar-mark which I had instilled on her face... quite healed now. Also she was standing freely.

She wouldn't remember me, surely. I couldn't see that recognition in her eyes… or that pity.

"Something on my face?" Rem asks while touching her face.

"No… it's just… great to see you, in person."

"Pleasure's mine," Rem says, making me scoff inside my head. "Shouldn't come as a surprise when I ask for you to not tell anyone, right?"

"Of course."

She was clean enough. I had no purpose to harm her, or give her out to Adleon… just yet.

"She's actually my mother's younger sister," Varon says.

Antonia snorts loudly. "Sorry. Just a lump in nose."

This way, I somehow find my way to my room. And just as I close the door, a knock comes on it.

"Hey, Toni, it's me," Varon calls out.

I open the door and let him in. He searches the floor with his eyes.

"Left something here?"

"No… I was just-well, I don't have access. Only you have the key to the room. If I did too, it'd be wrong."

"Oh well, it'd be understandable."

Varon seems to stare at something behind me, but looks back at me.

"I'm sorry that I brought a guest suddenly. I had no choice. Some far connections and she found this as a best alibi for her here. Of course she isn't my aunt."

"Wait, she isn't?"

"Wait, you brought that?" Varon asks. "Well, I just don't want to freak Antonia. And I can't be lying to you, so… it's fine right? I could request her to stay elsewhere."

"No, it is totally fine," I say. "But… she's going to stay for how long?"

"A week… at a maximum of a month."

"Even the nights?"

"I mean… yeah?"

"I mean… where'd she sleep?"

"Oh…" Varon says and looks back. "Well, I guess I could stay at the couch."

"We both could… like, swap staying at the couch."

"That's nice of you. But unnecessary."

"No, it is fine. I'm serious about it."

"Then the nations have a treaty," Varon says and puts his hand out as if he is giving me a blessing.

I realise a bit late what it was, and slap my hand on his.

"I'm not crazy about the game. I just know references. Just putting it out there," Varon says.


And this way… the first night goes by with me in my room, alive. But at the second night I wake up to Rem standing a feet from me and staring right at me. I jump up and sit.

"Jesus, you scared me," I say, trying to not put out my actual thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was Varon," Rem says.

I stare at her and she stares back awkwardly.

"Right, staring at a person in the middle of the night isn't appropriate, Varon or not. I just wanted to talk about… something."

"Oh, well, he's actually using my room."

"Figures… sorry to scare you, again."

The following morning I ask Varon, when I get a chance. "You sure you don't know her?"


"Well, she's quite close to you," I casually say. "Also, she woke me up last night. Well, not woke me up, but… she wanted to talk to you, and she woke me up by mistake. Well, I woke up."

"Well, she… let me just answer the total by saying that… my line of work kind of entangles... or intersects with hers."


"Well, yes, in a way. And I'm obliged to… help her. With whatever she needs. Even when she's stronger."

"What, like… slaves?"

"Slaves?" Varon looks shocked at the term. "That's a strong word, Toni."

"That's what people in power like to have. And I just want to make sure you aren't considered one."

"But a hero? Why'd you mix up those two things here?"

"Scenario of debate, shall we?" That was a Kurius Cate reference.

"Sure. But be ready for strong rebuttal."

"Hero Cause."

"No… missing and assumed dead. That's just sad."

"You sure know around the topic."

"Done my homework. Isn't too rare of a news."

"How about Fro then?"

"Momentary double agent."

"Oh, I wanted you to say that… Trans then."

"Alright, go for it."

"Not gay."

"Well, okay… but how'd that be relevant?"

"Popularity freak, so how not? Seen with multiple women. Usually common folks."

"Yes, yes. The 'Ballad dancer' case is popular. Don't tell me you buy that though."

"How many guys was he spotted with that way? Surely didn't open about being gay until this 'Ballad dancer' case right?"

"Fair point. But… how is wanting popularity bad? Keeps a hero protected in ways, and undoubted."

"Didn't you complain about him not helping the caught heroes, just the other day?"

"Alright, you got me there. But even if you're right of it… giving you the benefit of doubt that is… can't say all heroes are the same."

"Ready for rebuttal."


"Missing and presumed dead. Didn't you ask me not to bring him up?"

"You'd probably have pointed bad about him. I'm fairly pointing good of a dead candidate. Not wrong. And he died trying to find Terrorizers' secret."

"See, then rebutting would be wrong too. And to be fair here… he never found proof of anything. And I'm NOT saying they don't have a secret or that they are good, different debate. But that he couldn't do anything, in the end."

"Bless his soul though."

"Yeah, he tried. But, clearly shouldn't be talked of here. I can't say my own points."

"Alright. But you need to agree that they try. There are organisations-"

"-to fund them. Yet… there are those of the villains too."

"I can agree that it has turned to a business, in a way."

"Can't you also agree how the money has blinded them? That this would have made their eyes glow. If so… what happens when a villain offers them money? Stage fights, and stay neutral together. And ruling."

Varon just looks at me. "Not bad. Is your job anything to do with this too… perhaps…?"

"Not really. But I have enough information to know that all of them are in the wrong. All of them have something to pay for."

Varon doesn't say a word, and we go by our day without speaking much about… anything at all. Yet we do watch Kurius Cate together. It'd have been awkward if they had aired something regarding superheroes too… but that episode had concluded just two days ago.

"You're here again," the café attender says, as I visit yet again… the first time of three times today. "Well, you're in luck."

As the attender bops his head towards a certain place in the café, I turn and find Adleon's back… him just sitting there on the chair, casually sipping out of a cup.

"Give me whatever he's having. He seems focused," I say to the attender.

Until I sit down in front of Adleon, he doesn't even look towards me. As he puts his cup down, the attender gets another cup and places it in front of me.

"Ah, Toni, you didn't have to," Adleon says, grabbing the cup.

The attender just snickers and walks away.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself."

"Well, a little treat after a successful mission is what does it for me. Alcohol just does the best kick."

"Wait, that was alcohol?"

"No, it is just… some sugary stuff. This is a café, relax. Besides, I can't have alcohol because of my powers," Adleon says and stays silent for a little too long. "The age… doctor says I could get cancer," he shrugs.

"Rem got away," I break the ice.

"Well, she wasn't the target anyway. With her manager out of the picture… she'll go down easy now. She'll fall to her knees."

"So that's what you mean by success…"

"Well, yes. Killing a hero is… hard work. Also no fruit. But getting them for ourselves… it's beautiful."

I feel my stare at him turning into a glare, and try to keep it under control.

"So that's how you deal with the… experienced ones."

"Perfect plan, no? Yet… some are hard to convince. They slip. You'll slowly understand what I mean."

I think I already do.

"How'd you like to take your payment?"


"Weak choice, actually."

"I'll take my chances. I need to get a bathtub ready immediately."

"Sure… but get ready for another mission. Just around the corner. I hear they're holding a honouring for that guy who got into MWAH," Adleon says. "What was his name?"