32. Honour (3)

Author's note:-

Trigger warning: Gore. This is how (Speed) Pack is, and will be. There'd be sudden gore at fights, and I wanted to leave a trigger warning for once, even with the rating. None of this is real, or meant to appreciate such acts. All a fantasy world.

Please let me know if such gore will be a problem or... Let me know any comments on this, either criticism or even a compliment is welcomed. Also, about that ONE (technically two) chapter which had mature content (you know what)... I was thinking of removing it from the face of the Earth, what are your thoughts?


"There are so many of you out there," Adleon says to my Dad… Trans, a hero… who just continues bowing his head to look at the table. "What makes you want to stand out?"

Adleon's hand on my shoulder… I feel it get softer, as various number of soft hairs grow up to my exposed neck. The grasp doesn't change but his animal-like claw roughly holds my shoulder.

"Dad!" I try to call and rush to him… but the hold feels deadly, I could tell even with my primitive knowledge. And Dad still didn't move a muscle… why? He was never one to… stop.

I had been assaulted by a pack of some large lion-like… something, whose name Dad said start with a 'C'. They were so many… but Dad saved me. Then why now?

I thought Adleon lied when he said that I'd see Dad freeze like a statue. Or more like a patient, well-trained dog, in his exact words… ready for its master's command.

"Trans, Trans…" Adleon calmly says and sighs. "We already established over not getting sudden intrusive ideas… but we can quickly come to an agreement, yeah?"

"What… do you want?" Dad asks, in a shaky tone.

"For you to be my bi***."

Dad's head tilts ever so slightly, to his side.

"What was that?" Adleon asks and I feel my shoulder heat up.

"Dad!" I scream and cry.

"Toni," Dad says and looks at me with… teary eyes. Dad… cries too? "Suck it up for once."

The rest of the conversation is foggy, but… I did as I was asked of. I sucked it up.

Then I was asked to stay with this person who made my shoulder bleed. I sucked it up.

Not once… not just my shoulder… I sucked it up. Even with blood-staining my clothes and my body. I sucked it up.

I also sucked it up when they undressed my mother and themselves and… 'enjoyed' her, telling I should take notes. I sucked it up… and watched, even when my mother pleaded for someone to make all this stop.

Adleon did help my mother in the end, because she was unable to suck it up. Unable to take it anymore… she took beating from Adleon's claws, one last time sucking it all up.

And that's how I stood in front of the person who had asked me to suck it up. And he seemed rather surprised that I had made it.

"You sure you don't need a weapon, darling? His sword can cut, unlike Mosquito's stinger," Adleon warns me.

"No worries. I can suck it up," I say.

But in Trans' eyes… I didn't see the recognition of that statement. I didn't see him value it even a little of as much as I did. Almost making me lose my mind.

"Then let the bout… begin!"

Trans holds his sword to his chest and points its tip to me. As I squeeze my eyelids together, he pounces forward… with more speed than he had pounced at, he moves past me – with his sword.

If I had moved even a little, I'd have died… maybe could have healed from it, but that'd have been deadly.

Too bad that I knew him too well… and that his aim was obvious. Also the fact that he couldn't move himself in mid-air.

At this point of time: he probably could transfer his whole body weight into that sword, I'd guess.

Realising that I knew his powers, Trans holds the sword between us… not letting me get close to him. He tries slapping his sword at me a few times, but with his body imbalance – he couldn't strike me.

"This is getting boring," Adleon yawns.

And right at that moment, Trans nods to me and throws his body at me. At one swipe I push his body away, towards Adleon. And Trans knocks Adleon down to the ground.

"Figured it'd be inevitable to drop the act," Trans says, breathing heavily.

Asthma was one side-effect to his powers.

"You!" Adleon says, quickly moving to transforming his body – starting from his arm.

Trans lifts the sword and the sword inevitably seems to drop down with the force of gravity, and cut Adleon's hand. Blood splashes everywhere, as Adleon screams up his lungs.

"You were wrong Adleon," I say.

Adleon looks behind Trans, even with pain in his eyes. I see fear in his eyes, with anticipation, when I approach towards them with claws of a lion - claws of Adleon. But that fear turns into confusion as droplets of blood spills onto him… blood which wasn't his, or mine.

"I do want to cut him from behind," I say, slashing the skin off of Trans' face.

Trans just gasps and hicks a few times. He gets up after I let him go, and turns behind to show me what I've done.

"What… why?" Trans asks, with pleading eyes.

I don't answer, and continue looking at him with nothing in my eyes.

"Toni," Trans hicks, while stumbling towards me – I don't move one inch. "Toni… why'd you do that? Why'd you… hurt me?"

"SUCK IT UP DAD!" I scream with boiling eyes. "FOR ONCE!"

Trans stumbles down with fear and confusion. He tries to look towards Adleon, and find his sword. Yet he only ends up to look at me; as if he's the victim.

"You think I'd be on your side, after all that?" I ask, squatting down to his face level.

"I only wanted to-" he hicks.

"Fuck!" I scream.

I run to the room and find his inhaler. I quickly blow it in his mouth, and slap his back.

"Say it already! Say something! Anything!"

He coughs a few times. I see that his consciousness was fading. He was bleeding out, but he knew such pain. He could hold out, at least for a while.

"It's a cruel world, Toni. And you were but a-"

I kick him in the throat and slam my huge and flat, elephant-like leg on his chest. Turning my upper body into Slit-like, I bite on his hands from left to right, making continuous cuts – letting all of my rage out. With Adleon's claws I find Trans' lower body and do the one thing I had been dying to do since the time I saw my mom begging for it to stop, I knew this was the way to make it stop.

A few words from Trans, almost enter my ears. But I shake my head. I turn back and bash my head onto his.

"Shut up! Suck it up! Know the pain!"

With all my instincts and rage of ages… I find the heavily mutilated body of the person I once called 'Dad'.

"If you're going to kill me," Adleon's voice snaps me out of staring at Trans' corpse. "Just please get it over with."

I just stare at Adleon, sitting there, holding his torn-shoulder with the hand he was left with. He had stopped bleeding.

"I've done it to people. Loads. I don't need to explain. Won't work, would it? But I sure know from long back, that this was going to come back to me. I always had that fear," Adleon scoffs. "Here we are."

"And why would I kill you?" I ask.

Adleon looks at me, wordlessly, and shook. "Y-you… want me to give y-you the reason?"

"No. I'm saying I don't care, about your petty life."

"You'll spare me?"

"You're in a useless state anyway."

"I'll give up my throne. I'll do anything. Just… leave me as I am. I'll do anything."

I scoff, remembering Love-bite's words.

"I don't need your throne," I say and look back at Trans. "I do wish I could kill you."

Adleon stays silent and sits there for minutes, not making one move or utter one word.

"That Mosquito on the other hand… let me end his misery, deal?"

Adleon just nods without questioning me. I wait for him to go fetch Mosquito to come here. I forget time while waiting, but they both reach here… supporting each other.

"Toni… has done it," Adleon says to Buzz.

"Buzz," I say in one pitch, and stand up. "How are you feeling?"

"Well," Buzz says and stares at the sword in my hand. "I'm okay."

Glances of memories pass my mind. Memories which were not mine. But memories which had my face in them.

"What do you think of this?" I ask to Buzz, pointing back at Trans, as I walk towards them.

"Toni…" Buzz shivers in the cold weather. "You don't have to kill me. What did I ever do?"

"I did not," Adleon says, holding Buzz as a shield – neither of them running.

"Take one guess, darling. You already seem to have the smarts."

"Iss… iz-is it because I can't… I can't use… I can't satisfy you… ever?"

"You men…" I say, and place the sword's flat-edge on Buzz's shoulder. "You only think with your lower-half, is it? Caring about the throne you sit, and… wishing so sensitively about your DICKS. I wonder if there is anything else in those brains you carry in your asses."

"D-did Love-bite-?"

I start slicing Buzz's shoulder with the sword, and he whimpers. "Keep going."

"Please just kill me," Buzz… cries.

"Request granted."

I drop the sword and lift Buzz with my one hand, while bridging my height. Adleon just looks down at the floor.

Are they this easy?

"One last thing before you go, Buzz. You won't have the chance or time to guess so," I say, to the guy still trying to stay alive within my grasp. "This is the hand which rules you."