33. Honour (4)

Come to think of it, I didn't see Rem since last night. But… she couldn't have killed a person. But Adleon and Rog… Adleon made sense. And maybe with fury she…

"Holy shit, your hand is bleeding," Toni appears out of nowhere, and holds my hand.

"T-Toni," I say, and she just looks at me with a worried expression. "Trans is dead."

'Claw marks have covered the face of what is being assumed to be Adleon. The missing hands and the mutility, are being narrated as karma for what Adleon has done all his life. But with that kind of a theory for one, it is still unsure of why the private parts of what appears to surely be Trans, is-are missing.'

"Can you stop getting frustrated and hurt about the news?" Toni asks me, as she wraps a strip of bandage cloth on my hand.

"I usually don't cut easy. Don't know how it got so deep."

"Not what I said."

"Alright, I heard you."

Toni looks at me, then back at the TV. "Both worlds losing one of the top is quite a headline of the century."

"It… is impossible. And the worst part is, they are sure it is Trans."

"That… we never know. He could still be alive."

"You're actually right," I say and realise. "Then it could also not be Adleon."

Toni nods with acceptance, and sighs. "I understand your work-line is a bit inclined to this, but… let's keep our sanity away from the work, yeah?"

I just throw a raw smile.


Keep sanity and work separate? What in the world… YOU are one to talk. What in the world is… I knew she had the rage but that was… Varon, do something about her! I just knew it was someone who knew who you are…

Wait, could I be sure on that? It could be Rem, or Antonia… okay, maybe not Rem, we can rule her out.

Or! It could be THAT person. Right. This story was of three roommates.

But then… why the fuck do I see most of this in Toni's viewpoint? Author-… oh never mind, you don't know either.

Shit, it couldn't be that… it couldn't. It shouldn't.

Why me? I need to know.


"I'm glad we didn't go. But I'm quite worried, I didn't hear from Rem or Antonia, from last night."

"It must've happened after the event. And they found two MALE bodies. Don't worry. Rem is… she has powers. They'll be fine."

"I sure hope so," I sigh… I shouldn't have just left them there. "And what do you think of him?"

Toni looks at me clueless-ly, but instantly seems to realise what I meant. She stares at the news again.

"He did okay," she says, making me feel a little relieved. "Kind of a dick-move. He did okay… even if it may have just been a show-off."


"It's nothing… I just don't want to accept his intention. But sure is something… just won't conclude what yet."

"I wonder…" I say and click my lips. "How heroes can even…" I chuckle awkwardly, "do it alone."

"I think…" Toni says, and looks at the floor. "Some heroes fly, some run, some teleport or what not, but… they all end up at one place. For good or bad."


I don't get it. I don't get you.


"Oh my god, you're okay," I say, and put Antonia in my arms' grasp.

Holding her this way… I feel like I'm forcing her, especially being in front of Toni, where she couldn't deny my hold.

"Yes…" Antonia says and taps on my back, so I let her go. "You… missed… me?"

"Are you okay Antonia?" Toni asks. "That event which you and Rem went to… became a mess. Trans and Adleon died."

"What in the fuck?" Antonia asks out loud, and puts her hand on her mouth… either in shock or to not say anymore.

"Oh yeah, where is… Rem?"

Antonia looks at me, and seems to back away a bit. "Oh yeah, she… left."

"Oh… alright."

Back at my room, Antonia hands me a letter from Rem.


Dear Varon,

I respect what you did. And I respect what your response of an act was. What a show. But I think in the end… I do not belong there. Not now. Maybe not ever. So, I hope you find someone better to lay with, rightfully.

I have unattended business now. With Rog gone now, and my country left alone… I need to be sure everything is fine. I maybe even will go find myself, and find me someone to lay with. Someone who could match your strength and determination, but in progressive. Someone I can grow with.




"What a show," I read, still holding the letter.

"I'm sorry but, I can't look past… someone to lay with," Antonia sighs. "Sudden but, did you guys fu-…function… as a relationship?"

"I should have told you, I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to. And I thought it was a bit obvious."

"She's thirty-two, I think. So… you think?"

"Well, it was just the time she was here. We never… okay, just a kiss on the cheek before that."

"When she was here? Did Toni know?"

"No, I told her that… my work is related to heroes."

"Just like that? And you think she is dumb to not get doubts?"

"I think she has better work to do."

"Okay. Sure. But… can we get back to the part where Rem is thirty-five?"

"You just increased by three there."

"I said I'm unsure. Just made a new guess."

"Alright, well… she dumped me, so hell with that."

Antonia looks at me, and calms down by a bit. She sits by my side.

"Don't even," I sigh and move a bit away from her.

"Did she say anything which could've been a problem for the relationship? Did she… how often did you guys… you know?"

"It wasn't that, or anything nearly that. She-she… did you not read the letter?"

"Oh… someone like you, so you must've been good."

"Not that part," I sigh.

"Oh-oh, you not taking the award! She… feels guilty? I mean she's a solo, what does she have regrets of?"

"Like I know…"

"Right, okay."

"Well… she said it is hard being the only hero of a place. She has regrets, okay?"

Antonia snorts loudly, and controls her laughter.

"Trans is dead…" I remind Antonia. "I thought that maybe… you would be hurt. Or that… Rem caused it."

"What, why?"

"Well she had… regrets regarding him too. Something about his wife, daughter… she said that Trans was hiding a past. Adleon threatened Trans using his family, and Trans abandoned them."

"Abandoned? How do you mean? Did he leave them in Adleon's hands?"

"Yes… Trans… Adleon wanted to control him. And Trans left the care, thinking… he put his work first."

Antonia doesn't say anything, and looks away.

"I won't be affected by that, ok?"

"No, I know."

"I… would have done something. If that happened. I won't… abandon you."

"No, I don't… mean that."

"Okay… and also… I didn't mean to do that. That hug… I'm sorry. That was sudden and me forcing the breaking of boundaries and personal space."

"We literally talked of your sex life. I think a hug isn't extravagant."

"What does extravagant mean?"

"Something along the lines of inappropriate. What… is your first language?"

"Not English."


"And also, I'd prefer we not do that again either. You know… just… yeah?"

"I'm your personal manager and assistant."

"As a hero."


"Well, why'd… those are two different things."

"To some heroes their sex life plays an important role. Not just mentally but… physically… like… power-wise too."



"And you think mine could be that?"

"Need to find out," Antonia shrugs.


Okay, why are you hitting on him? The fuck is with this story? I better go check on that one.



"Thank you for sparing me, Toni," Adleon says.


Wait, this... is last night. We are back with Toni and Adleon... On a boat? That's a bit dramatic.


"You don't have to thank me," I say. "I was just scared."

"I've realised today that it is okay to be scared."

"No… our fears are for different things," I say and neatly take out the knife from Adleon's gut.

"Oh," Adleon says, finding his wound. "I'll see you in hell then."

"You'll be kneeling down to me, when you reach there."

I give a push to Adleon's body, and it falls.


That knife feels familiar... Did she shape Trans' sword? And her movements have become faster. Was this even last night?


"Him?" a voice reaches me. "This weak thing took my husband from me?"

"The mastermind… I took care of the one who brought him."

"I told you I needed him!" Naag-rani, the serpent-queen, Slit's 'lover'… holds me by my throat.

"His hands are in that box," I say, being unfazed.

She let's me go, looking a little apologetic.

I wonder what I should call her, just Naag-rani?

"You can," she says, and looks into my eyes. "Call me that. I'd prefer it."

I nod with a bow.

"Why help me?"

"Are you confused as of to why I reached out, when he clearly asked for the kindest heart there?"

Naag-rani avoids my eyes. "Not that… it was just a general question."

"I knew no one else would."

Naag-rani nods and looks at Adleon.

"What do you wish to do with him? Not like I care."

"I'll let him live," Naag-rani says, and I stare at her - with a lump in my throat. "Our people believe that… what we do in this life, we get back in the next. But… some deeds require repentance at the bloom."

"And the hands?"

"More of a metaphor," Naag-rani chuckles. "Taking the hands of someone who took someone from you. I'll probably just feed it to the hungry."

"Alright then, I'll be on my way. I'm supposed to be at house tonight, all night."

"You're wrong, Einya King," Naag-rani says and I look at her. "I wasn't there that night. And you may have fought him, but… I think you've a kind heart. But with chaos on mind."

I continue staring at her, trying to make sense. "What did you just call me?"